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Minimum Advertised Price 1.0 released!

Suppliers and retailers quite often stipulate the lowest price an item is allowed to be advertised at. But sometimes in-store prices can be really lower than allowed by the suppliers, but may not be displayed in online advertising. The Minimum Advertised Price extension helps you to escape the conflicts with the manufacturers and sell products at the prices you wish.

Minimum Advertised Price adds a special Check Price button instead of the product price. Having clicked this button, you add an item to the shopping cart, and only then the required price becomes visible.


    • Adds optional 'Minimum Advertised Price' attribute to the product


    • Fast loading AJAX layer


    • Completely configurable layer text, images and buttons


    • "List Price" and "You save" attributes


    • Advanced admin interface for the layer configuration


    • Configurable independent category/search/product page views


    • Supports direct HTML embedding


    • Fully customizable buttons and actions


    • Macro fields containing all attributes of the product


    • Ability to include any content that Magento CMS can involve


    • 100% meets Minimum Advertised Price implementation standards


    • Easy 2-minutes installation


    • Comes with detailed setup and configuration documentation


    • Easy-to-use interface


    • Meets Magento programming practices for most versions and customizations compatibility