My Cart

Change Log - Advanced Subscription Products

  • 3.9.0
    Released 03.06.2024
    *Integration with Avalara
  • 2.24.0
    Released 25.03.2024
    + Grouped products support
    * Fixed issue with displaying shipping methods for subscription orders
    * Fixed issue with changing shipping method in second subscription during merge
  • 2.23.1
    Released 21.02.2024
    + Adobe Payment Services 3D Secure support
    * Fixed issue with the extension operation with Adyen v 9.0.4
    * Fixed issue with purchasing free subscriptions through Adobe Payment Services
  • 2.23.0
    Released 30.11.2023
    + Move subscribed customers to another group
    + PSI Gate payment integration
    * Fixed issue with creating the subscription order on another store
    * Fixed issue with canceled subscription without renewal possibility
  • 2.22.1
    Released 03.10.2023
    * Fixed issue with updating the quantity of child products
    * Fixed issue with Recalculation Totals with a fractional discount amount
    * Fixed issue with displaying an incorrect start date for Trial Payments when the fee is enabled
    * Fixed issue with the subscription start date after changing the next payment date
    * Fixed issue with Fixed Product Tax after changing the Shipping Address in a subscription
    * Fixed issue with displaying an incorrect date for regular payments in a new subscription
    * Fixed issue with the "Retry Failed Transaction" option
    * Fixed issue with 3DS and CVV checks with Braintree
  • 2.22.0
    Released 18.08.2023
    + GraphQL update
    + PayPal Payflow Pro Support
    + GraphQL additional endpoints
    * Fixed issue with creation of the upcoming_billing notifications for regular payments if reminder is disabled for trial period
    * Fixed issue with the ability to purchase a subscription for NMI
  • 2.21.1
    Released 18.07.2023
    + A block "We recommend Adobe Payments" has been added to the Store Configurations
    * Fixed issue with payments made from the card with Stripe when subscription payment fails
    * Fixed issue with showing subscription details automatically when a subscription selector is a dropdown
    * Fixed issue with rounding
    * Fixed issue with Adyen Notifications Overview when a customer changes CC in the subscription profile
    * Fixed issue with subscription details when subscription has free trial period
    * Fixed email templates on Magento 2.4.5-p1
    * Fixed issue with saving AuthorizeNet CIM Expiration Date of CC
    * Fixed issue with generating subscription orders when a product in subscription doesn't exist
    * Fixed issue with Stripe Cron
    * Fixed issue with tax not applying to recurring orders
    * Fixed issue with creating subscription when paying with Adyen vault
    * Fixed issue with changing subscription payment details to PayPal
    * Fixed issue with adding some strings to CSV file
    * Fixed issue with displaying PayPal button on product page and mini-cart
    * Fixed issue with default values selection on Sarp2 Reports
    * Fixed issue with placing order on Stripe when sarp2-stripe is installed

  • 2.21.0
    Released 26.04.2023
    + Integration with Adobe Payment Services
    * Fixed issue with the subscription price on the product page when changing products number
    * Fixed issue with the 'Place Order' button if a gift card is applied and covers the full amount
  • 2.20.0
    Released 17.04.2023
    + Hide canceled subscriptions option
    + ‘Allow Adding Products To Subscription’ functionality
    + Skip one product from the next payment option
    + Retry failed transaction option
    + Quick view of subscription from category page
    + 'Add to Nearest Subscription' button in mini-cart
    + BCC to admin function
    + Some changes related Email Settings
    *Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6
    * Fixed issue with the ability to update product attributes via mass actions
    * Fixed issue with the ability to change the Next Payment Date for Magento 2.4.6
  • 2.19.3
    Released 03.01.2023
    + Integration with Authorize.Net CIM by ParadoxLabs
    * Fixed issue with Stripe free payments
    * Fixed issue with changing Braintree CC to Paypal in the guest subscription
    * Fixed issue when editing subscription products from the shopping cart page
    * Fixed issue with the "Subscription Profile ID" link in merged order if there are 2 identical subscriptions
    * Fixed issue with the status of subscription for AuthorizeNet CIM
    * Fixed issue with sending successful billing emails for AuthorizeNet CIM
    * Fixed issue with purchasing any products via Multishipping Checkout
    * Fixed issue with displaying an alternative payment method in the Order Confirmation emails
  • 2.19.2
    Released 13.12.2022
    * Fixed issue with the inability to cancel/renew Subscription created by other company's members
  • 2.19.1
    Released 31.10.2022
    * Fixed issue with applying the Fixed Product Tax
    * Fixed issue with Paypal
    * Fixed issue with inability to change CC to Paypal
    * Fixed issue with the incorrect display of the Next Order amount for recurrent payments if Cart Price rule is enabled in Recalculation of Totals
    * Fixed issue with saving payment
    * Fixed issue with an inability to remove applied Store Credit from Checkout if there is Subscription
    * Fixed issue with an inability to make a Reorder with Subscription on the Storefront
    * Fixed issue with Stripe if Payment action - Authorize Only is selected
    * Fixed issue with the product page if customer tried to edit an Out-of-stock configurable product
    * Fixed issue with an Alternative Payment Methods in the Adyen version
  • 2.19.0
    Released 11.10.2022
    + Dashboard: Analytics&Metrics
    + MRR Report
    + MRR Widget on Dashboard
    + Lifetime value (LTV)
    + Average revenue per customer (ARPC)
    + Number of active subscribers
    + Churn rate
    + Growth rate report
    + No guest checkout for orders with subscription product
    + Added translations related to the Sarp2 Reports in CSV file
    * Fixed issue with calculating the Number of Active Customers if there are several store views/websites
    * Fixed issue with calculating the Recurrent Qty for merged orders in Initial Vs Recurrent Sales
    * Fixed issue with showing reports of AR module instead of Sarp2 Reports in the Dashboard dropdown menu
    * Fixed issue with calculating New subscriptions in the "Number of Active Subscribers" report
  • 2.18.2
    Released 29.08.2022
    * Fixed issue with Adyen 3D Secure 2 regular product
    * Fixed issue with the membership date after update
    * Fixed issue with compatibility with Adyen 8.2.0
    * Fixed issue with considering the price of each separated link in the Order Grand total for the downloadable product
    * Fixed issue with charging recurrent payments improperly if "Customer Group price" is set up only for one group for the Recalculation of Totals
    * Fixed issue with applying the Cart Price discount on the recurrent payments if it is set as fixed amount discount for the Recalculation of Totals
    * Fixed issue with applying the Catalog Price rule on the recurrent payments for the Recalculation of Totals
    * Fixed issue with Link to Subscription profile in the Order details
    * Fixed issue with with rounding
    * Fixed issue with Link to the Subscription profile in the Order details
    * Fixed issue with changing the Next payment day to "Today" if the offset in days is set up
    * Fixed issue with the subscription's end date in previous recurrent orders
    * Fixed issue with Reorder with Subscription from the backend
    * Fixed issue with failing the Recurrent payments for credit cards with 3d secure
    * Fixed issue with displaying the incorrect prices if try to update the product options
    * Fixed issue with creating subscription with a Fee after adding to the nearest Subscription
    * Fixed issue with the incorrect value for the base_cost column in sales_order_item table
    * Fixed issue with the incorrect totals in cart if a special price is used and a custom option is added in the subscription product
    * Fixed issue with adding the remaining subscription periods to extended subscription
    * Fixed issue with the incorrect subscription details in the backend after cancellation
    * Fixed issue with creating subscription with zero total
    * Fixed issue with Adyen 7.2 during compilation
    * Fixed issue with merging same-day subscriptions in one order
    * Fixed issue on the Subscription page when Admin tries to edit guest Shipping Address
    * Fixed issue with the incorrect dates in Order and Subscription profile after purchasing Subscription with Trial period
    * Fixed issue with the refund payment
    * Fixed issue with the installments mode for downloadable products with 0 price
    * Fixed issue with considering the downloadable product options in Subscription
    * Fixed issue with the incorrect Trial Plan Due Date after running cron
    * Fixed issue with products appear on the Category page with Bundle product
  • 2.18.1
    Released 15.07.2022
    + Integration with Stripe 3.0.0
    + Initial vs Recurrent Sales Report
    * Fixed issue with Magento Marketplace
    * Fixed issue with arraying to String Conversion Error when card gets declined
    * Fixed issue with payment after the renewal of the subscription for membership
  • 2.18.0
    Released 24.05.2022
    + Recalculation of totals
    * Fixed issues for Magento 2.4.4
    * Fixed issue with the "New Plan" page
    * Fixed issue with changing payment method on the Subscriptions page
    * Fixed issue with creating a subscription plan with repeated payments
    * Fixed Configuration Settings links on the Plan page
    * Fixed issue with the tooltip in the "Last Order Grand Total" column on the Subscriptions page
    * Fixed issue with Product name in email notifications
  • 2.17.3
    Released 15.04.2022
    + Declarative schema upgrade
    * Fixed issue with compatibility with Adyen 8.1.0
  • 2.17.2
    Released 25.02.2022
    *Fixed issue with all Subscriptions cancellation if all customer's subscriptions were canceled from his account via mass actions
    *Fixed error when changing the subscription product with Customer Attributes integration
  • 2.17.1
    Released 07.02.2022
    + Add Subscription ID to Order details
    * Admin can view guest subscriptions of new customer
    * Link to the Customer's account is absent on the Subscription page (backend)
    * Guest subscription from one Website is displayed in the Customer's profile from another website (backend)
    * Nearest Subscription: Next payment amount is calculated incorrectly after purchasing a Subscription with regular products
    * Fixed issue with the Storefront plan title shown in the dropdown on the Subscription Plan page
    * Some strings are added to CSV file
  • 2.17.0
    Released 07.02.2022
    + Place subscription orders from the Backend
    + Change the Subscription Plan from the Backend
    + Edit Shipping address from the Backend
    + Edit Product quantity from the Backend
    + Edit configurable products from the Backend
    + Delete Products from the Backend
    + Change the Next Order Date from the Backend and check it in the Subscriptions grid
    + Add a link to the customer's account in their subscription profile
    * Start/End Subscription dates are not changed in the previous orders
    * Fixed issue with daily subscriptions run an hour later each day
    * Fixed issue with promo products not added to the cart with subscription
  • 2.16.1
    Released 07.12.2021
    * Fixed issue with incorrect subscription status after canceling a subscription with the enabled Membership
    * Fixed issue with incorrect price rounding
    * Emails fail if bcc recipients are listed with a space
    * Reminders about next billing aren't sent to customers
  • 2.16.0
    Released 25.10.2021
    +Generate free subscription from the backend
    +Cancel subscriptions generated from the backend
    +Create dummy offline payment
    +Generate secure link to provide access for customers to edit subscription
    +Admin can generate notifications for free trial subscriptions
    +Admin can control secure link settings from the backend
    +It is possible to show the Guest Customer the secure link to his Subscription Profile on the Success Order Page
    *Fixed issue with an error when trying to change card details in Braintree by Gene
    *Fixed issue with impossibility to purchase the free subscription via Braintree by Gene
  • 2.15.3
    Released 24.08.2021
    * Fixed issue for Magento Marketplace
  • 2.15.2
    Released 19.08.2021
    *Fixed issue with PayPal (Braintree) when trying to place an order
    *Fixed issue with unable to add product in admin Magento 2.4.3 Commerce (EE)
    *Fixed issue with different currencies
    *Fixed issue with bundle products: Special price/tier price is considered in Subscription even if the "Use Product Advanced Pricing" option is disabled
  • 2.15.1
    Released 02.08.2021
    +Cancel subscription when CC was deleted from the vault
    +Support CreditCard, GooglePay, ApplePay for AdyenPayments 7.0.0
    *Adyen: Error occurs during compilation
    *Fixed issue with fatal error on the category page after deleting the subscription plan
    *Fixed issue with fatal error after deleting the saved card
    *Fixed issue with incorrect currency on the Category page after switching store view
    *Fixed issue with the hide "edit plan" link for Subscriptions with "Pending" status in nearest subscription
    *Fixed issue with the starting date that isn't changed for the added subscription in the nearest subscription
    *Fixed issue with the incorrect "Each Payment" after expiring Subscription in the nearest subscription
    *Next payment amount is incorrect after adding product to nearest subscription
    *Impossible to renew a subscription for a product, enabled for the specific store view
    *Unfriendly error appears in the browser console if add subscription product to Cart
  • 2.15.0
    Released 14.07.2021
    + Add Products to Existing Subscription
    + Web API update
    + GraphQl update
    * Fixed issue for Magento Marketplace
    * Error on Subscription profile page after adding the products to the Subscription
    * Error messages when changing payment details
    * Error on the frontend when plan with an active subscription is deleted
    * Trial price is not included in a Subscription Total after adding the product to the Subscription
    * Non-subscription product is still shown in the Subscription after purchasing
    * Fixed issue with "Remove" link
    * Product qty isn't included in Subscription Total in Cart
    * Product added to subscription is still shown in Cart on Magento Commerce v. 2.4.2
    * Fixed issue with incorrect product addition to the Nearest Subscription
    * Fixed issue with Subscription cancellation after adding Simple Product to already existing virtual subscription
    * Fixed issues with data presentation on the Subscription Profile page
    * Mistakes with trial payment price and possible plans presented on the frontend
    * Uninstall script does not remove information from the profile id sequence tables
  • 2.14.0
    Released 03.05.2021
    + Bundle product type support
    + Grouping Cron jobs
    * Unable to renew subscription because of a problem with payment method
    * Billing failed emails not sent to defined admin
    * Error appears if order is refunded online using Stripe
    * Probelm with refunding
    * Impossible to purchase a free subscription using Adyen if "Terms and Conditions" option is enabled
    * Translation csv file update
    * Incorrect external url in email from different store view
  • 2.13.1
    Released 06.04.2021
    * Fixed issue with Authorize.Net on Magento 2.4.1
  • 2.13.0
    Released 22.03.2021
    + Adyen 3D Secure 2 support
    + Payment or shipping failure alerts for Admin
    * Fixed issue with Stripe 3D Secure supports
    * Subscription is failed if shipping method isn't available
    * Product Price isn't updated when product has been updated on the Subscription page
    * Fixed issue with currency
    * Fixed issue with payment methods on Magento 2.3.6
  • 2.12.0
    Released 15.02.2021
    + Advanced Pricing support (Special, Group and Tier prices)
    + Free Shipping for Subscriptions only
    + Additional columns for Plans grid
    + An option to hide cancellation link
    * It's impossible to add a subscription product to the cart from Recently Ordered products
    * Fixed issues with Stripe v2.3.0
    * Fixed issues with One Step Checkout compatibility
    * Fixed issues with Confirmation emails for recurring orders
    * Payment information is not shown automatically if only one method is on the Checkout page
    * Fixed issue with sampler
    * Incorrect behavior while setting up a subscription for configurable products
  • 2.11.2
    Released 25.11.2020
    + Membership expiration date has been added to subscription profile
    + Web API Update
    + GraphQL Update
    * Fixed issue with Stripe credit card
    * Product qty is not considered in "Change Subscription" page
    * Confirmation emails for recurring orders are not sent
    * Product object loads in loop
    * Fixed issue with a different currency on another store
    * Subscription plan details aren't shown for infinite payments on "Change Subscription Plan" page
    * Fixed issue with creating an order in the backend
  • 2.11.1
    Released 04.09.2020
    + Compatibility with Magento 2.4
    * Fixed issue when guest can't purchase virtual product/subscription with Paypal via Braintree
    * Payment method labels of recurrent payments are not displayed in the order grid
    * Fixed issues with Native Paypal by Braintree
    * Improved support of Stripe payment method
  • 2.11.0
    Released 30.07.2020
    + Authorize.Net official module support
    + Adyen Google Pay Support
    + Adyen Google Pay Sampler Support
    + Adyen Apple Pay Support
    + Adyen Apple Pay Sampler Support
    + Additional Action buttons for Plan page
    + Additional columns for 'My Subscriptions grid' (Trial Plan Due Date, Last Payment Date)
    + Selected Payment Method in Order Details is displayed now when Subtotal is 0
    + Extended subscription period details feature
    * Removed ZEND dependencies
    * Fixed isse when start date of regular payments is incorrect for infinite subscription
    * Stripe 3d secure card does not work if grand total = 0
    * Trial payment doesn't consider all products in Subscription
    * Incorrect Start Date is shown after changing plan
    * Error appears while attempting to open Order page
    * Subscription fails after deleting saved credit card
    * Interner Explorer v. 11 js error occurs on product page with drop-down

  • 2.10.1
    Released 30.07.2020
    * Composer update
  • 2.10.0
    Released 22.06.2020
    + GraphQL support
    + Adyen CC support
    + Improved price display
    + Fixed compatibility issue with Aheadworks Net 30

  • 2.9.2
    Released 12.05.2020
    * Fixed issue with incorrect duplication of product
    * Improved payment method support
    * Subscription billing successful email isn't sent to customer
    * Magento 2.3.5 compatibility issues
  • 2.9.1
    Released 04.05.2020
    * Fix for Magento Marketplace
  • 2.9.0
    Released 24.04.2020
    + Added feature to edit product options and quantity within an active subscription permanently
    + Added feature to edit product options and quantity for the next order only
    + Web API update
    * Improved compatibility with Aheadworks Gift Card
    * Fixed issue when changes aren't applied to subscription products after plan switching
    * Minor design improvements
    * Magento 2.3.4 compatibility issues
  • 2.8.0
    Released 23.03.2020
    + Dropdown for subscription plan options
    + Upgraded extendLink variable for email templates
    * Fixed issue when incorrect date of the next payment is shown
  • 2.7.0
    Released 04.03.2020
    + Configurable length of trial period
    + Option to extend subscription in 1 click
    + REST API
    + Admin can now control how many attempts to charge a failed subscription should be done. (previously that option was hard-coded)
    * Error occurs when Magento_AuthorizenetAcceptjs module is disabled
    * Billing information id displayed incorrectly when Cash On Delivery is used
    * Problem with free trial when Stripe is used
    * Minor problem with tooltip on frontend
    * Paypal logo is displayed in minicart even when Paypal is disabled
    * Incorrect first payment price is displayed in cart for certain plan configurations
    * Compilation error on Magento 2.3.0
  • 2.6.0
    Released 31.01.2020
    + Customer can reactivate previously canceled subscriptions
    + Added 'free trial period' option
    + A subscription price is shown on categories and pages for subscription-only products
    + Option to remove a product from an existing subscription
    + NMI payment support
    + “Installments mode” for custom product option
    + Email notification about canceled subscription
    + Option to add a hint for subscription options on frontend
    + Subscription price includes the price of custom options selected on a product page
    * Fixed issue with credit card details editing when OSC enabled
    * Fixed issue when redundant payment option is added to a New Order page in backend
  • 2.5.1
    Released 15.11.2019
    * Fixed issue with Paypal via Braintree
    * Magento 2.3.3 compatibility issues
    * Error occurs when Braintree module is disabled
    * Improved compatibility with Internet Explorer v.11
    * Blank page is opened in an attempt to edit "Payment Details" on Subscription page
    * Fixed issue when Subscription Plan isn't shown in "Next Billing Email Reminder" Template
    * Fixed issue with a free subscription purchase when using native Braintree payment
    * Error appears in an attempt to edit "Payment Details" on Subscription page
    * Fixed issue with a mixed cart order creation when using "Cash On Delivery" payment
  • 2.5.0
    Released 17.09.2019
    + Authorize.Net support
    + Cash on Delivery support
    * Plan name is not updated properly on frontend after switching to another plan
    * Rest API issue fix
  • 2.4.0
    Released 09.09.2019
    + Stripe payment method support
    + 'Plans' sort order
    * Fixed issue with subscription's canceling when the next payment should come
  • 2.3.3
    Released 13.08.2019
    * Fixed issue with switching between payment methods (Credit Card and PayPal)
  • 2.3.2
    Released 31.07.2019
    * Fixed issue with the option to disable a plan
    * Product with "Subscription Only" configuration isn't added to cart after disabling the extension
  • 2.3.1
    Released 11.07.2019
    * Fixed issue with a guest subscription creating
    * Pending orders are created if an order has 100% off discount and an invalid card is used
    * Fixed issue with Swagger
    * Unable to purchase a subscription if the "Terms and Conditions" option is enabled
    * Error appears if a storefront locale differs from the default locale
    * Fixed issue with time zones (the next payment date in the calendar is saved incorrectly)
  • 2.3.0
    Released 04.06.2019
    + Customer can update their credit card details.
    + Shopping Cart price rules can be applied to initial subscription order.
    + Bambora APAC payment method support (Requires Aheadworks_BamboraApac module)
  • 2.2.1
    Released 27.05.2019
    *Error in Observer when using Braintree payment
  • 2.2.0
    Released 21.05.2019
    + Support of membership/insurance subscription model
    + Option to allow a customer to change a plan of an active subscription*
    + Option to allow a customer to change the date of the next payment*
    + Option to allow a customer to change shipping address*
    + Enable subscription on multiple products via mass action
    + Confirmation when canceling a subscription
    + Email Reminder can be set up on a subscription plan level
    + Uninstall script
  • 2.1.0
    Released 25.04.2019
    + Paypal via Braintree
    * Fixed issue with Braintree payment method
    * Error occurs when saving the product (Magento 2.3.1)
    * Fixed issue with wrong currency
    * Error appears on an attempt to purchase a subscription on different websites by the same customer
    * Monor UI fixes
  • 2.0.4
    Released 18.03.2019
    * Error appears after disabling the extension (Magento EE v.2.2.6)
  • 2.0.3
    Released 14.02.2019
    * Fixed issue when Braintree and CC vault based subscriptions fail on the 2nd order
    * Daily subscription's payments are charged twice a day
  • 2.0.2
    Released 09.01.2019
    *Compatibility with Braintree v.3.0.5
    *Fixed issue when website/store-view settings are not used in the billing related emails
  • 2.0.1
    Released 05.10.2018
    *Subscription options do not appear on product edit page accessed from cart
  • 2.0.0
    Released 01.10.2018
    Initial release

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