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Change Log - Store Credit and Refund

  • 1.2.2
    Released 06.05.2024
    * Composer update
  • 1.2.1
    Released 15.08.2023
    * Fixed issue for Magento Marketplace
  • 1.2.0
    Released 01.08.2023
    + GraphQL Support
    + Module logic refactoring
    * Fixed issue with searching and filtering clients by Name and Surname
  • 1.1.11
    Released 07.04.2023
    + Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6
    * Fixed issue with a limit on manual transactions
    * Fixed issue when trying to add store credit by Admin
  • 1.1.10
    Released 06.06.2022
    + Compatibility with Magento 2.4.4
    * Fixed issue with creating a transaction in Admin for Magento 2.4.4
    * Fixed issue with navigating to the Customer Account for Magento 2.4.4
  • 1.1.9
    Released 28.03.2022
    +Declarative schema upgrade
    *Fixed issue with balance rounding in transactions grid
  • 1.1.8
    Released 06.08.2021
    +OSC 2.0.0 design integration
  • 1.1.7
    Released 15.02.2021
    * Redirection does not happen after clicking "Customer name"
  • 1.1.6
    Released 31.08.2020
    * Speed improvements
  • 1.1.5
    Released 19.08.2020
    + Compatibility with Magento 2.4
    * Fixed error on compilation when using PHP 7.3
    * Fixed issue when points are reimbursed twice on orders cancellation via MassActions (Magento v. 2.3.4)
    * Minor design improvements
  • 1.1.4
    Released 24.02.2020
    * Store Credit is reimbursed multiple times on pressing 'Cancel' order button in admin
    * Error appears when trying to manage a 'Newsletter Subscriptions' page in a customer account
    * Error occurs while trying to create a new transaction (with more than 9 websites)
    * Fixed issue when Totals sorting doesn't work on frontend
    * Installation error occurs when using PHP 7.3
    * Translation improvements
  • 1.1.3
    Released 28.01.2019
    * Magento 2.3 compatibility
  • 1.1.2
    Released 06.12.2017
    +Integration with One Step Checkout from Aheadworks
    *Lifetime sales value becomes negative if discount covers Shipping in order
    *Store Credit is not issued when you cancel order from Orders grid
    *Block with Store Credit discount is not shown on product page in some cases
    *Design improvements
  • 1.1.1
    Released 10.04.2017
    * Incompatibility with AW_RewardPoints: SC subscription block doesn't appear at "Newsletter Subscription" page
    * SC subscription message appears even if SC subscription isn't changed
  • 1.1.0
    Released 22.03.2017
    + Additional column in the Transactions grid
    * "Comment To Customer" filter doesn't work correctly at Transactions page
  • 1.0.1
    Released 24.02.2017
    * Top link balance issue
  • 1.0.0
    Initial release

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