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Attribute your success to Magento 2 Customer Attributes

Attribute your success to Magento 2 Customer Attributes

Be the creator of your knowledge with the brand-new Magento 2 Customer Attributes extension from Aheadworks and reap success!

Magento 2 Customer Attributes

The success of your business lies in knowing the tiniest details about your customers. Having them absolutely happy to share this information is as important, too. You are a perfect merchant if you know this. Well, you are now for sure! 

The brand-new Magento 2 Customer Attributes extension from Aheadworks comes in a key position here. It helps extend and improve the list of built-in Magento customer and customer address attributes. Add new attributes or manage the existing ones and collect all important information either on the front or backend. Respond to your business needs with further use of the attributes with the many integration options of our extension to Magento 2 stores.

As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information.

Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister (1804-1881)

Let’s face it we all have particular customers. Magento 2 Customer Attributes from Aheadworks helps understand them better and get a complete hold of their individual, clear-cut needs. Customizing the attributes facilitates having your shoppers’ profiles as complete as desired. Furthermore, replying to unusual or highly expected questions on the storefront is engaging for buyers. It builds trust in your appreciation of their needs, attitudes and shopping experiences. At the same time you may go secret and create attributes hidden from customers but available for store admins. These may assess or describe your customers’ payment histories, shopping behavior, your faith in their loyalty or more.  

Moreover, with a little help of some other Aheadworks extensions, for instance Customer Segmentation, you will then be able to come close to a finer business strategy. This is turn will, by far and large, refine the assortment of goods and give birth to a number of lucrative promo campaigns pushing your business forward.


Magento 2 Customer Attributes


Go ahead and read more on how to manage customer attributes with the Customer Attributes extension for Magento 2. See for yourself now what makes our product second to none. Expand your impression and learn other outstanding features of the extension. Take a look at how we ensure data validation, regulate input values constraints and handle dependent relations. Try our demo scenario and see some real-life use-cases.


You know. 


When you know with 


Magento 2 Customer Attributes