Change Log - Blog
2.21.4Released 22.11.2024
* Fixed issue with GraphQL package installation -
2.21.3Released 29.07.2024
* Fixed issues with reindex
* Fixed some security issues -
2.21.2Released 03.07.2024
*Fixed loader visibility under post images when the image is transparent.
*Corrected timezone-related display issues for comments.
*Resolved error when creating a new category on the post page.
*Fixed issue where a newly created category on the post page cannot be added without page reloading.
*Addressed issue preventing post saving after opening the category creation page.
*Fixed inability to save a post after creating a new category.
*Corrected index invalidation issues.
*Fixed missing/ non-functional ACL rule for Tags.
*Ensured related products are shown on the post page.
*Standardized the image uploader used across the platform. -
2.21.1Released 16.05.2024
* Fixed issue with title displaying on navigation menu on Admin
* Fixed issue with saving blog content using WYSIWYG editor
* Fixed issue with creating author and category
* Composer update -
2.21.0Released 14.02.2024
+ Tag management, including mass actions and SEO settings for each tag
* Fixed error during installation
* Fixed issue with deleting last tag from post
* Fixed issue with displaying featured post on the blog page
* Fixed issue with page title separator
* Fixed issue with URL spaces when tags are saved -
2.20.0Released 01.02.2024
+ Added Featured post filter for Posts Grid
+ Moved Import and Export configurations to native Magento Import and Export pages
* Fixed issue with notifications when entering an invalid value in the "Remove the web copies of the emails older than X days" field
* Fixed issue with blog indexer on a multithread processor
* Removed constraints from 'aw_blog_product_post' table
* Fixed error during compilation
* Fixed issue with loading after creating a Featured Post -
2.19.0Released 11.12.2023
+ Inline input validation for the URL key field
+ Image uploader behavior unification
+ Option to choose a content editor
+ An option to create a category and Author right from the blog post
* Fixed issue with the export of CSV-file filtered by author -
2.18.0Released 09.11.2023
+ OpenSearch support
+ "Recent posts" behaviour improvement
+ Added several authors to one post -
2.17.2Released 10.10.2023
* Fixed issue with WYSIWYG validator -
2.17.1Released 20.09.2023
* Fixed issue with displaying the Newest/Oldest sorting on the preview page -
2.17.0Released 04.09.2023
+ Elasticsuite support
+ GraphQL update: getting post page and category page
* Fixed issues with GraphQL
* Fixed issue with validation in the "Quantity Of Related Posts" field
* Fixed issue with displaying different quantity of comments on the Post page
* Fixed issues with validation -
2.16.0Released 11.08.2023
+ Other comment tool
+ Built-in Comments Settings
+ Built-in Comments grid
+ Adding a Comment from the Frontend
+ Reply to a Comment on the frontend
+ Adding a Comment from the backend
+ Email notifications
+ Reply to a Comment from the backend
+ Added 'Cancel' button
+ Unsubscribe link in emails
+ Mail Log
+ Email notification subscription management
+ 'Remove the web copies of the emails older than X days' option
* Fixed issue with the Exception triggering when calling "bin/magento config:show"
* Fixed issue in the webapi.xml path
* Fixed issue with exporting and displaying the number of posts
* Fixed issue with loading images
* Fixed issue with deprecated Curl:setConfig for Magento 2.4.6 -
2.15.2Released 17.03.2023
* Fixed issue for Magento Marketplace -
2.15.1Released 17.03.2023
* Fixed issue with the post creation for Magento 2.4.6
* Fixed issue with the category creation for Magento 2.4.6 -
2.15.0Released 29.11.2022
+ GraphQL update
+ Display Posts on the frontend in a grid view
+ Lazy Load functionality support
* Fixed issue with compilation for Magento 2.4.4
* Fixed issue with the image path when using custom Admin URL
* Fixed issue with validators on the backend -
2.14.0Released 12.09.2022
+ Filter and sort posts per store view at admin
+ Default Featured Image (Placeholder) for the blog posts
+ Featured Image link to a specific website on the post page
+ Web API update
+ GraphQL update
* Fixed issue with two relations in the table "aw_blog_product_post" -
2.13.4Released 17.08.2022
* Fixed issue with installing the Blog module for Magento EE 2.4.5 -
2.13.3Released 01.08.2022
+ Web API update
+ GraphQL update
* Post can't be published when End Date is empty
* Error on compilation when MSI module is deleted
* Blog comment count not displayed in post list page and search page
* Migrated posts without filled in "meta description" field are not shown at Storefront -
2.13.2Released 26.05.2022
+ Option to set the end date for the posts
* Fixed issue during the module installation
* Fixed issue with the post search
* Fixed issue with Magento 2.4.4 compatibility
* Fixed issue with dragging the post image
* Fixed issue with symbols in the post content -
2.13.1Released 07.04.2022
+Declarative schema upgrade -
2.13.0Released 17.02.2022
+Export the blog data
+Add Author block to posts
*Paging URLs are not displayed correctly
*Website requested wasn't found
*Fixed issue with posts gird view on an author page
*Fixed issue with default grid views in Posts grid
*Fixed issue with social icons on a blog page -
2.12.0Released 22.12.2021
+ CMS Blocks In Categories support
+ AW Blog post/product association index refactoring
+ Allow managing canonicals on blog pages
+ "Related Products" toggle
* Slash post suffix does not appear in URL Rewrites
* Fixed issue with an unfriendly error appearing on the Blog page after switching store views
* Fixed issue with magento_csp module affecting social icons display
* Fixed issue in console when loading featured image
* Cannot be added to sitemap together with AW FAQ extension
* Add some strings for translation -
2.10.1Released 05.10.2021
+Speeded up Blog index: websites processing
+Speeded up Blog index: rules processing
*Fixed issue with "status" label absence on creating/editing post page
*Fixed issue with missing titles on the Content tab
*Fixed issue with displaying Post Preview without content after clicking the "Preview" button
*Fixed issue with displaying Popup with error on creating/editing post page after clicking "Preview" button -
2.10.0Released 08.09.2021
+Added Blog post duplication functionality
+Possibility to create Blog posts with the same URL-key
+Responsive images support
+Refactor mass post saving
*Fixed issue with installation error occurs if database tables prefix is set
*Fixed issue with the blog search indexer, that doesn't take into account indexer mode -
2.9.2Released 13.08.2021
*Serialize error with enabled FPC were fixed
*Fixed issue with a background image on the category description
*Open Graph meta description looks like a mess in posts
*Fixed issue with the invalid link to the sitemap
*Fixed issue with not displayed image on the author's and category page
*The Related Products block displays disabled products -
2.9.1Released 26.07.2021
*Fixed issue for Magento marketplace -
2.9.0Released 23.07.2021
+ Search posts via Elasticsearch
+ Web API update -
2.8.1Released 11.06.2021
* Fixed issues for Magento Marketplace
* Fixed issues with blog routing logic
* Json error occurs on category tree when apostrophe is used in category name
* Saving a Blog post does not change the "modified date" column
* Editing/creating new categories in the admin panel on the stage starts endless loading
* Content isn't displayed as a required option on Post page in admin -
2.8.0Released 23.02.2021
+ PWA Studio support
+ GraphQL update
* Fixed issues with Page Builder reproduced on Magento EE
* It's impossible to preview a post if there is a lot of content in Page Builder
* HTML code is not converted for category description
* Fixed issue with Wordpress import
* Fixed issues on the Edit Category and Authors pages -
2.7.4Released 23.10.2020
* WebAPI update
* Unit test updates for Magento 2.4 -
2.7.3Released 30.04.2020
* Fixed issue when underscores are added to meta title
* Obsolete 'Page Title Separator' option removed from configuration -
2.7.2Released 24.04.2020
* Fixed issue when related Products are shown incorrectly in Slider Block Layout
* Non-existent URL didn't return 404 page -
2.7.1Released 04.03.2020
* Error appears while trying to delete an author
* Cache is flushed for all product on post save -
2.7.0Released 14.02.2020
+ Option to preview post in admin
+ Category image and description
+ Multiple SEO-related improvements and enhancements:
- Multiple Meta tag improvements
- URL-related improvements (suffixes, redirects, default page title separator)
- Canonical meta tag enhancements
- JSON-LD markup for blog posts
- Option to disable SEO-related options (for managing with third-party extensions)
* Excessive trailing slash in the home page URL
* Blog tab is not shown on Product page if layout is set to full width
* Endless progress bar on attempt to save a new post with an existing URL
* Text element in Page Builder behaves incorrectly in blog post edit page -
2.6.4Released 28.10.2019
* Category tree is not loaded if some root category was deleted
* Fixed issue with breadcrumbs
* Fixed issue when recent posts images are broken in Internet Explorer 11+ -
2.6.3Released 22.10.2019
* Fixed issue with opening 'Blog Posts' page in admin
* Fixed issue with Pagebuilder (Magento 2.3.2)
* Fixed issue when Author info can't be saved
* 'Assign to Author' action doesn't work in "Posts" grid -
2.6.2Released 10.09.2019
* Error occurs during reindexing in some cases
* Minor UI improvements
* Fixed issue when 'How to set it up' link isn't available in the admin panel -
2.6.1Released 28.08.2019
* Stability and speed improvements -
2.6.0Released 29.05.2019
+ Category hierarchy (Subcategories)
+ Post Author pages
+ Mass action: Assign posts to an author
+ Twitter account settings moved to Author page settings
+ LinkedIn and Facebook links for author
+ Previous/Next links on the article pages
+ Posts counter in blog tab on product pages
+ Meta Titles
+ Option to hide Blog from the main navigation menu
* Minor fixes and design adjustments -
2.5.0Released 15.04.2019
+ Related Posts
+ Thumbnails for Recent Posts and Blog Posts
+ GraphQL
+ PageBuilder support
+ Speed improvements
* Data migration tool does not consider the option "Access to blog articles segmented by customer groups"
* Image upload error -
2.4.7Released 20.12.2018
*Fix for Magento Marketplace -
2.4.6Released 17.12.2018
*Fixed vulnerability which allows a remote code execution via unserialize().
*Magento 2.3 compatibility
*Fixed issue with image uploading
*Several websites affect the display of related products in a post -
2.4.5Released 11.12.2018
+Category filter option at post grid filter panel
*Fixed issue when admin is unable to create a post with non-default Twitter Site Account or Twitter Post Author Account -
2.4.4Released 12.10.2018
*Fixed issue when Blog categories do not appear in a sidebaridebar -
2.4.3Released 09.2018
+Uninstall script
*Fix for Magento Marketplace
*Related Products issue in EE installation (Magento 2.2.5) -
2.4.2Released 07.09.2018
*Fixed issue with configurable products creation
*Magento 2.2.5 compatibility -
2.4.1Released 10.04.2018
*Speed improvements -
2.4.0Released 09.04.2018
+Post image implementation
+Twitter Cards and Open Graph support
+Categories added to the sidebar
+Category is included into the URL structure
+Canonical URL management and tag implementation
+Access to blog articles segmented by customer groups
+Integration with BlueFoot for Magento Commerce
+New lines added to CSV
*UI improvements
*Canonical URL option is displayed by default
*Category sidebar cannot be disabled
*Post data is lost in case some errors appear while saving the post
*‘Related Products’ block doesn't work with several ‘category’ conditions
*‘Related Products’ block, which contains configurable products only, isn't shown on a post page
*Slow performance issue
*Fixed issue when formatting of imported posts is broken
*Impossible to use extension attributes
*Varnish compatibility improvement
*Fixed issue when a post cannot be saved without selected categories
*Data migration tool compatibility with Magento 2.2.2 -
2.3.2Released 18.10.2017
* Magento 2.2.0: compilation issue
* Unit tests with new PHPUnit issue
* Magento 2.2rc: Only posts with empty date are saved -
2.3.1Released 19.07.2017
* Wordpress posts import publish date issue
* Direct usage of $_FILES Superglobal has been addressed -
2.3.0Released 27.06.2017
+ 'Update' post button
* Blog migration tool improvements
* Request to SOAP wdsl issue
* Related products option issue ('Invalid From Key') -
2.2.0* SEO-Friendly post URLs improvement
* Import blog posts from WordPress
* Add mass-actions to grid -
2.1.0+ Recent blog posts widget
* Scheduled post doesn't appear at Storefront when FPC is enabled
* Empty Blog meta description
* Meta description is shared to Facebook
* Faq urls are not generated in sitemap.xml if Blog is installed
* Sidebar with "Recent Posts" isn't shown at post page
* Bookmarks don't work at Posts page
* Post statuses colors should be different -
2.0.1Released 20.02.2017
* Can't create blog post at Magento 2.1.3 CE
* Blog route isn't taken into account when sitemap.xml file is generated
* SEO issue on post page
* Module settings page is absent at Role Resouces page -
2.0.0Released 14.11.2016
+ Related product block can be displayed on blog post pages
+ List of blog posts where a product was mentioned can be displayed on product page
+ Migration Tool (M1 > M2 Blog extension by aheadWorks data migration)
+ Unit tests
* Minor bugfixes and stability improvements -
1.0.2Released 12.10.2016
* Updated composer.json to reflect magento 2.1 dependencies -
1.0.0Initial release 27.06.2016
Released 24.11.2021+ Import blog data
+ Pin featured posts
+ Insert Magento widgets into Blog pages
+ Disable images in the Recent Posts block
+ Disable Author visibility on the frontend
+ Web API update
+ GraphQL update
* Design can be broken when a category is dragged
* List of posts is not loading with limited user role
* Unable to import WordPress authors
* Incorrect buttons behavior if clicking the Preview button
* Category title is duplicated in the breadcrumb
* Fixed issue with the Content and Short content section on the Edit/Create Post page [Magento CE v2.3.7]
* Tags disappear from the Edit Post page after saving changes
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