Allows visitors to navigate between products in category with a single click of the 'Next' or 'Previous'.
- Place controls anywhere on the product page
- Customize navigation with text, icon, or product image
- Click controls or use keyboard shortcuts to switch page
Current extension version: 1.3.1
Open Source -;
Adobe Commerce -
Enhance your online store usability and convenience for current and prospective customers! The Magento Previous / Next extension allows visitors to seamlessly navigate between Product pages with a single click.
The Magento Next product offers customers three controls that enable customers to visit the “Next”, “Previous” or Category page links as they need. It’s the ultimate shopping experience aimed at helping you convert more sales!
- Intuitive navigation
Three controls (Previous, Back and Next) allow customers to navigate between Product pages with one click and then come back to the Category page only when necessary - Configurable controls
- Predefined variables allow you to link text for controls as well as product and category names. Simply insert the #PRODUCT# or #CATEGORY# variable in the link text and the appropriate product or category name will be automatically displayed. (Pictures can be displayed instead of link text)
- Previous/Next Product name and Product pages can be displayed in cyclic order
- If Product or Category names are too long to be displayed properly, you have the ability to truncate them using three dots (or any ending) after the truncated name
- The Magento Previous / Next product allows you to display product and category thumbnails above the controls. You can even specify the width and height of images that will be visible during the navigation.
- Sort products as in catalog or search results
The module shows previous/next products according to the sequence specified on the catalog or search results page. For example, when a customer sort products by price in catalog, items will be displayed in the same order after switching to the product view. - 2-way navigation
You can navigate between Product pages either clicking Previous/Back/Next controls or using keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+left, ctrl+up, ctrl+right) - Customizable links position
Place controls anywhere on the page!
1.3.1* Incorrect position of the Back, Next controls
1.3.0+ Category/product thumbnails above controls
+ Sorting as in catalog or search results -
1.2.3* Previous control displayed the last product with "Not Visible Individually" option
1.2.2+ Stability and speed improvements
1.2.1* Fatal error when native Magento search was used
1.2.0* Incorrect previous/next links with Flat Catalog Product enabled
* Use Categories Path in URLs problem
* Incorrect previous/next links when URLs saved before were opened
* Incorrect reduction of product name in cyrillic symbols -
1.1.0+ Optimized code for using on big stores
+ Default value for configurable field "Truncate product name to (characters)" -
1.0.0Initial release