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Change Log - Rich Banner Slider

  • 1.5.2
    Released 13.05.2024
    * Composer update
  • 1.5.1
    Released 06.10.2023
    + Possibility to upload images for tablet devices
    + Block repository refactoring for API support
    * Fixed issue with the page when all slides in selected banner are disabled
  • 1.5.0
    Released 31.05.2023
    + Web API support
    + Refactoring
    + Cumulative Layout Shift prevention
    + Prioritized loading the slider as the first element on the page
  • 1.4.8
    Released 05.04.2023
    + Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6
  • 1.4.7
    Released 06.03.2023
    * Fixed issue for Magento Marketplace
  • 1.4.6
    Released 06.03.2023
    * Fixed issue with export
  • 1.4.5
    Released 24.10.2022
    + GraphQL support
    + Refactoring of the old statistic table
    + Migration script
    + Refactoring: removing references of the deprecated phpunit classes
    + Specifying of the supported PHP versions
    + Restriction of access to the emails list per admin role
    + Refactoring: getting rid of inheritance of the deprecated controller classes
    + Adding a record of emails of those who clicked on the banner
    * Fixed issue with showing up the scheduled banners when Fastly CDN caching is enabled (MCCloud)
    * Fixed issue with uploading a Mobile Image File
    * Fixed issue with console after uploading a Desktop Image File
    * Fixed issue with Slider in the Internet Explorer 11
  • 1.4.4
    Released 30.06.2022
    + Declarative schema upgrade
    * Fixed issue for Magento Marketplace
    * Fixed issue with saving page without editing additional sections
  • 1.4.3
    Released 08.06.2022
    + Compatibility with Magento 2.4.4
    * Fixed issue with installation for Magento 2.4.4
    * Fixed issue with the creation of "New Banners" for Magento 2.4.4
  • 1.4.2
    Released 22.03.2022
    +Declarative schema upgrade
  • 1.4.1
    Released 21.06.2021
    * Slider Images are blurred on iPhone
    * Reindex error occurs after a new product is created
    * Empty content error is fixed
    * Banner is shown on product pages only on the Website ID #1
    * All banners for different product pages are displayed on every page
    * Slides filter doesn't work on the Edit Banner page
  • 1.4.0
    Released 12.02.2020
    + Additional Design Components (Overlay Content)
    + Different slider images for desktop and mobile
    * When size of screen is squeezed, there's pudding under slider
    * Error appears in console if store db contains prefix
    * Error appears in console every time after switching slides
    * Fixed issue with 'Show Url' option
    * Fixed issue when banner with the slides isn't shown on Storefront
    * Sort order of slides in banner doesn't work correctly
    * Slides are shown incorrectly if random order is enabled
  • 1.3.0
    Released 13.12.2019
    + Integration with Customer Segmentation
    + Frontend Refactoring
    + Lazy loading of slides
    * Conditions with "ANY" clause don't work correctly
    * Fixed issue with position filtering in Slides grid
  • 1.2.2
    Released 06.11.2019
    * Fixed issue with grids opening in Admin (Magento v.2.3.2)
    * Improved compatibility with Aheadworks Add Free Product to Cart
    * Error appears in an attempt to create banner or slider
    * Fixed issue when selected sub-category isn't saved on a banner page
    * Incorrect work of Display Images in Random Order option
    * Speed improvements
    * Fixed issue when "Clicks" Statistics aren't changed
    * Magento EQP tests fix
  • 1.2.0
    Released 31.10.2018
    +'Aheadworks Blog Home Page' banner position
    +'Priority' configuration option for banners
    *Performance improvements
    *Fixed issue with slider loading in Mozilla Firefox (v.57.0.2)
    *Fixed problem when extension creates 302 redirects in developer tools
    *Slider load improvement
    *Unable to choose subcategory for 'Catalog Pages' banner position
  • 1.1.5
    Released 17.10.2017
    * Magento 2.2rc: Error during setup:upgrade
    * Issue with statistics for banners with custom position
    * Extension attributes issue
  • 1.1.4
    * Compatibility with AW Popup: Slider is not shown in Popup
  • 1.1.3
    Released 22.03.2017
    * Dates issue
  • 1.1.2
    Released 30.12.2016
    * Error appears when trying to save banner at Magento v2.1.3
    * Banner doesn't appear at Storefront if Layouts is disabled at Cache Management page
    * Rich Banner Slider causes page titles to move to bottom of page
    * Impossible to create a new slide when single-store mode is enabled
  • 1.1.1
    Released 14.10.2016
    * Magento 2.1 composer.json compatibility
  • 1.1.0
    Released 07.10.2016
    + Extension now supports custom position
    * Errors during compilation
    * Error occurs after running deploy
    * Banner is broken at Storefront if banner is set as custom widget
    * iOS-specific bug
    * Endless progress bar at 'Slides' grid
    * 'Edit Banner' grid issues
    * Wrong sorting by Layout Position in 'Banners' grid
    * Refactoring - Compatibility with FPC without cacheable="false"
  • 1.0.0
    Initial release 26.07.2016

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