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FAQ for Magento 2

Enable customers to find necessary information in a matter of a few clicks.

  • Provide customers with quick answers to common questions via ChatBot 
  • Increase the credibility of FAQ pages with the Helpfulness Rate feature
  • Make FAQ pages eye-catching by adding images to categories and articles
  • Define which customer groups can access FAQ content by setting view permissions
  • Make FAQ pages highly searchable with enhanced SEO tools
  • Install Free FAQ version with limited functionality

Current extension version: 1.7.2

Open Source 2.4.6 - 2.4.7;
Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 - 2.4.7

Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce

GraphQL Available

GraphQL Available

Starting At $169.00
Subscription details


When shopping online, customers tend to ask the same questions that require immediate answers. Consequently, the support team keeps wasting time on resolving repetitive inquiries. What is more, it is inconvenient for customers to submit tickets every time some simple clarifications are needed. As a result, shoppers hesitate to make a purchase and leave the site.


Convert potential buyers with an organized FAQ page! Categorize similar questions to provide intuitive navigation. Customize the layout of articles and add images to make info easy to perceive. Enable customers to ask questions on any page and get answers immediately with ChatBot! It is a widget that responds on the spot providing all the necessary details, based on FAQ base. Turn a looker into a buyer by having all customers' questions already answered.

Have Customers’ Questions Already Answered

Give shoppers the info they ask for with the SEO-optimized FAQ section! Collect user feedback to your articles with the helpfulness rating system and the dedicated question form. Customize FAQ pages to suit your store design. Display articles on the product pages to provide detailed product  information on the spot. Make FAQ pages visible and searchable on the web with powerful SEO configuration options. 

Articles by categories

Articles by categories

Divide articles by key topics to make the FAQ section more structured and intuitive to use. By equipping the page with a search field, you will let users quickly find the necessary info, thus easing the load on the support team. Navigate through FAQ quicker with a sidebar where links to all articles and categories are displayed. 


Save customers time and provide all relevant information within a second via ChatBot. Acting as an intellectual assistant, ChatBot caters to users with a personified experience maintaining smart and logical interaction. As far as ChatBot is available on every page, customers can quickly get their questions answered without browsing the FAQ articles or submitting tickets to the support service. Customize ChatBot interface to make it more personalized and engaging.
Customizable page layout

Customizable page layout

Tailor the look of the FAQ page to your store design by uploading icons. Customize the layout by setting up the number of columns and the maximum number of articles to be displayed per category. Create appealing category content with the help of WYSIWYG editor.
FAQ for Magento 2
Helpfulness rating

Helpfulness rating

Allow users to vote on the helpfulness of each article. It can be defined when to display the helpfulness rate (before voting, after it, or both).

FAQ for Magento 2
Article questions

Article questions

Enable customers to ask questions on articles topics to improve comprehensibility and lucidity of the issue.

FAQ for Magento 2
SEO tools

SEO Tools

Employ all essential SEO configuration options to have your FAQ pages and categories visible and searchable: meta data, redirect 301, URL suffixes, page separators and canonical urls. Specify title prefix and suffix for article pages and set meta keywords to boost your SEO ranking.
FAQ for Magento 2


A powerful engine allows to prescribe weight differentiation to the categories and articles while FAQ search. For convenience and accuracy the category precedes article select results. Execution of document search is also possible with this module. Customize Elasticsearch to improve customer guidance.


More features

Articles view

Display a limited number of articles, the rest will be cropped.

Helpfulness rating permissions

Define customer groups that are eligible to rate articles for helpfulness.

Dedicated article search

Benefit from an in-extension search tool that facilitates customers' seeking for articles by keyword.

Link to the FAQ page

Display the FAQ link in the top menu, categories menu, or at the store footer.

Ask a Question form

Decide whether to enable the ‘Ask a Question’ form on article pages.

Articles management

Configure general article settings, manage the content, and view statistics in the Articles grid.

View permissions

Choose a list of customer groups to specify the target audience of the FAQ.

SEO enhancements

Set page title separator, meta title, and description for article pages.

URL management

Configure URL suffixes for articles and categories, permanent redirect for URLs, canonical tags for articles and categories URLs.

ChatBot window

Auto-appearing and auto-minimizing of the chat window can be predefined in order not to interrupt a user.

ChatBot position

Set the chat window location which fits best your store design.

Article tags

Add keywords (tags) to articles and display them on article pages to simplify the search process.

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  • 1.7.2
    Released 04.06.2024
    *Fixed issue that is not taken into account when creating sitemap
  • 1.7.1
    Released 20.03.2024
    * Resolved conflict of JsTree styles with other modules
  • 1.7.0
    Released 28.08.2023
    + GraphQL support
    + Data migration tool support
    + FAQ routing refactoring
  • 1.6.2
    Released 16.05.2023
    * Primary keys update
  • 1.6.1
    Released 03.04.2023
    * Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6
    * Fixed issue with saving changes in the configuration settings for Magento 2.4.6
  • 1.6.0
    Released 31.01.2023
    + Displaying categories and articles to the specific customer groups
    + Articles from disabled categories are not included in sitemap
  • 1.5.5
    Released 21.07.2022
    * Fixed issue with translating the 'Home' in breadcrumbs
    * Fixed issue with adding to sitemap together with AW Blog
    * Fixed issue with ChatBot disappearing from the Storefront when the CSS and JS files merging are enabled
    * Fixed issue with the create/edit product page in the backend after disabling the module
    * Fixed issue with the results of search throughout FAQ
    * Fixed issue with search on the article pages
    * Fixed issue with compilation when installed "FaqSearch" for Magento 2.4.4
  • 1.5.4
    Released 08.06.2022
    + Compatibility with Magento 2.4.4
    * Fixed issue when trying to go to the FAQ page on the Storefront for Magento 2.4.4
  • 1.5.3
    Released 15.04.2022
    +Chatbot 1.1.1
    *Fixed error during bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • 1.5.2
    Released 22.03.2022
    *Fixed issue for Magento Marketplace
  • 1.5.1
    Released 16.03.2022
    +Declarative schema upgrade
  • 1.5.0
    Released 26.08.2021
    +Elasticsearch support
    +Web API update
    +Articles and categories display improvement on the Search Results page
    +Links to Readme and Get Support update
    *Articles aren't displayed on the product page though they are assigned
  • 1.4.2
    Released 26.05.2021
    + Allow empty suffixes in the system configurations
    * Error occurs in case the category title has an apostrophe symbol
  • 1.4.1
    Released 20.05.2021
    + Navigation sidebar with the list of categories and articles
    + Subcategories and articles on the Category page
    + Display FAQ articles on the Product page
    + Category description editing via WYSIWYG
    + Meta Keywords for articles
    + Meta Title and Meta Description improvements
    + JSON-LD markup support
  • 1.3.0
    Released 01.03.2021
    + ChatBot functionality has been added
    * Article URL key and Category URL key can not be the same
    * The "Submit the question" button is not blocked after being clicked
    * Fixed issues with sitemap generation
  • 1.2.2
    Released 22.10.2020
    * Compatibility with Magento v. 2.4
    * Minor UI adjustments
  • 1.2.1
    Released 04.03.2020
    * Improved compatibility with Magento v. 2.3.4
    * Error occurs in console when invalid "URL key" is entered
    * Fixed URL issues
    * Minor UI adjustments

  • 1.2.0
    Released 21.02.2020
    + Added URL suffixes for FAQ posts and categories
    * URL rewrites aren't created if suffixes were changed
    * 'Search by keyword' doesn't work
    * Fixed issue with trailing slash in FAQ URL

  • 1.1.1
    Released 25.02.2019
    + Magento 2.3 compatibility
    * Improved support of database with prefix
    * Translation improvements
    * Compilation issue (Magento CE v.2.1.16)
  • 1.1.0
    Released 22.03.2018
    +Questions on article pages
    +Aheadworks Advanced Search 1.0 integration
    +Helpfulness block UI refactoring
    +Refactoring of 'faq.helpfulness' jQuery widget
    *Image size is displayed as "NaN undefined" in category settings
    *Fixed issue with articles sorting
    *FAQ options renaming
    *Article list icon is not displayed on category page
  • 1.0.3
    Released 27.03.2017
    * Stability and speed improvements
  • 1.0.2
    Released 22.03.2017
    * FAQ Category can't be deleted
    * FAQ urls are not generated in sitemap.xml if Blog is installed
  • 1.0.1
    Released 14.12.2016
    * Stability and speed improvements
  • 1.0.0
    Initial release 16.11.2016

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Fostering wellness and allowing for the feeling of support and care, we help customers in no time.
Constantly seeking ways for improvement, we write clean code, subject to timely refactoring.
Business Expertise
Business Expertise
Seasoned in succeeding with hundreds of projects, we know all aspects of Magento 2 development.