Event Tickets
Event Tickets for Magento 2 is also available.
Expand business opportunities carrying out diverse events with customizable tickets.
- Multiple ticket types for a single event
- QR codes autogenerated for each ticket
- Redeem via code reader or manually from backend
- Notifications for confirmation, reminder, event change
- Tracking and export available for attendance data
Current extension version: 1.2.1
Open Source -;
Adobe Commerce -
The Event Tickets Magento extension is an indispensable tool to help merchants sell tickets online for contests, conferences, seminars & training courses, or any other events. Prices and quantity of tickets can differ from each other according to ticket types. For example, you can sell 10 VIP tickets (value $300) and 30 Classic tickets (value $100) for a seminar.
With the help of the extension, you can set up auto-reminder and confirmation emails and be always in touch with your customers. You can also reach event participants instantly by sending messages from the admin panel.
The module allows you to send PDF tickets with auto-generated QR codes. The QR image can be scanned by any mobile devices that have an ability to read QR codes. A client can print a ticket or scan QR code to get more details about the upcoming event. When administrators scan QR code, a ticket is recognized as redeemed and customers can go through the event. By the way, the module provides you with an ability to redeem tickets massively from the backend or separately using predefined ticket code.
Powerful Features to Sell Tickets 24/7 with Magento:
Organize event & ticket management system on your website
The module allows you to turn simple, downloadable or virtual Magento product into a special event. Different ticket types for an event are displayed as extra product options, which can be added only after the item is saved. You can also set up the start/end date of an event, describe its location, and input terms & conditions while editing/creating a product.

Sell adult/child, male/female or any other ticket types
- Ticket types are shown as custom options in the frontend, so visitors can choose any option on the product page and buy the ticket
- Set up the title of the section with tickets
- Specify the sequence of ticket types to be displayed on the product page
- Set up multiple prices per event - calculate the price of every ticket type as a percent or fixed sum of the initial price
- Define how many tickets of every type can be bought
Stay in touch with event participants via automatic email notifications
- Send ticket confirmation emails to event attendees
- Send auto-reminders to customers X days before the start date of an event
- Inform clients about any changes in the event via sending instant messages
- Predefined ticket confirmation/event reminder email templates
- Fully customizable email notifications
Send printable tickets with auto-generated QR codes and sponsored ads
Customers receive PDF tickets via emails. Each ticket contains general information about an event and auto-generated QR code. Event attendees can scan the QR image to view additional data about the ticket in My Account area on your website. The module allows you to edit the appearance of the ticket by adding any kind of information such as sponsors of the event or driving directions.
Display customer’s events in My Account area
The module adds a special tab into My Account area, where customers can view ticket price, status, duration, and location.

Flexible tickets redeeming system
- Select admin roles that can redeem tickets for specific events
- Use smartphones that can read QR codes to redeem a ticket via scanning the QR image
- Use auto-generated code to redeem the ticket from the backend manually
- Ability to redeem tickets in a bulk from the Manage Tickets grid
- Ability to undo tickets redeeming

Manage event attendees
- Have a look at event attendees, quantity and types of tickets they have bought
- Export event attendees into CSV, XML files and have the list of buyers by hand
Analyze results of an event
The Magento Event Tickets extension allows you to view the statistics per every event and analyze the effectiveness of marketing and merchandising strategies.

1.2.1Released 17.11.2017
*Fixes for Magento Marketplace -
1.2.0Released 22.08.2017
+ Ticket Holder Name - unique for each ticket
* Sort by event dates doesn't work
* No email is sent out when purchasing with PayPal
* Minor issue with searching on Event Id field in the admin grid
* Single quotes in Ticket types* name are not supported
* Cyrillic is not displayed in PDF ticket
* Can't buy ticket if event started -
1.1.4* Design for iPhone theme
1.1.3* SUPEE-6788 compatibility issue
1.1.2* Admin with restricted permissions wasn’t able to redeem tickets via QR code
* The extension ignored store environment when generating PDF tickets
* Inability to place an order with tickets from the backend -
1.1.1+ “Orders” column in the Manage Tickets grid
* Minor bugfixes -
1.1.0+ Tickets redeeming system
+ Printable PDF Tickets
+ QR code support
+ Tickets in My Account
+ Define start/end of events
+ Describe event location
+ “Event Tickets” menu
+ Default confirmation/reminder email templates
+ HTML support in instant messages -
1.0.1+ Stability and speed improvements
1.0.0Initial release