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Change Log - RMA

  • 1.8.2
    Released 05.03.2024
    * Fixed error on creating a return
    * Fixed error on upgrade
  • 1.8.1
    Released 27.11.2023
    * Fixed issue with query optimization for big data
    * Fixed issue with the "Submit Request" when the "Policy Block" option is active
    * Fixed issue with changing the Names of Statuses on the backend
    * Fixed issue with the scroll when many statuses are created
    * Fixed issue with custom product price in the Automation rules
    * Fixed issue with extension update
    * Fixed issue with Advanced Reports integration
    * Fixed issue when a user opens a return with a deleted product
  • 1.8.0
    Released 08.09.2023
    + Automations notifications
    * Fixed issue when trying to open a downloadable file from the RMA Request
    * Fixed issue in the admin panel when creating RMA request
    * Fixed issue with primary key
    * Fixed issue with displaying RMA information in the email
  • 1.7.1
    Released 29.03.2023
    + Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6
    * Fixed issue with rendering the 'Select Order to Create RMA' table If a customer has many orders
    * Fixed issue when switching to the "My Returns" tab for Magento 2.4.6
  • 1.7.0
    Released 28.09.2022
    + Making request without attaching it to an order
    + Print RMA labels with RMA History included
    + Web API update
    * Fixed issue with displaying products in the created request
  • 1.6.2
    Released 07.07.2022
    * Fixed issue with installing Sample data
  • 1.6.1
    Released 09.06.2022
    + Compatibility with Magento 2.4.4
    * Fixed issue with module installation for Magento 2.4.4
  • 1.6.0
    Released 09.06.2022
    + Added the date of the order in the RMA overview
    + Added Custom field that would allow customers to upload (and see) images
    + Provided management options to select when option type becomes mandatory to fill in
    + Separate management for the same items in the order with different return reasons
    + Custom field specification dependencies
    + Reporting functionality
  • 1.5.2
    Released 28.03.2022
    +Declarative schema upgrade
  • 1.5.1
    Released 18.02.2022
    *Fixed issue with coupon code generator rule selector
  • 1.5.0
    Released 08.09.2021
    +Integration with Help Desk Ultimate
  • 1.4.11
    Released 28.06.2021
    * Improved compatibility with M2 Company Accounts
  • 1.4.10
    Released 08.02.2021
    * Data is not filtered in 'Text Field' Custom Field
    * Page breakes if the 'Custom Field' filter is used on Manage RMA
    * Dates are wrong on the Request page after the interface locale has been changed
    * Refund and Reorder buttons aren't shown on the Request page
    * Return request isn't created after creating a "multiselect" custom field
    * Back button isn't displayed on the Request page
    * Minor design issues for iPad tablet view has been fixed
  • 1.4.9
    Released 17.08.2020
    * Error appears during compilation (Magento v.2.3.4 )
    * Magento 2.4 compatibility fixes
    * Fixed issue with wrong dates in RMA comments on locale change
    * Emails are sent in default locale language only
    * Composer installation issue
    * Error occurs when CSV is exported
    * Fixed issue with request creation if there is "Text area" custom field
    * Redirection to 'Manage RMA' page after cliking 'Save and Continue Edit' button
  • 1.4.8
    Released 14.02.2020
    * Error appears while clicking "Edit" option for address changing (Magento v. 2.3.4)
    * Minor design improvements
  • 1.4.7
    Released 31.01.2020
    * Improved compatibility for Magento Open Source v.2.3.2
    * Error occurs during compilation
  • 1.4.6
    Released 20.01.2020
    * Fix issue for Magento Marketplace
  • 1.4.5
    Released 09.12.2019
    * Fix for Magento Marketplace
    * Fixed issue with Canned Responses status
  • 1.4.4
    Released 18.10.2019
    * Error occurs on an attempt to open an order page
    * Fixed issue with grids opening in Admin
    * Error message appears on Refund/Replacement page if "Add Secret Key to URLs" is enabled
  • 1.4.3
    Released 09.10.2019
    * Fix for Magento Marketplace
  • 1.4.2
    Released 02.10.2019
    * Magento EQP tests fixes
  • 1.4.1
    Released 06.09.2019
    * Error message appears when custom fields with types "Text Field, Text Area" are created
    * Error message appears when only one status is enabled
    * Wrong currency is displayed with multi-site setup
    * The wrong email template is used while the multi-store view is activated
    * "Here" e-mail link leads to Dashboard when "Secret Key to URLs" option is activated
    * "Create New Return" link has a guest path when signed in customer clicks it
    * Disabled statuses are displayed in "Actions" dropdown on "Manage RMA" page
    * Fixed issue with columns' displacing
    * Incorrect shipping total is applied when a new order is created
    * Incorrect product qty is available to a request after refunding
    * "Set to..." button remains to be dropdown when one status is available
    * Fixed issue with 'Issue refund' status editing
    * Order of statuses differs on "Manage Request", "New request" pages when priority is changed
  • 1.4.0
    Released 04.06.2019
    + Custom Statuses
    + Status Priority
    + Option to disable a status
    + Custom fields can be tied to actions
    + Non-linear workflow
    + RMA data export to CSV/Excel
    + Option to disable custom fields
    + Print RMA label from the backend
    + RMA Tab at backend customer page
    + Improved process of creating a replacement order for admin
    + A "Back" Button on Credit Memo page
    + Integration with Coupon Code Generator
    + Minor usability improvements
    * Unnecessary commas in the address on frontend
  • 1.3.1
    Released 27.02.2019
    + Magento 2.3 compatibility
    * Security improvement (removed serialize() and unserialize() functions from the code)
    * MySQL errors when Magento tables have a prefix
  • 1.3.0
    Released 20.04.2018
    +RMA requests creation from the backend
    +Canned Responses functionality
    +'Returns section' on the Order View page
    +Internal notes for admins in the RMA thread
    +'Create Credit Memo' and ‘Return to Stock’ options available from the RMA Request page
    +RMA requests migration tool (M1>M2)
    +Design improvements
    +Extended API
    *Fixed issue with the requests saved by admins
    *Label PDF formatting issue
    *Error appears in the console if RMA and ET are set
  • 1.2.1
    Released 08.11.2017
    *Fixed issue with "setup:upgrade" command execution
    *Stability and speed improvements
    *Fixed issue with RMA request when custom fields are disabled
  • 1.2.0
    Released 01.11.2017
    + Web API support
    + RMA auto-approval
    +Magento 2.2 compatibility
    * Extension refactoring
    * Design improvements
    * Email template improvements
    * Unit tests
  • 1.1.0
    Released 17.08.2017
    * Incorrect behavior when email cannot be sent
    * Translation issue
    * Email template improvements
    * Manage RMA order filter issue
  • 1.0.5
    Released 10.11.2016
    + Improved UX when create new request
    + Added ability to add values for system custom fields
    + Added ability to hide existing values of system custom fields
    * Fixed issue when default value of custom fields was ignored
    * Fixed security issues
    * Fixed bug with mobile page view
    * Fixed issue with data integrity when a customer deleted
  • 1.0.4
    Released 14.10.2016
    * Magento 2.1 composer.json compatibility
  • 1.0.3
    Released 26.07.2016
    * Namespace for LocalizedException class is not specified
  • 1.0.2
    Released 13.07.2016
    * Stability and speed improvements
  • 1.0.1
    Released 15.04.2016
    * Database tables with prefix issue
  • 1.0.0
    Initial release 27.04.2016

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