Layered Navigation
Layered Navigation for Magento 2 is also available.
- Navigation menu adjusts to the current location
- Variety of filter types: checkbox, slider, etc.
- Filter customization is possible from backend
- AJAX technology updates the page with no reloads
Current extension version: 1.5.0
Open Source -;
Adobe Commerce -

Layered Navigation Gallery

Magento Layered Navigation Overview
As an online store manager it is in your interest to provide the shortest route possible between the customer and his product of choice. Every time there is a delay, an additional exit point is created and your customers flee the store in favor of a more user-friendly competition.
There is any number of things you may introduce to improve the way customers browse your store, but the most effective adjustment by far is the introduction of Magento Layered Navigation. The extension adds a navigation menu and allows customers narrowing search results down to relevant items.
Layered Navigation Features
Flexible criteria
Depending on the criterion type, it can be set up as a checkbox, a radio button, a range slider, or a “from - to” filter. Moreover, navigation menu changes automatically depending on your location within the store, so that only relevant criteria are visible to the customer. Specific criteria could be further eliminated from certain locations by admin himself.
AJAX updates
Search results are automatically updated every time new criterion is applied - no need to refresh the page. For each search result there is a custom URL, which can be saved by the customer for later use. Additionally, store admin has an opportunity to set up individual keywords for each criteria to be used within custom URLs.
Custom look
Store admin has a freedom to decide how each attribute will look like within navigation menu. Attributes can be given a custom name, supplied with an image, placed in a specific spot on the navigation panel, arranged by columns, etc.
Criteria tips
Each criteria could be accompanied with a help button, providing a brief explanation of what it does.
Solr search engine support (NEW!)
Apply layered navigation functionality to Solr search results (Magento EE) and let visitors find desired items easily.
Add-on features
Advanced Search In case you have an extensive catalogue and your customers are likely to be shooting in the dark it might be a good idea to give them an opportunity of narrowing initial navigation with a search option. Use our Advanced Search extension to give your customers a jump start and apply Layered Navigation to refine the results.
Brand selection For many shoppers brand is the single most important characteristic of a product, so it is only natural to give it an appropriate spot. Use our Shop by Brand extension to integrate an attractive brand selection field into your navigation panel.
1.5.0Released 26.05.2017
+ An option to have a category tree expanded/collapsed by default
* Add strings to CSV-file
* Back browser button gets "no results" on search pages -
1.4.0+ Stock filter
+ Sort order option is now available for specific store view.
+ Option that specifies "Default State" of the filter (Expanded / Collapsed)
+ New extra layer attributes: review rating, availability, "on sale" and more
* After returning by "Back" button filter don't work first time -
1.3.6Released 20.02.2017
* After applying sorting by AJAX and reloads page content crashes
* Incompatiblity with AW_Catalogpermissions on serach result pages.
* Incorrect products number is shown at page after sorting by Price
* Sorting products by position on the AW Shop By Brand brand page doesn't work
* iPhone Theme compatibility: Filters are displayed on category pages
* Unexpected "success" message after manual reindex
* 'Back' browser button changes URL but does not refresh the page content -
1.3.5* Incorrect pagination on the search page when SOLR search is enabled (EE)
1.3.4* Module incompatible with magento
1.3.3+ Observer speed improvement
* Category position synchronization issue
* RWD slider
* Template adjustments
* XML adjustments
* Stability and speed improvements
* Configurable swatches image switcher issue -
1.3.2* SUPEE-6788 compatibility issue
1.3.1+ Speed improvement
* Incorrect filter results if a product had several options
* Problem with out-of-stock products displaying after filtering
* Filters with decimal and integer type didn’t work properly if the Solr search engine was enabled
* Checkbox filters worked incorrectly -
1.3.0+ Integration with Shop By Brand by aheadWorks
* Products weren’t shown in the frontend if the module was disabled in the Disable Modules Output tab
* Problem with the drag-and-drop option if a filter had more than two options -
1.2.0+ Solr search engine support (Magento EE)
1.1.6* “Price” filter didn’t disappear after clicking "Clear All"
* Problem with the AJAX Cart Pro compatibility on the RWD theme
* Price slider didn’t work on iPad
* Attribute was shown in layered navigation even if it was removed from required attribute set
* Incorrect layout if category URL key was "products" -
1.1.5* Problem when two and more attributes were selected
1.1.4* Incorrect filtering by "Country of Manufacture" attribute
* Only one help popup was shown
* Error after applying two filters with decimal or price type -
1.1.3+ Compatibility with Magento CE 1.9
+ Compatibility with Magento EE 1.14
* Problem with reindexing in stores with a huge amount of products/attribute
* Minor bugfixes -
1.1.2* Problem when multiple attributes were selected
* Problem with order cancelling
* Incorrect filter work when more than 1 word was searched
* Price filter wasn't displayed in the frontend in PHP 5.2.* versions
* Problem with filtering products by category
* Incorrect work of “Yes/No” attribute type
* Incompatibility with configurable products -
1.1.1* Problem when tax was included into price
1.1.0+ " Is Enabled in Search Results" option
+ Hide attributes for specific categories
+ Decimal/integer attribute support
+ "Yes/No" attribute support
+ Help notice per attribute
+ Specify column layout per filter
+ Advanced Search by aheadWorks integration
+ Show category filter as a tree
* Incorrect price range when tax is included into price
* Disabled categories were shown in navigation
* Incorrect multiple wishlist displaying in Magento EE -
1.0.1+ Stability and speed improvements
1.0.0Initial release