One Step Checkout
One Step Checkout for Magento 2 is also available
Decrease cart abandonment and increase conversion rates by delivering a streamlined checkout processes for customers.-
- AJAX technology updates the page as you go
- Extra fields may be added/excluded by admin
- Address may be split for shipping and billing
- Responsive design adjusts to the current screen
Current extension version: 1.3.11
Open Source -;
Adobe Commerce -

One Step Checkout Gallery

Magento One Step Checkout Overview
Checkout process is one of the things that take joy out of shopping and about the only thing that actually requires some effort. This only means that it’s a perfect opportunity to create some value for your customers by making the process more user friendly. One way to do that is to compress a customary six step checkout down to one page, which comes with several benefits on top of simply being a time saver:
- Provides all of the information upfront for shoppers who use checkout to learn about shipping and payment options;
- Saves customers the trouble of going back and forth in case they want to fix some information from previous pages;
- Draws customers in by allowing them to jump to easy fields first and do the boring stuff later;
- Allows an immediate estimate of how long the process is, which gives customers a greater sense of control, as opposed to turning the pages endlessly.
Customer login
Customer has an option to log in or register right on the checkout page. If he is a returning customer, then auto-fill will be engaged for shipping and billing address when he is signed in.
Shipping address
There is a possibility of stating a shipping address that is different from billing address.
Cart editing
Customer may remove some products from the cart right from the checkout page.
There is a comment field for the customer to mention any concerns or clarifications.
Discount activation
A “coupon code” allows to apply discounts during the checkout process.
AJAX updates
Information on the checkout page is updated as you go, without reloading and distracting the customer.
Responsive checkout design
Whether the user is on PC, tablet, or mobile, the design will adapt to match the screen
Newsletter subscription
The option will be displayed for customers that haven’t signed up yet, but it could be disabled altogether.
Page look
Using this Magento checkout exntension you can create custom page title and description, decide which fields to include, whether to number blocks or not, and so on.
Default shipping/payment methods
Choose most popular shipping/payments methods to be selected by default.
Cross-sells appearing
If a product has cross-sell items, they will appear at the bottom of the checkout page.
Advanced cross-sell selection*
Increase the relevance of cross-sell block through a variety of automatic rules that help you generate meaningful related product suggestions.
*Option available upon the installation of our Automatic Related Products 2
1.3.11Released 16.06.2017
* Delivery date is shown for recurring orders on OSC page
* DDaN block is not hidden on OSC page even if DDaN module is disabled -
1.3.10Released 24.04.2017
* XSS Vulnerability -
1.3.9* Magento Marketplace compatibility issue
1.3.8* Checkout page deleting product issue
* Gift Card 2.0 compatibility
* Braintree_Payments 2.0.0 issue
* Checkout page design adjustments
* Reloading "Shipping method" block issue -
1.3.7* Compatibility with Enterprise_GiftWrapping Magento EE
* "Place order" button mouse hover issue -
1.3.6* Mobile: module should be disable for iPhone Theme
1.3.5+ Integration with eWAY Rapid Payments
1.3.4+ Compatibility with BrainTree Payments 1.x
1.3.3+ Integration with the UPS/USPS Address Validation extension
1.3.2* Incorrect position of the Terms and Conditions title
* Problem with checkout if shipping/payment validation message had an apostrophe -
1.3.1* Incompatibility with ACP when a product is removed from the cart on the OSC page
* Shipping address is displayed for virtual/downloadable products in checkout page
* Extension is displayed incorrectly on IE9, Mozilla Firefox 19.0
* Responsive design small bugs -
1.3.0+ Responsive design
+ Integration with Gift Card/Certificate by aheadWorks
* The position of the "Place Order" button was changed after adding a multiline comment into the Delivery Date field
* Incorrect position of the "Cancel Coupon" button on the RWD theme
* Inability to place an order when 3D Secure was enabled -
1.2.12* Incorrect position of the “Place Order” button on the RWD theme
* Minor bugfix -
1.2.11* Size of "Comments" field changed when cursor was hovered over "Place Order" button
* OSC and Directpost integration wasn’t PCI Compliant
* When coupon code was applied, the shipping section wasn’t updated
* Credit card number wasn't shown in the backend -
1.2.10* Order totals recalculation after payment information submitting
1.2.9* Incorrect design of the checkout page in IE 9
* No notice about incorrect data in the "Delivery Date" field
* Incorrect position of the "Delivery Date" field
* The “Delivery Date” field was shown for virtual/downloadable products
* Problem with newsletter subscription segments
* Incorrect position of the “Related Products” block -
1.2.8* Problem with shipping method displaying
* Incorrect behaviour when the TAB key was pressed -
1.2.7* Incompatibility with IE8 on Windows XP
1.2.6+ Gift Card support in Magento EE
1.2.5+ Compatibility with Magento EE Store Credit
* Incorrect work of Authorize.Net Direct Post
* Incorrect behaviour of the Related products block on Magento EE 1.13
* Coupon code wasn’t applied if Points and Rewards by aheadWorks was installed
* Incorrect work of products removing after any AJAX updates
* Gift Options in Magento EE were not fully supported -
1.2.4+ Compatibility with Refer a Friend v.2.1.0+
+ Improved support of DPM
+ Compatibility with Magento Catalog MAP
+ Compatibility with Netresearch_OSC (Ogone Payment Module)
+ Support of SagePay Suite improvement
* Problem with newsletter subscription option for guests -
1.2.3+ Stability and speed improvements
1.2.2+ Stability and speed improvements
1.2.1+ Sage Pay payment method is supported
1.2.0+ Compatibility with Webshopapps_Matrixrate
+ Compatibility with Magento EE Customer Attributes and Customer Address Attributes
+ Gift Options support -
1.1.1+ Stability and speed improvements
1.1.0+ Region ID field saves it's previous value
+ Option to set default payment method
+ Option to set default shipping method
+ 'Remove Item' button in Order Review block
* Compatibility issue with One Click Checkout
* Empty label for Google Checkout payment method in backend (Magento 1.4.X) -
1.0.3* Impossible to place order if credit card (CC,, etc.) was used
1.0.2+ Optional 'Apply Coupon' button
+ 'Edit Your Cart' link has been removed
* Problem with update in specific countries
* Problem with Refer a Friend discount usage
* Compatibility with Subscriptions And Recurring Payments 2.0
* Problem with Points & Rewards when Paypal is chosen as payment method
* Compatibility with iPhone Theme has been improved
* When Mage_Newsletter is disabled, the extension was still showing Newsletter subscription box
* When certain fileds were disabled, it was not possible to place an order
* Minor design problem when certain fields have been disabled
* Problem with blocks update when first shipping method has been selected again -
1.0.1* Minor bugfixes
1.0.0Initial release