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Change Log - Layered Navigation

  • 2.8.2
    Released 01.03.2024
    * Fixed error on running setup upgrade command
  • 2.8.1
    Released 10.01.2024
    * Removed plugin error
    * Fixed issue with displaying unavailable attributes in filters
    * Fixed issue with filtering products by 'NEW' on category pages
    * Fixed issue with displaying bundle products after applying a filter by child-products's attribute
    * Fixed issue with discrete price slider increments on different categories
    * Fixed issue with price filter application
    * Fixed issue with Additional Sorting options when 'Sort By' is selected manually
  • 2.8.0
    Released 01.12.2023
    + Compatibility with the Smile ElasticSuite module
    + Option to switch the logic from OR to AND within a filter for the Smile ElasticSuite module
    + Refactoring of the filter edit form in the backend
    * Fixed issue with re-indexing
  • 2.7.0
    Released 02.10.2023
    + Subcategories on the Search Results page
    + Image customization for attribute names within the website scope
    * Fixed issue with the 'Submit' button when scrolling through the Manage filters page
    * Fixed issue with displaying out-of-stock products at the top of categories
  • 2.6.0
    Released 20.07.2023
    + Option to add URLs with certain attributes to the Sitemap
    + Mass Action: Change position of the filters
    + Mobile-friendly design of the price slider
    + API support (PWA ready)
    + GraphQL update
    * Fixed issue with price filter when it is applied on Store View with 2 values
    * Fixed issue with displaying "Show X Items" Pop-over opposite the applied filter
    * Fixed issue with direction of sorting search results
    * Fixed issue when selecting a price filter with the highest option
  • 2.5.0
    Released 11.04.2023
    + Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6
    + Improved rounding logic for calculating precision per each numeric filter
    + Hide attribute when only a single facet is available
    * Fixed issue with rounding decimal filters
    * Fixed issue with price filter
    * Fixed issue with sorting search results by Relevance when AJAX enabled
    * Fixed issue on the Catalog pages for Magento 2.4.6
  • 2.4.1
    Released 07.12.2022
    * Fixed issue with displaying the “User ratings” filter on the category page without products
    * Fixed issue with the default 'Sort By' parameter when 'Remember Category Pagination' enabled
  • 2.4.0
    Released 24.11.2022
    + Product list sorting options (Global Sorting Direction)
    + Bundle product filtering improvement
    * Fixed issue with some filters after deleting the store
  • 2.3.5
    Released 20.10.2022
    * Fixed issue with the Magento Live Search compatibility
    * Fixed issue with the sale filter support for bundle products with dynamic price
  • 2.3.4
    Released 20.06.2022
    * Fixed issue with displaying the Currency Symbols if slider is used for the price
    * Fixed issue with displaying Hint near the "Tooltip" field
    * Fixed issue with the Numeric attribute slider
    * Fixed issue with searching a filter value
    * Fixed issue with slider if filter starts from 0
    * Fixed issue with filtering Slide with the text field
    * Fixed issue with displaying the Meta tags in the console if Ajax is enabled
    * Fixed issue with sorting
    * Fixed issue with the namespace of the Scroll event
    * Fixed issue with changing the Price filter after re-applying on the second storeview with another currency
  • 2.3.3
    Released 30.05.2022
    * Fixed issue with slider on the category page
    * Fixed issue with installation process
  • 2.3.2
    Released 18.03.2022
    *Fixed issue for Magento Marketplace
  • 2.3.1
    Released 02.03.2022
    +Fixed MDVA-43395 and MDVA-43443 vulnerabilities
    *Fixed issue with the price filter
    *Both boundary values of Slider can be expanded after applying filter
    *Price range from max to max value can be selected using Slider
    *The selected price range is converted incorrectly after switching the currency
    *Filter doesn't work if filter options have different values per Store view
  • 2.3.0
    Released 13.10.2021
    + Code optimizations of SEO friendly URLs logic
    + Display a filter only in chosen categories
    + Show disabled facets as grey and move them to the bottom of the list
    + Add selected filters to the sidebar
    + Scrolling usage depends on block height

  • 2.2.0
    Released 22.09.2021
    + Possibility to add tooltips to filters
    + Search attribute values on a filter level
    + Review Rating filter
    + Web API update
    + GraphQL update
    + Push out-of-stock products to the bottom of a category
    * Fixed issue with the price filter when using multiple currencies
    * Fixed issue with custom URL rewrites
    * Fixed issue with swatches.css in Magento 2.3
  • 2.1.7
    Released 30.04.2021
    + Remember position when navigating back to the Category page
    * Fixed issue with saving attributes with swatches
    * Exceeded value of PHP max_input_vars occurs while saving an attribute
    * Products are filtered without regard to the currency set in the store
    * It's impossible to go back to the 1st page with pagination
  • 2.1.6
    Released 20.01.2021
    * Fixed issue with ESI injection vulnerability
    * Category has two meta titles in the page markup
  • 2.1.5
    Released 17.11.2020
    * "Hide filters with no available values" configuration does not work
    * PHP error on wrong filter attributes in URL
    * Fixed issues with sorting and pagination
    * Price with "-0.01"value is displayed in the "Price" filter
    * Empty popup is displayed if hover on Text/Visual Swatch attribute value in the filter
    * Selected attribute values are not in the focus on the Category page
    * Layered navigation has an incorrect view if selected 1 column layout
    * Saved swatch values are not displayed in the swatch management grid
    * Empty popup is displayed if hover on Swatch with image or color value in the filter
  • 2.1.4
    Released 08.09.2020
    + Compatibility with Magento 2.4
    * Fixed issue when configurable products' attributes become unavailable after editing some filters
  • 2.1.3
    Released 07.07.2020
    * Fixed issue when preselected attribute values are not selected at product page
    * Default values aren't displayed on "Edit filter" page
    * Incorrect value is displayed in the Category List Style dropdown
    * Some filters are not displayed correctly when changing SEO-Friendly URL
  • 2.1.2
    Released 23.04.2020
    * Fixed issue with slow load time when multiple LN filters are selected
    * LN is not displayed if there is an attribute set to 'Filterable (No results)'
    * 'Sort' option does not sort numeric values
    * Filters don't work correctly with hash in URL
    * LN 1.9.3 - Varnish gets disabled for product list when using AJAX
    * Fixed issue with decimal filter when actual range from 0 to 1
    * SQL error when swatch is added for visual swatch on "Edit Filter" page
    * Blank page appears while trying to click the "Compare" button in admin
  • 2.1.1
    Released 05.11.2019
    * Text swatch attribute values are removed after disabling corresponding LN filter
    * Fixed issue when LN numeric filters are not compatible with all native product attributes from sample data
    * Declarative schema implementation adjustments
  • 2.1.0
    Released 16.10.2019
    + Added slider option for a numeric attribute
    * Fixed issue with "Manage filters" grid
    * Fixed issue with "Slider Behaviour" option
    * Search page is empty when "Use in Search" option enabled
    * Fixed issue when Magento deletes LN filters after disabling-enabling of module
    * Slider and Inputs don't work if "Use slider = No" in global module settings
    * Unable to delete a selected decimal filter from a query
    * Range radio-buttons don't work if "Use attribute value instead of ID" option is enabled
  • 2.0.0
    + Module code refactoring
    + Images for Attribute values
    + Images for Attribute names
    + Added alt for the filter title image
    + Ability to edit native swatches within AW LN filter edit form
    + Option for the slider to switch from continuous to discrete mode
    + Hiding popover on outside click

  • 1.9.3
    Released 12.03.2019
    * Meta Description is missing on category pages
    * Fixed issue with flat catalog category
    * Layered Navigation shows out of stock products upon filtering
    * Fixed issue with sorting by position
    * Product images are updated only if size is selected
    * Category filtering doesn't work correctly with the enabled 'SEO-friendly URL' option
  • 1.9.2
    Released 11.01.2019
    + Magento 2.3 compatibility
  • 1.9.1
    Released 10.08.2018
    * Aheadworks Product Labels compatibility
  • 1.9.0
    Released 03.04.2018
    + Aheadworks Advanced Search 1.0 integration
  • 1.8.0
    Released 12.03.2018
    + Horizontal filters bar
    * Fixed issue when AdBlock affects Layered Navigation blocking processor.js
    * "Category" filter doesn't work on Storefront in some cases
    * Design improvements
  • 1.7.1
    Released 13.02.2018
    * Fixed issue with layout for categories
    * Swatches are not displayed on search page
  • 1.7.0
    Released 29.12.2017
    + Additional categories displaying mode: "Single path" option.
    + Per-filter configuration pages
    + Per-filter option to choose where to display a filter
    + Per-filter "Default filter state" (expanded or collapsed) option
    + Attribute values sorting
    +"Show X more" instead of scrollbars
    + An option to clear selected values in a filter in one click
    + "Hide filters with no available values" option
    * Price range updating issue
    * Price filter SQL optimization
    * Incorrect quantity of products displayed
    * Custom attributes of 'price' type doesn't comply the setting
    *Back button of browser resets the page
  • 1.6.2
    Released 19.10.2017
    * Identical operator issue
    * Refactoring of unit tests to fit latest PHPUnit and magento 2.2.x
    * Magento 2.2.0 compatibility adjustments
  • 1.6.1
    Released 17.08.2017
    * "Clear All" action in the bar Firefox issue
    * Error when trying to disable product
    * Issue with autoscrolling to top after filtering
    * Page parameter is not reset after filtering
    * Search page with high number product speed improvements
  • 1.6.0
    Released 25.05.2017
    + Option "Hide filters with no available values"
    * Price range is not updated
    * Filters do not work if the attribute value starts with a number value
  • 1.5.0
    + SEO Friendly
    + An option to see a list of all selected filters in one place
    * Problem with Non-Anchored categories
    * "Show X Items" pop-over isn't configured per store view
    * Automatic scroll up on pagination
    * Compatibility with SBB by AW: "Show X Items" pop-over shows incorrect items qty at brand page
    * Incorrect SQL when Flat Product index is enabled
    * LN is not respecting the core option for not showing products counts after the label
    * Incorrect SQL when sorting by Product Name applied
    * Incorrect display currency symbol for Swedish locale
  • 1.4.0
    Released 20.02.2017
    * An ability to see product counts for each layered navigation filter
    * Compatibility with AW Shop By Brand
  • 1.3.1
    Released 22.12.2016
    * Sometimes products are filtered incorrectly when "Enable Ajax" option is enabled
    * Categories without products are not displayed in LN
    * Can not select multiple price ranges
  • 1.3.0
    Released 12.12.2016
    + Price Slider + From-To inputs
    * Fix broken static tests
    * Price filter is gone when price step option is configured for category
  • 1.2.1
    Released 14.10.2016
    * Magento 2.1 composer.json compatibility
  • 1.2.0
    Released 05.10.2016
    + An option to disable "Show X Items" pop-over
  • 1.1.0
    Released 02.09.2016
    + Full AJAX support - no page reloads upon displaying search results
    + Code refactored: optimized code, shorter expressions, outdated approaches removed, full compliance with Magento 2 requirements, extension covered with unit tests, AJAX productivity increased over 5 times
    + Styles rewritten using LESS: navigation block and popover colors may now be adjusted
    * Long calculation time
    * "404 Not Found" error in console
    * Fatal error on Magento 2.1.0
  • 1.0.2
    Released 04.08.2016
    * Error running DI compile
    * Layered navigation is not shown at Storefront Magento EE
  • 1.0.1
    Released 11.04.2016
    * https protocol issue
  • 1.0.0
    Initial release 01.03.2016

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