Change Log - Social Login
1.7.4Released 25.04.2024
* Composer update -
1.7.3Released 10.04.2023
+ Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6 -
1.7.2Released 08.06.2022
+ Compatibility with Magento 2.4.4
* Fixed issue when logging into personal account using Facebook -
1.7.1Released 15.04.2022
+ Declarative schema upgrade
* Fixed issue with buttons displayed in 3 columns in the Login popup -
1.7.0Released 10.11.2021
+ Integration with the SOSC extension
+ Instagram integration is removed
* Fixed issue with duplicated group IDs in system.xml
* Fixed issue with API keys being not encrypted
* Website scope ACL is not working on Magento EE
* Error when configurations are opened [Magento 2.4.3]
* Some design issues
* Impossible to login via Odnoklassniki
* Impossible to login via Pinterest -
1.6.3Released 14.05.2021
* Fixed issues with duplicated group IDs in system.xml -
1.6.2Released 01.06.2020
* Fixed issues with Instagram integration
* Improved VK integration -
1.6.1Released 09.07.2019
+ Linkedin compatibility improvements
+ Per Store settings
* Stability and speed improvements -
1.5.1Released 05.10.2018
+Multistore support
*Fixed issue with redirect to previous page after login -
1.4.3Released 16.11.2017
* Magento 2.2 composer.json compatibility -
1.4.2Released 14.11.2017
*Magento 2.2: Social Network buttons aren't shown on Storefront -
1.4.0+ Login via PayPal
* Facebook login issue -
1.3.0Released 20.02.2017
* Login via
* Login via -
1.2.0Released 01.11.2016
+ Login via Pinterest -
1.1.1Released 26.10.2016
* Magento 2.1 composer.json compatibility -
1.0.1+ Instagram added as a login option
+ Compatibility with Magento 2.1.0 -
1.0.0Initial release
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