Knowledge Base
FAQ for Magento 2 is also available
A rich set of the Knowledge Base Magento module settings makes the extension fully customizable.
- Frontend area complete with search, categories, sorting, etc.
- Articles with attachments, rating, tags, multiple categories
- Visual style and layout fully configurable from backend
Knowledge Base Gallery
Magento FAQ Extension
Some analysts say that FAQs can raise your business by 5, 10, or even 20%. Answer questions before they’ve been asked - rational enough taking into consideration that people like caring attitude and thank by becoming your regular customers.
All the documentation created by store owner is displayed by means of articles assigned to admin-defined categories. The process of documenting is intuitively understandable and uses familiar standard Magento interface.
A rich set of the Knowledge Base Magento module settings makes the extension fully customizable – you can define articles listing type (short or full), limit article description length, manage articles rating, upload attachments for articles, etc. You are also able to specify the options of each block – Category, Top Articles, Latest Articles and Tags – by setting up their title, sort order and number of articles displayed.
- Ready-to-use interface with CMS-friendly blocks
- Frontend section combined with Search, Category Articles, Top & Latest Articles independent blocks
- Search articles by combination of words or exact phrases
- Search articles by title or content in the knowledge base
- Sphinx search technology for fast and relevant search results within KB articles*
*Advanced Search should be set up for this purpose - SEO-friendly direct links
- Canonical URLs may be assigned to each article
- Ability to add meta data for articles and categories in the FAQ section
- Articles sorting by date and rating
- Article text WYSIWYG editor
- Article attachments
- Article author
- Article status
- Article categories
- Per-store categories
- Multiple categories per article
- Article rating voted from frontend and controlled from backend
- Article rating voting limitation
- Configurable article listing type
- Module Title, URL key, Frontend, etc. configurable from backend
- Configurable Title & Sort order of main blocks
- Articles tag cloud
- Ability to limit the quantity of tags shown in your store FAQ area
- Proportional tag size in Article Tags block
- Printer-friendly blocks
- Global search articles in Admin panel
- Simple CSS & layout to set custom view style
- Ability to enable\disable secure URLs
1.4.0+ Knowledge Base url in the sitemap
+ SEO: Canonocal URLs -
1.3.6* Tags to categories dependency
* Categories to articles dependency
* Category display issues
* Articles sorting adjustments
* Security updates
* RWD theme compatibility
* Tags optimization for search engines
* Store view for categories issue -
1.3.5* SUPEE-6788 compatibility issue
1.3.4* Minor bugfixes
1.3.3* Minor bugfixes
1.3.2+ Stability and speed improvements
1.3.1+ Stability and speed improvements
1.3.0+ Ability to add meta data for article and category
* Incorrect articles and categories filtering
* Error if footer block was removed from layout
* Problem with KB block customization -
1.2.1* Search problems with special characters
* URL redirection issue -
1.2.0+ ‘Store views’ column in ‘Articles’ and ‘Categories’ grids
* Magento PE compatibility
* Incorrect redirect if article suffix is not defined
* Incorrect page titles in administration panel
* Multibyte string problems
* Incorrect attachment name on file uploading
* Fatal error occurs in ‘Articles’ grid if administrator has limited rights -
1.1.0+ Configurable secure URLs
+ Magento EE compatibility
* Articles from deleted categories aren’t accessible
* Incorrect rating calculation
* List tags doesn't work in the article content
* Issue with short description content
* Incorrect store view switching
* Incorrect translation file
* Hardcoded footer link
* Incorrect tags view
* Global record search doesn't work with KBase articles -
1.0.1+ Magento Enterprise Edition compatibility
1.0.0Initial release