New Coupon Code Generator: Magento Coupons in a Few Clicks
Categorized as : Ecommerce
What is the best price for a customer? It’s not the lowest one, which seems to be obvious, but the “best, greatest, coolest, and finally fantastic deal price”. Customers are happy, when they are sure that the deal they make is apparently the best one around.
So, they do not necessarily appreciate lowest costs, but prefer lowest costs as a result of insane chases for savings or as pleasant unexpected acquisitions. That’s what makes the price valuable – satisfaction.
Coupons are the tool, which makes customers satisfied both, if they find codes on coupon sites or suddenly get them from merchants effortlessly. Still, generating multiple coupons each day is a pretty difficult mission, so we offer you the way to streamline this routine.
Coupon Code Generator
The Coupon Code Generator Magento extension allows you to create coupons in just several clicks and send them to customers easily. Magento admins are able to create an unlimited number of coupons based on once settled rules without leaving the Generated Coupons grid.
General Settings
The module’s general configuration sets up notification properties specifying the email sender contact and template. The Configuration section is available in two paths: System > Configuration > aheadWorks extensions > Coupon Code Generator or Promotions > Coupon Code Generator > Settings.
For your convenience, the question button to the right of the Email Template field reminds you the variables available in email templates. They are the following:
- var_name - customer name;
- var quickCoupon - coupon code;
- var quickCouponDiscount|format - discount amount (percent or amount);
- var quickCouponExpirationDate - coupon expiration date.
New Rules
At its core, rules determine the conditions, under which coupons become active, and performed actions, including percent of fixed discounts and free items added to carts.
The dedicated Shopping Cart Price Rule section contains four pages: Rule Information, Conditions, Actions, and Labels.
General Information
The Rule Information section determines basic information about the rule: rule’s name, description, status, websites scope, and customer groups. Other information in this section refers to some specific coupon conditions.
The Coupon field specifies the opportunity to apply shopping cart price rules to a specific coupon or group of coupons created on the basis of this rule. So, if we choose the option Specific Coupon – the rule is eligible for the coupon we specify below in the corresponding field. If we choose the Quickly Generated Coupon option, then we can use this rule for any number of generated coupons.
On this stage you can change the email template or keep the default template determined during the configuration.
Here you can also determine the coupon expiration period in days, number of uses per coupon and per customer, and coupon prefix. The further process of rules creation is similar to native Magento procedures.
Coupon Code Generator Rules
Coupons Generation
The coupon codes generation process is extremely simplified and allows you to create coupons on the fly without leaving the Generated Coupons grid. To generate a coupon you should just select the rule from the dropdown list and specify the email of the coupon’s recipient.You can easily discover and enter required emails since the email field is autocompleted with appropriate variants as soon as you start typing.
The email designation is optional and you can leave the dedicated field empty, if you want to deliver the coupon code by any other mean, except email.
Once you press the Generate button, the coupons with email addresses are sent to the recipients.
You can also generate a coupon from the customer area in the backend: Customers > Manage Customers > Choose a customer > Coupon Code Generator. The process here is just the same: you should specify the rule, email address and click the Generate button. Coupon code generation and sending it to the customer takes just a few seconds.
Coupon Code Generation from the Customer Account
Help Desk Ultimate Integration
The Coupon Code Generator extension is integrated with our ticket management module – Help Desk Ultimate ver. 3.x. This integration allows support agents to generate coupon codes immediately from the ticket form.
They can either just generate a coupon code or generate and send it to the customer in a separate email.
This way, the Coupon Code Generator extension eliminates the routine of creating multiple coupons manually. Using it you are able to generate coupons in a few clicks exactly where and when you need them.
You can try and purchase this extension in our store on the extension’s product page. There you can also find the detailed related information regarding the functionality, compatibility details, screenshots, etc.
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