Activity Stream
Makes your customers feel that they are not alone on your website and shows activity streams.
- Select out of 14 activity types to display at storefront
- Pick block poistion from 6 pre-defined options
- Customize block style and composition
Current extension version: 1.0.5
Open Source -;
Adobe Commerce -

Activity Stream Gallery

This and that actions are taken every other minute at your store: new customers are registered, items are added to the shopping cart, new reviews are submitted, etc. But all these activities fall through the cracks for your visitors and they can’t even imagine what is going on right now at the store.
With the Activity Stream extension for Magento, you can let your customers see what is happening at the current moment. Recent actions are displayed in the block that can be easily added to any place of your site and doesn’t affect any elements of the page. Moreover, you have a possibility to hide some activities from your visitors and focus their attention on the required ones.
The Activity Stream module makes your customers feel that they are not alone on your website and shows activity streams like “Mike is viewing Electronics”, “John has logged in”, or “Annett has purchased HTC Touch Diamond”. The effectiveness of the extension is clear: visitors are influenced by activities of other people; they take the situation as a recommendation for further behavior and start experimenting and discovering your store.
- Automatically inserted on all store pages
- Take advantage of six predefined positions
- top-left
- top-center
- top-right
- bottom-left
- bottom-center
- bottom-right
- Define the activity stream overlay width, background color/opacity and text color to suite your website design
- Hide activity streams from unregistered customers
- Numerous types of activities
- subscription to newsletter
- customer has registered/logged in
- search has been performed
- product/category is being viewed
- item has been added to shopping cart
- item has been added to wishlist, comparison list
- customer goes to shopping cart
- customer proceeds to checkout
- product has been purchased
- product has been tagged
- review has been submitted
- Limit the quantity of activities displayed in the block
- Select specific customers’ activities to appear
- Use predefined templates for activities or edit them to your taste
- Define time interval for activity stream overlay updating
- Choose scope to display the activities from
- Insert activity stream block via widget at any place of your site
1.0.5* Problem when several activity types (not all) were selected
* Problem after clicking any category from the overlay block
* Inability to set "Overlay Position = Bottom/Top right"
* Incorrect overlay position if the overlay block width=100%
* Problem when all checkboxes were deactivated -
1.0.4* Minor bugfixes
1.0.3+ Compatibility with AJAX Cart Pro by aheadWorks
1.0.2+ Stability and speed improvements
1.0.1* Minor bugfixes
1.0.0Initial release