Product Images Slider
- Primary use as a product image slider at product page
- Secondary use as an image/banner slider at any page
- Customizable animation, timaout, and navigation
Current extension version: 1.0.3
Open Source -;
Adobe Commerce -

Product Images Slider Gallery

Small images in the standard Magento image gallery do not draw your customers’ attention. Your site visitors can even overlook them. It is a great pity and moreover loss of profits for many businesses. You can’t afford losing your potential clients because of the so inconspicuous but extremely important elements of the product page.
The Product Images Slider extension rotates the pictures of your items, so that you can be sure that your customers’ attention will be definitely attracted. Play with different animation speed values and select the one which is the most comfortable for your eyes.
Small Magento static gallery is not catching and doesn’t make your product page look unique. With Product Images Slider, just select the type of animation effect for your items pictures to be displayed and enjoy how your product page brisks.
- Represent product images as slider view in the same way Image Slider does
- Different types of animation effects:
- simple slider
- fade\appear
- blind up \ blind down
- slide up \ slide down
- jalousie
- Predefined positions: replace native image switcher or use your own position
- Ability to insert Magento image gallery via widgets and CMS
- Ability to specify first frame timeout
- Ability to specify animation speed
- Ability to hide images navigation automatically
- Ability to specify period for image displaying
- Ability to disable block navigation
- Multistore support
- Multiple blocks on one CMS page
1.0.3* Product image wasn’t shown on product page when gallery had a single picture
1.0.2* Error in system.log on product page on Magento 1.4.1
* Images does not load if short tag disabled in php.ini
* Error in system.log on product page
* Same problem with random effect for each slider -
1.0.1+ Stability and speed improvements
1.0.0Initial release