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Help Desk Ultimate

Magento ticket management module with case tracking, statistics, and resolution systems.

    • Communication channels merged into one
    • Ticket assigned to agent/department automatically
    • Efficiency tracking to evaluate agent performance

Current extension version: 3.3.12

Open Source -;
Adobe Commerce -

Starting At $199.00

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Streamline your communications into a single channel!

The extension is capable of collecting the correspondence from multiple sources. No matter how a customer posts their request, the extension will fetch it to the proper destination. Leave the message delivery to the module, and let your Support team focus on serving the clients!

  • Multiple submission options:

  • Accept tickets via Email

    Just set up an email gateway - and the extension will parse all the email messages going through it to backend, preserving the assignation and other ticket attributes.

  • Spam protection:

  • Flexible email gateway settings

    Use any mailing service you want: the email gateways support POP3 and IMAP protocols, with or without SSL/TSL encryption.

See screenshots

  • Native Contact Form Integration

    Contact form

  • Create Tickets From Backend

    Backend ticket creation

  • Email Rejecting Patterns

    Rejecting patterns

  • Email Gateways Settings

    Gateway Settings

Rationalize your workflow!

The extension is designed to put your customer service in good order, and it offers all the crucial means for achieving this goal. With the extension, you can make sure that every single inquiry is taken care of timely, and no aspect is omitted or lost.

  • Flexible ticket assignation system

    Distribute tickets between unlimited Departments and Agents and let the proper person answer each query.

  • Effective Ticket Management

    Queue your tickets according to their Statuses and Priorities.

  • Ensure authorized access

    Use the Admin user-based ticket viewing restrictions and Ticket Lock functionality to make certain that sensitive information is kept private.

  • Powerful Notifications system

    From a simple request acknowledgement email for customer to reporting every step of the case processing to a supervising agent - all automated.

  • Complete communications history

    Whenever there's a need to recover any detail of a customer's query, you'll have no problem with that, as the module carefully saves every bit of information.

  • Detailed Ticket Grid

    Get all the important ticket information on the grid page, including department, subject, order number (NEW!), store view (NEW!), rate (NEW!), creation date, etc.

  • Fast Ticket Creation from Backend (NEW!)

    A new Help Desk Tickets tab is added to the Order View and Customer Information page to simplify ticket creation and management. For a quick tickets track, their quantity is right on the tab name.

  • On-the-fly Ticket Management (NEW!)

    Manage tickets on the fly from the grid page in the popup window. Click the Manage link for a correspondent ticket and easily change the agent, department, ticket status or its priority. Moreover, add a message to the agent you assign the ticket to.

  • Built-in coupon code generation*

    In case you feel a customer is entitled to a little extra for his inconvenience, you may use an option to generate and deliver a coupon code right from within the ticket. Select a predefined coupon type and it will be delivered to a customer with corresponding coupon email.

    *Additional options can be accessed through our Coupon Code Generator

See screenshots

  • Flexible Ticket Assignation

    Ticket Assignation

  • Convenient Ticket Queuing

    Ticket Queuing

  • Admin Permissions settings

    Admin Permissions settings

  • Notifications Settings

    Notifications Settings

Monitor the effectiveness of your customer service!

It is crucial to stay constantly aware of the situation is your customer service department. With its built-in reporting system, the extension presents you with everything you need to monitor, measure and control the work of your support team.

  • Work out the best practices for ticket replies (NEW!)

    Now your clients can provide feedback on support received by rating tickets from 1 Poor to 5 Excellent. Rating is optional and can be changed on a customer side any time. All correspondent information is available in the Ticket grid and on the Ticket Information page. As your agents are not allowed to change tickets’ rating, this data is a perfect base both to evaluate your team performance and to establish the best strategies & tactics for outstanding customer support service.

  • Workload Report

    Get the instant overview of your support staff's current load levels - per-agent and per-department ticket totals grouped by Statuses and Priorities.

  • Ticket Statuses Statistics

    This reporting option is a means to analyze your client's behavior - when they submit new tickets, when they respond the most, etc.

  • Agent Statistics

    The effectiveness of each of your agents measured by the average response and ticket closing times.

  • Receive Carbon Copy of each message

    You can have a copy of every message that goes through the Help Desk sent to a specified mailbox (-es).

See screenshots

  • Workload Report

    Workload Report

  • Agent Statistics Report

    Agent Statistics Report

  • Ticket Statuses Report

    Ticket Statuses Statistics Report

  • Tickets Rating

    Tickets Rating

Customer satisfaction guaranteed!

Customer service is about solving problems, not multiplying them. The Help Desk Ultimate extension guarantees the accessibility and transparency of your support procedure. Your customers are supplied with all the means they need to comfortably raise, track and close their tickets.

  • Easy-to-use

    Simplify customer communications with a comprehensive and intuitive ticket management section introduced to Customer Account dashboard.

  • Guest ticket access

    Make it equally easy for your guest users to apply for support. Along with Email Parsing, the External View link gives your guests all the advantages of the Ticket View webform without the necessity to create an account.

  • Optional Department / Priority selectors

    Enable your customers to lodge their inquiries to the desired destination.

  • Let your customers be heard!

    If a customer has a complaint or comment regarding a ticket, they can apply directly to a supervisor via "Escalate Ticket" option

See screenshots

  • Customer Dashboard

    Customer Dashboard tab

  • Optional Selectors

    Department / Priority Selectors

  • External Ticket View

    External View Webform

  • Escalate Ticket Option

    Escalate Ticket Screen

Break free from expensive external services!

An affordable industry-class Help Desk / Case Tracking solution that works inside your Magento, with no subscriptions to external services and/or additional connector modules? That's exactly what we are offering!

  • No usage fees

    You only pay for the extension upfront and get all the advertised functionality. What you don't get is any artificial limits on the number of tickets, departments or agents

  • Works inside your Magento

    The Help Desk Ultimate extension is fully integrated into Magento and does not require any external sources to operate.

  • Fully customizable

    You have full control over the module. Including the source code. Yes, we mean it: if the exact option you need is missing - you can add it.

Get better results with less effort!

Don't let your staff's time and effort be wasted on performing routine tasks: collecting customer information, typing answers to typical questions, signing the messages and so on. The extension presents an admin user with all the relevant info and options they may need to quickly respond to a ticket.

  • Advanced Ticket View screen

    A backend user has all the necessary information and options gathered in one place, including:

    • Customer details
    • Up to 5 customer's latest orders
    • Up to 5 customer's latest tickets
  • Tailored for Multistore installations

    Get your departments and associated options separated between your stores, so that your staff do not get lost in unrelated records.

  • Quick Responses

    The extension allows creating answer shortcuts, that can be inserted into the message in just one click.

  • Ticket auto-expiration

    Let the extension handle clearing your support queues by automatically closing tickets after a period of zero activity.

  • Entities linking

    Get the tickets cross-linked with the customer accounts and orders, and navigate seamlessly between them.

  • Admin-only notes

    Make sure the important bits of information are always highlighted via Ticket Comments and shared Customer Notes.

  • Smart tickets grid

    Get the extension fine-tuned to your workflow with pre-defined filters and customizable "View Tickets" grid.

See screenshots

  • Advanced Ticket View Screen

    Advanced Ticket View

  • Admin-only Notes

    Admin-only Notes

  • Quick Responses

    Quick Responses

  • Smart View Tickets Grid

    Customizable Tickets Grid


Write Your Own Review
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  • 3.3.12
    *Security issue with attachments
  • 3.3.11
    Released 06.09.2017
    * possible high security ramifications
    * Incorrect email address in "New" ticket form
    * Mb > MB (Megabit to MegaByte)
    * Ticket assignment issue
    * 404 error page displays if page opened via Workload Report
    * Wrong search results in tickets grid
    * Tickets filtered by date throws exception
    * Scroll content in tickets
    * Update aw_lib for module
    * Strict Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference
    * Disabled departments/agents are visible in the tickets grid dropdown
    * HDU "Ticket created" notification for customer contains attached files, when customer send email with attachment directly to department mailbox
    * The quantity of notes in 'Notes' tab is not updated
  • 3.3.10
    * Attachment with the same name cannot be parsed
    * HDU stops parsing emails if header contains incorrect character
  • 3.3.8
    * No subject email parsing issue
  • 3.3.7
    * Design for iPhone theme
    * MOBILE: unable to create ticket from customer area
  • 3.3.6
    * SUPEE-6788 compatibility issue
  • 3.3.5
    * Subject quotes were not parsed if a ticket was submitted via the contact form
    * Link "Back" was absent in the Help Desk tab of the customer account area
    * “Customer Note” nl2br / htmlescape issue
    * Incorrect directives behavior with WYSIWYG
  • 3.3.4
    + Tickets grid performance improvement
    * Security issue: XSS vulnerability
  • 3.3.3
    + Ability to disable native contact form emails
  • 3.3.2
    * Guest's name was displayed incorrectly
    * Incorrect information about new and open tickets in the Agents section of the Workload report
    * Special characters in email subject weren’t converted into a ticket title
  • 3.3.1
    * Inability to change email address of a primary user
    * Inability to unlock locked tickets
    * Name and email weren’t auto-populated when ticket was created from a guest order
    * Administrator’s replies to email notifications were recognized as customer’s replies
    * Problem with "Send carbon copy to" parameter when several email addresses were specified
  • 3.3.0
    + Tickets rating
    + On-the-fly ticket management from the grid page in the popup window
    + The Help Desk Tickets tab on the Order View and Customer Information pages
    + Detailed Ticket Grid with order number, store view, rating and other customizable columns
  • 3.2.0
    + Ability to delete tickets from the backend
  • 3.1.2
    * Inconsistency of the date/time in 'Last Message' column
    * Problem with tickets assignation when special characters were used in emails
    * Names of attached files were cut incorrectly
    * Incorrect links to the product questions page in ticket thread
    * Ticket title was displayed incorrectly on the ticket page in the backend
  • 3.1.1
    * A quick response wasn’t inserted into a ticket when WYSIWYG was disabled
    * Tickets were created when product questions were liked or disliked
    * Customer’s address wasn’t shown in the Customer Summary tab if it wasn’t selected as a default billing address"
  • 3.1.0
    + Create tickets from the order page
    + View tickets assigned to specific customer
    + Bot-protected web-forms
    + Configurable tickets grid view
    + Fill in the Status/Priority fields to add a ticket from the backend
    + Insert a quick response into a ticket created by admin
    + Search tickets by customer email
    + Tickets grid is opened with preselected “New and Open” filter
    + Tickets sorting: last modified tickets are shown first
    + Ticket subject in the "Last Customer Tickets" block
    + Export agents/workload statistics into CSV/Excel XML
    + Mass action in the Rejected Emails grid
    + Admin notes counter in tickets
    + Attach files of any extension
    * Disabled statuses were shown in statistics
    * Problem with tickets filtering
    * Customer couldn’t reply to the ticket when Admin answered from the department where gateway wasn’t specified
    * No redirection to the tickets grid after replying to any ticket
    * Problem with data in Agent Time Statistics report
    * All backend users were shown in reports
    * Tickets pagination didn’t work in customer account area
    * Problem with customer name in the Tickets grid
    * Amin permissions were not taken into account in Department Settings
    * The “Last Customer Tickets” block was broken after a message with html code
    * Problem with The Last Customer Orders section
    * Previously submitted tickets were not visible when a customer changed the email address of his account
    * Newly created ticket couldn’t be opened in the backend when a Customer sent a message without a subject
    * Inability to create custom email templates
  • 3.0.1
    * Minor bugfixes
  • 3.0.0
    + Full redesign and improved business logic
    + Tickets assignation to agents
    + Ticket escalation
    + Tickets search for administrator
    + Statistics (workload, agents, ticket status)
    + Customizable ticket status/priority
    + Product Questions v.2X integration
    + Multiple file attachments support
    + Show customer’s orders in a ticket
    + Display last customer tickets
    + Leave notes regarding a ticket/customer visible for admins
    + Set up email gateway per each department
    + Hide system messages in ticket thread
    + Quick response per each store view

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