Improved content management with Magento 2 PageBuilder, or what's new in Magento 2 Blog 2.5
Categorized as : Magento 2 Extensions
Magento 2.3 upgrade and PageBuilder support for easy store content creation are now available in Magento 2 Blog 2.5!
What it takes to achieve positive results from the right content composition? What is the right content layout at all?
Well, the answer is easy but not really satisfying. It depends. Firstly, you need to decide the goals you are aiming at with your content? What message do you want to deliver? Are there any particular audience segments you want to influence?
There are situations when a layout works just fine and those when you need specific blocks or settings to visualize your content correctly. Assuming, lots of images and captions are essential for any product page, service or navigation pages involve advanced text configuration. It is understandable when it comes to differentiating the pages on the base of purpose, but we want to present the way to smear the boundaries at all with a single application in hand.
More in details
Magento 2 PageBuilder is a functionality that helps create any page in a store in a most user-friendly way. Whether you need to divide info into tabs, or highlight the crucial parts with links and buttons, or prove the words with pictures and videos, the intuitive drag-and-drop composer allows you to make any layout with ease.

We have waited anxiously for the Magento 2.3 update to become a part of a content-management-in-a-few-steps community and enhance our existing extensions to comply with the latest demand in UI experience. With Magento 2 Blog 2.5 all the features of PageBuilder are available for our users of Commerce version extensions. Nothing can be simpler to control that a fully open composer with the unlimited number of edit possibilities.
What else can we brag about? Eventually, we have covered all the links to related products and posts with colorful thumbnails that are pulled in from the featured images. Also, we have improved the user-experience related fields to satisfy the most needs for blog writers and readers with RSS feeds and tags as related content identifiers. Sounds good? We feel the same.
If you are interested, all the features that make our Blog so powerful (and much more info on our best-sellers) we mentioned in the update list. Go ahead and explore!
One more notable announcement is that all our extensions that imply the usage of the WYSIWYG editor will be upgraded to provide Magento 2 PageBuilder support.
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