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Change Log - Customer Attributes

  • 1.2.0
    Released 23.08.2023
    + API support
    * Fixed issue with displaying Customer Address Attributes on the Multiple Addresses checkout
    * Fixed issue with the customer attribute "date" that is always set as default in the backend order creating page for Magento CE v.242
    * Fixed issue with displaying "Image" and "File" customer address attributes on the shipping checkout page
    * Fixed issue with the absence of a field for the "Text Area" attribute for filtering on the All Customers page
    * Fixed issue with an empty column for a created attribute on the Orders page
    * Fixed issue due to which the 'Display on Forms' setting overrides the default values
    * Fixed issue with reindex
    * Fixed issue with custom attribute in the email template
  • 1.1.3
    Released 30.06.2022
    + A field “Read-Only on Front-End“ has been added
    * Fixed issue with overlaid Google ReCaptcha on a button
  • 1.1.2
    Released 24.03.2022
    +Declarative schema upgrade
    *Created customers are not displayed in the grid
  • 1.1.1
    Released 01.10.2021
    *Fixed issue with the checkbox on the checkout page
  • 1.1.0
    Released 06.08.2021
    +Integration with OSC
    *Impossible to edit address attributes
  • 1.0.4
    Released 11.06.2021
    * Data disappear when sorting is applied
    * Fixed issue with attribute types
    * It's impossible to place an order with required customer address attribute
    * Fixed issue with customer attribute in the Customers grid
    * Layout is broken when input type is switched
  • 1.0.3
    Released 30.07.2020
    * Fixed issue with export
  • 1.0.2
    Released 06.11.2019
    * Error occurs on the Storefront when "Display on Forms" = "Customer Address Registration"
    * Error appears in an attempt to manage relations in an attribute
    * Fixed issue when address attributes cannot be modified by admin with limited permissions
    * Error occurs when altering Multiple line attribute
    * The array *customAttribute* in shipping-information is not passed when the shipping address changes
    * Attribute value is not saved when creating an account
    * "Use in the Orders Grid" and "Show on the Order View Page" options can't be set to "No"
    * Customer Attributes with "Input Type" = "File", "Image File" aren't displayed in the Orders grid and Order View Page Customers
    * When Customer Attribute with "Input Type" = "Date" is created, "Minimum Value" and "Maximum Value" options change into current date
    * When order is created in Backend and "Date" attribute is filled in, data aren't displayed in Orders grid
    * Unnecessary options are shown on "Customer Address Attribute" page
    * Fixed issue with customer creation if customer date attribute is set by default
    * Incorrect default date is shown in an address attribute on Checkout page
    * Default values aren't shown in customer address attributes if create an order in Admin
    * Fixed issue when required customer attribute doesn't work correctly
    * All dependent attributes are shown even if they don't relate to current option of the dropdown
  • 1.0.1
    Released 28.08.2019
    * Fix for Magento Marketplace
  • 1.0.0
    Released 12.08.2019
    * Initial release

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