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Educational Push: Meet Magento Romania 2014 Presentations Overview

Magento events are a good opportunity to know the current status of the platform and Magento community; they allow us to realize the issues of the greatest interest within multiple local communities and worldwide.

Magento events provide a great chance to get acquainted with the most advanced researches, technologies, and knowledge related to Magento and e-commerce in general.

So, we continue our overviews of presentations introduced during Magento conferences and today focus on Meet Magento Romania 2014. Despite it was just a first edition of Meet Magento in Romania the conference was a great success according to multiple positive reviews in social media and gave us all a confident insight that combined productive environment and genuine aspiration of organizers guarantee Magento events success and long life.

ERP Integrations with Magento: How to do it fast, good and affordableERP Integrations with Magento: How to do it fast, good and affordable

Alex UrsaAlex Ursa, Executive Director, Netlogiq

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Magento integrations with other business management systems are always in demand, have a strong interest and especially popular among mid-sized and large companies. So, ERP integrations with Magento are the topic of the presentation by Alex Ursa at Meet Magento Romania 2014.

The core issue of such integrations is a quick, complete, and reliable data transfer between Magento and ERP systems. The author notifies online merchants that integrations can be of three types: from ERP to site or vice versa (one-way integration) and bilateral transmission (two-way integrations). The merchants can choose the one they need assuming the differences in their functionality, price, and other options.

Two-way integrations are usually more beneficial and technologically advanced. Except the quantitative information, location, price, weight and other product attributes, categories, pictures, up-sell and cross sell promotions, order and client information they also enable you to transfer order and payment statuses, discounts, rewarding points, etc.

Why these integrations might be valuable? They allow you to avoid duplicate operations, manual mistakes, and repeating data verification. So, they save your time, money, and energy.

Thus, if you already have a Magento store and ERP system running, spend some time (a lot of time sometimes) and deploy their mutual integration for more reliable and effective business doing.

Code Quality on MagentoCode Quality on Magento

Nikolai KrambrockNikolai Krambrock, CEO, Code4business Software GmbH

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Meet Magento Romania 2014 had a strong development track, where many great presentations were introduced. One of them is “Code Quality on Magento” by Nikolai Krambrok.

The code quality is of much importance for both merchants and developers. With an excellent code merchants obtain advanced functionality, usability, data security, and system reliability, while developers can easily read, understand, adapt and extend such codes.

The presentation covers some high-quality code tips applicable to coding in general and Magento development.

At the end of the presentation Nikolai lists several coding guidelines, trustful in his opinion. I’m sure that Magento developers will find this presentation useful and very informative.

Persuasive E-commercePersuasive E-commerce

Guido JansenGuido Jansen, Senior Conversion Specialist, Magento

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In his presentation Guido Jansen considers the opportunities of successful sales using a psychologically adjusted approach to online sales.

Conversion rates in online stores are low compared to offline business, but some online merchants demonstrate really impressing results. Thus, online stores are able to sell more despite the lack of sensory input, direct feedback, personalization, and etc. provided by offline sellers. Then, what is the secret? The author answers this question the next way: “Unconscious motives are the clue to profitable online sales”.

Most purchasing decisions are unconscious and motivated by cognitive biases:

  • Expensive = Good Quality;

  • More = better;

  • Familiar = Safe;

  • Unknown = Creepy;

  • Shiny = New;

  • Beautiful = User-friendly.

All the prejudices customers have open a wide road for the psychological influence on purchasing decisions using some relevant technics: reciprocation, commitment and consistency, social proof, authority, liking, scarcity, etc.

The presentation covers some methods of persuasion definitely useful for merchants and applicable to successful sales.

The concluding idea of the presentation is that the future of e-commerce lies in personal sales and promotions. Magento has much for this (customers and visitors segmentation, customer group pricing, rule-based product relations, etc.) and will have even more.

B2B with MagentoB2B with Magento

Kuba ZwolinskiKuba Zwolinski, SEO, Snowdog

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We are all accustomed to see Magento stores operating mostly in the retail sector of e-commerce, however, the b2b market is much wider and more capacious. In his presentation Kuba Zwolinski considers the perspectives of Magento implementation and use in the b2b sector, which seem to be not so distant and require just several organizational and technological adjustments.

The author claims that today is the best time for entering this market as it has already realized own needs:

  • Flexible and relatively easy to build and use systems;

  • More precise targeting and personalization;

  • Customer service automation.

The requirements to those systems are not so complicated as much of this functionality already exists in Magento Community or Magento Enterprise editions, including restricted catalogs, limited access for local dealers, warehouse management, complex pricing rules, advanced store credit management, large carts (up to 400 items), customer support management, additional payment models, advanced geoip redirects, etc.

So, Magento has great chances to enter this niche and the benefits are very promising there as the b2b market is huge, while the amount of ready-to-use tailored e-commerce solutions is comparatively low.


The scope of provided presentations from Meet Magento Romania 2014 is much wider than this overview, of course. You can look through the entire list here.

All of us realize that Magento events are of great importance for the entire ecosystem. Being a stabilizing and promotional factor they allow us to communicate and make contacts, develop and expand the platform, learn and share knowledge. Hope our overviews contribute to this a bit; so, the Meet Magento NY slides are next this October. Stay connected.

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