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Admin Product Grid

Save time by editing products directly from the grid.

  • New product attributes may be added to the grid
  • Grid columns may be removed/repositioned
  • Edit attributes within the grid - no reloads

Current extension version: 1.0.4

Open Source -;
Adobe Commerce -

Starting At $129.00


Managing products is one of the most time consuming routines for Magento merchants. Surprisingly, even little process optimizations can save tons of time in the long run.

The Admin Product Grid extension adds the new Manage Products (Extended) tab that provides a possibility to customize the product grid view according to your needs as well as add and edit product attributes on the fly right from the grid.

Benefits of Admin Product Grid

Time Savings

The benefits provided by the Admin Product Grid extension are most apparent in side-by-side comparisons of two process flows required for the product attributes editing.

The flow with Admin Product Grid requires half less steps and time to get the same result comparing to the Native Magento flow (refer to the example below for 5 product attributes editing).

Native Functionality Flow

Admin Product Grid Flow

1. Enter the Manage Product grid 1. Enter the Manage Product grid
2. Enter the Product Information section
3. Name Change
2. Name Change
4. Enter the Price section
5. Price Change
3. Price Change
6. Enter the Meta Information section
7. Meta Description Change
4. Meta Description Change
8. Enter the Description section
9. Description Change
5. Description Change
10. Enter the Inventory Section
11. Product Quantity Change
6. Product Quantity Change
12. Save the Product

Dedicated Grids

Each online store has its own and usually very specific commercial goals that determine internal business practices. Admin Product Grid allows you to easily create the desired view of the Manage Products grid - specify the columns to be displayed, define their order, delete unnecessary columns, etc.


Additional special columns and attributes of the custom grid provide you with extra control over the product information completeness. For example, in the Thumbnail column you can easily detect the products without images or find products without categories in the Category column and so on.

Advanced Editing Control

With Admin Product Grid the process of attributes editing is constantly under your control. The module allows you to reduce the number of human errors with automatic input data validations, opportunities to make critical attributes not editable, and undo returns.

Create a Custom Grid

The module allows you to create an exclusive Manage Products grid, which suites your business best of all. IMPORTANT

All custom settings of the new Manage Products (Extended) tab are saved for each Magento admin individually considering his personal preferences and business priorities.

Directly Edit Product Attributes

The main and most advantageous functionality of the extension is the inline attributes editing available directly from the Manage Products grid. This functionality saves the time spent on unnecessary page navigations.

  • Edit product attributes inline;
  • Save changes without reloads (powered by AJAX).

The module supports next editable attribute types: Textfield, Textarea, Date, Dropdown, Yes/no, Multiselect.

Efficiently Control Editing

In order to avoid mistakes and unwanted attribute changes you can:

  • Automatically validate attribute data, including: checking the type of input data (e.g. no text for numeric fields) and checking, if a product has a certain attribute;
  • Make crucial attributes not editable;
  • Undo recent changes of the grid.

Instantly Check Results

Admin Product Grid adds quick links to access products both on the frontend and backend. Now, you are able to look at the changes through the eyes of customers immediately.

Write Your Own Review
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  • 1.0.4
    Released 15.11.2017
    *Fixes for Magento Marketplace
  • 1.0.3
    * SUPEE-6788 compatibility issue
  • 1.0.2
    * Incorrect editing for "Price" cell which contains more than four-digit number
    * Css issue in Grid Customization window
    * Cursor must be in the cell after click at the field
    * Filtering by multiselect attribute works incorrect
    * Default value of attribute for all stores
    * Calendar is not beside the field
    * Can't unset value for product attribute of 'price' type
    * Fatal error if "Change Status" mass-action is applied for several products
    * 'Name in French' is not supported
  • 1.0.1
    * Inability to edit product attributes from the grid in a single store
    * Administrators were redirected to the native "Manage Products" grid after saving a product, clicking the 'Back' button and mass-actions
  • 1.0.0
    Initial release

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