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Product Questions

Let customers ask questions right from product pages.

    • Questions asked via a simple comment form
    • Answers provided either by admin or other customers
    • Questions may be shared across several products
    • Notifications keep everyone involved updated
Current extension version: 2.1.7 | Compatibility: Open Source -; Commerce -
Starting At $139.00


When customers have concerns about the product and the information is not all there, they are likely to either look for a vendor with detailed descriptions, or look for a different product, or contact a store owner. What we have achieved with our Magento Product Questions extension is we made asking a question the easiest choice of all three, limiting your risk of losing prospective customers.

Not only asking and answering a product question becomes extremely simple, but also questions and answers may be publicly displayed on the product page, allowing customers to provide their own answers or learn from the answers of others.


Ask a question
On each product page there is an “Ask question” button, which activates a drop-down question field. A customer or guest (optional) leaves some contact info, question text, and decides whether the question is private (visible to admin only) or public (visible on the product page).

Get an answer
When the question is approved and/or edited by admin it may be either answered by admin himself or broadcasted to be answered by either customers who have purchased the product in the past, all customers, or even visitors. Additionally, a number of customers who have purchased the product might be automatically invited via direct email to answer a question

Answer sharing
Questions and answers may be left on the product page for other customers who might have similar concerns. Answers may get rated for helpfulness by other customers and sorted according to the rating or freshness. Admin decides how many questions to display per page and how many answers to display per question. In case questions are related to more than one product they may be shared on other pages as well.

Question tracking
Customer gets an additional tab in his account devoted specifically to product questions and displaying all questions, answers, and their status.

Notification options
A variety of options are available to keep everyone up to date and to keep everything moving. Admin may be notified about new questions and answers, customers are notified about new answers and question status changes, other customers may be notified if their help is needed to answer a question. Emails are fully customizable, with rich content, direct links, unsubscribe options, etc.


Time saving
Since questions may be broadcasted on the product pages there is no need to answer same question many times over. And in case the answer requires first hand experience of the product you don’t have to do any research - just forward it to someone who’s got the product already.

Easy navigation
No need to play the guessing game trying to figure out which product exactly is the question about. All questions are asked directly from the product page so you know exactly where to look.

Customer engagement
What people do love is to be an expert on something. Some customers might not be inclined to go back and leave general feedback, but once they see someone in need of help they are much more likely to leave a comment.

Building trust
Answering question is by itself a good way to build customer relationship, but displaying answers on the product page goes one step further. This way all customers know that there is an actual person on the other side and that the store has an engaged customer base - which is a strong case for your credibility.

Write Your Own Review
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  • 2.1.7
    * Magento marketplace compatibility
  • 2.1.6
    * Checkboxes automatically uncheked after filter is applied in Sharing Question
    * JS error on product detailed page
  • 2.1.5
    * Migration script issue
    * UI adjustments
  • 2.1.4
    * SUPEE-6788 compatibility issue
  • 2.1.3
    * Security issue
    * Not logged in customers could rate questions and answers via direct link
  • 2.1.2
    * Questions were duplicated in the backend when a user clicked the “Send Question” button several times
    * Answers were duplicated in the backend when a user clicked the “Send Answer” button several times
    * Problem with the email unsubscription option
    * Questions disappeared after a product page refreshing if entity_id wasn’t equal to value_id
  • 2.1.1
    * Add "Remove the web copies of the emails older than X days" title
  • 2.1.0
    + Specify Sorting Options and sorting order
    + Select the Number of Product Questions
    + Place Product Question Widgets
    * "new_question_status" variable is not translated in email notifications
    * RWD: The question overlaps the helpfulness rating on small sized screens
    * "Product Questions" page is shown in customer area if module disabled
    * Storeviews are not displayed in "Manage Questions" grid at backend
    * Popup when adding answer in admin does not display on screen
    * Unable to create product question in backend if select "Assigned Entity = Product(s)"
    * Unable to save product question in backend if admin answered to the question
  • 2.0.2
    * Cross-domain issue on voting questions/answers
    * Minor bugfixes
  • 2.0.1
    + Show total answers in the Manage Questions grid
    + Custom position for the block with questions on the product page
    * Incorrect position of the New Answer form in the backend after a window resizing
    * Questions disappeared after a page refreshing
    * Problem with emails web copies removal
    * Buyer’s name wasn’t shown in emails
    * Problem with admin permissions
  • 2.0.0
    + Frontend redesign and improvements
    + Customers can answers questions on product pages
    + "Ask Customers" functionality
    + Product Questions tab in My Account
    + Question Sharing option for the relevant products
    + Unsubscribe functionality
    + Integration with Points & Rewards extension by aheadWorks

Product Questions

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