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Mobile version of a store - is it a guarantee of success?

The number of smartphones sold exceeded the number of PCs sold in 2011. According to the latest research, the market of smartphones has a great potential and this fact will lead to a huge sales growth in the next few years.

At the moment, there are 5,9 billion mobile phone users, including 835 million of smartphone users. Only in the USA the ownership of this smart device increased by 11% from March 2011 to February 2012. It means that the number of mobile devices will dwarf the number of PCs very soon.

With the growing number of mobile owners, the amount of mobile internet users is also increasing. There are 1,2 billion mobile web users worldwide, that’s 17% of the global population. Mobile Internet usage doubles every year since 2009!

Probably, the accelerating speed of life is the main reason for growing number of smart devices and mobile internet usage. People are trying to use every minute of their life with maximum benefit.

When is a Mobile used?

So usually mobile users look at ads, listen to music, use Twitter and Facebook, and finally, they SHOP. According to the comScore research, 38% of U.S. consumers have used smartphones to buy products or services.

what do people do on a mobile?

It’s not a secret that if you want to achieve better results in business, and especially in ecommerce, you need to keep up with the times! The statistic shows interesting figure – 79% of large online retailers still don’t have a mobile optimized site.

The question is “Why?”

According to the Morgan Stanley Research, the number of Mobile Internet users will become equal to the Desktop Internet users in 2013. It means that crossover is imminent, even if it would happen a year or two later, it’s a matter of time! Isn’t it the indicator that the future is in m-commerce?

Some of e-tailers think that the percentage of purchases via mobile is not big enough to make a mobile version of a store, and it’s not worth it.

Maybe the number of mobile purchases is not so high precisely because there is no mobile user-friendly version of the store?

The question of m-commerce is still an open question. Many men, many minds, but we cannot deny that it is a great step towards customers’ comfort.