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Advanced Reports 2.0 with units support released!

Since version 2.0 the Advanced Reports extension supports the units attachment what means that you can set up Advanced Reports 2.* for your store and add the reports YOU need:


The Customers by country report displays sales data grouped by country. This report type allows you to compare the total number of accounts created in your store for a certain period of time with the quantity of accounts from which orders have been made.

Customers by Country

With the Sales by Manufacturer report you can learn how many products of a certain manufacturer have been bought for a defined period of time.

Sales by Manufacturer

The Sales Statistics features average order amount and average item cost data. This information is displayed on the chart. The other sales data (the number of orders, items, subtotal, tax, discounts, etc.) is reflected in this report type as well.
Sales Statistics

These three units just top the list and their number will be enlarged in the nearest future. Remember that you can always ask for report you require!

Unit’s engine is not the only new feature we would like to inform you about. One more piece of good news is that with the new version of Advanced Reports you get an opportunity to filter data in Sales Report – now all the values (SKU, product name, manufacturer, cost, etc.) are available for filtering.

Besides, the Advanced Reports extension allows you to get more precise and complete information – a new Total field has been added to all reports types.

Moreover the extension works more stable than before as the following bugs have been fixed:


    • Small resolution formatting
    • Advanced Reports sorting

Please find more information about Advanced Reports units on the extension page.

Note that units don’t work separately – only as an attachment for the Advanced Reports extension 2.*