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Can your extensions be localized?

Yes, almost every text string in all our extensions is a translatable label, which can be turned into any language you like via Magento native translation methods.

For Magento 2 modules:
The default translation file for US locale is located on the following path: [magento2_root]/app/code/Aheadworks/[extension_name]/i18n/en_US.csv
For Composer installation, the path would be different: [magento2_root]/vendor/aheadworks/[extension_name]/i18n/en_US.csv

It would be required to do the following:

- create a copy of the CSV file in the target directory;
- rename it to the required locale, de_DE for example;
- make a translation of the second part of each line, using standard translation method;
- save the changes and flush cache afterwards.

For Magento 1 modules:
You can do the translation either via the Inline translation tool (it is available here: System > Configuration > Developer > Translate Inline), or via *.csv translation file, as described below:

By default, our products come in US English, so to translate an installed extension via *.csv file, you will need to do the following:

  • navigate to [magento_root]/app/locale/en_US/ folder on your server, and find the extension's .csv file (AW_***.csv);
  • copy this file to your current locale folder ( /app/locale/[your_locale]/ );
  • open the new file in a text editor ;

Magento language files are stored in CSV files of the following structure:

"source string","translated string"

To do the translation, leave the "source string" entry unmodified, and change the "translated string" to your text.

After you save the translation file, please, do not forget to flush the store cache.

NOTE: if a text contains an apostrophe or quotes, make sure to add a backslash before those symbols, so that  Magento could properly recognize them, for example:

"Start date can\'t be greater than end date","Start date can\'t be greater than end date"

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