Store Credit and Refund
- Refund customers to store credit and keep the cash
- Edit any credit balance manually from backend
- Send balance notifications automatically
Current extension version: 1.0.6
Open Source -;
Adobe Commerce -
Store Credit and Refund Gallery
Magento Store Credit
It's not a secret that attracting a new client is a rather challenging and expensive deal. So, to win customers' loyalty and inspire them to make new purchases are goals of high importance for every online business. One of the proven ways to achieve them is to provide flexible credit system for purchased or returned products.
Store Credit and Refund Magento extension introduces store credit functionality that allows creating, editing and managing customer credit balance from the admin panel. Besides, the extension introduces a possibility to issue refund directly to customer credit balance in full amount and without any time delays.
The credit balance accumulated on customers' accounts is always at their instant disposal, easy to track and apply.
Features for the customer provide possibility to:
- Receive and accumulate credit balance on the account;
- Receive fast purchase refund;
- Spend credit to cover up to 100% of order total (including tax and shipping fees);
- Track and manage credit balance and transaction history;
As well as for customers, using the Store Credit And Refund extension is equally profitable and convenient for store administrators. One-click refund procedure, intuitive backend interfaces and easy control over the customers' credit balances make the extension a perfect tool for delivering great customer service.
Features for the administrators provide possibility to:
- Grant credit balance manually;
- Refund customers with credit funds;
- Update credit balances individually or via mass-action;
- Manage customer credit balance and track the complete transactions history;
- Automate sending balance update notifications.
1.0.6Released 20.11.2017
*Fixes for Magento Marketplace -
1.0.5+ Credit balance import
* Store credit checkbox backend issue
* Credit card credentials at payment method select step issue
* Payment information block error on checkout
* Checkout issue with hidden payment methods
* Store credit is not converted to default currency on 'New Order' page
* Wrong translation of native Magento messages in the backend
* AW Custom SMTP module compatibility -
1.0.4* SUPEE-6788 compatibility issue
1.0.3+ Apply store credit when an order is created from the backend
* Minor bugfixes -
1.0.2* Error while printing an invoice from the backend
1.0.1+ Compatibility with Points & Rewards by aheadWorks
* Incorrect calculation of selected items in the "Add Transaction" grid
* Store credit checkbox was shown on checkout when balance = "0"
* Incorrect "Total Credit Earned/Spent" amount after refund
* Incorrect URL of the order in the Store Credit tab in the frontend
* Problem when product price on checkout was more than store credit balance -
1.0.0Initial release