Visitors Online
Current extension version: 1.0.1
Open Source -
Adobe Commerce -
Visitors Online is a free Magento extension that allows store owners to add a block indicating number of visitors on the site. To embed the extension on the site one only needs to insert the block through CMS - visitors online information would appear immediately. Let your shoppers know they are not alone ;)
Clear the store cache under var/cache and all cookies for your store domain. This step eliminates almost all potential problems. It's necessary since Magento uses cache heavily.
- Backup your store database and web directory.
- Download and unzip extension contents on your computer and navigate inside the extracted folder.
- If you use a different from default theme - be sure to rename folders app/design/frontend/default/default and skin/frontend/default/default to your store's values. Depending on the module, either or both directories may not exist in the package, no need to create them in this case. Using your FTP client upload app and skin directory to your store root.
That's all, the installation is complete now. You can proceed to the Configuration section.
Insert next line into necessary layout files where you want to display number of visitors online: <block type="visitorsonline/visitors" name="visitorsonline_visitors" template="visitorsonline/visitors.phtml"/> Also you can use CMS to insert block with number of visitors online. In this case please use next line: {{block type="visitorsonline/visitors" template="visitorsonline/visitors.phtml"}} Also you can create your own layout file with such content: <?xml version="1.0"?><layout version="0.1.0">
<!--Default layout, loads most of the pages-->
<reference name="left">
<block type="visitorsonline/visitors" name="visitorsonline_visitors" template="visitorsonline/visitors.phtml"/>
This is an example of using our module which inserts the block with number of visitors online into the left column of default layout. The file name should be visitorsonline.xml and it must be placed in app/design/frontend/default/default/layout/.
1.0.1+ AW_All updated
1.0.0Initial release