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New Flexible Bundle Product - Full Control Over the Bundle Creation

The lifelong task of each business is to sell more products, but the ways we choose to accomplish it may differ greatly.

However, the most obvious solution for selling more lies just on the surface. We can offer sets of products instead of single items. Bundle products do not only increase your revenue, but usually are highly valued by customers, as they can generate specific item sets suitable exactly for individual shoppers. Furthermore, some products are sold in bundles and no other way.

So, in order to streamline the process of selecting and purchasing bundle products you can beneficially use the Flexible Bundle Product extension from our partners.

Main Functionality

Flexible Bundle Products allows you to totally control bundle product sales and send customers to the items you want. Wherein, customers obtain a smooth shopping experience and you get an opportunity to sell slow-moving items in the best manner.

The module displays bundle preview images, which highlight the chosen products and let customers control the whole process of the purchase. The layered navigation functionality allows customers to select necessary products and start the process faster. In order to make customers’ choice self-conscious you can also add useful hints to the suggested items.

Bundle Product Preview


Bundle Product Preview

At each stage of the bundle creation customers can edit all included products as well as later in the shopping cart in just one click. Customers can also add bundle products to their wishlists and review them later, since all bundle items are displayed with thumbnails and descriptions both in wishlists and shopping carts, the same as at the checkout.


Backend Functionality

The configuration of the extension is just simple, as you need to only enable the extension at this stage.

Bundle Products Creation
As the extension adds new product type to Magento, the main process starts at Catalog -> Manage Products -> Add Product ->Product Type -> Extended Bundle.

New Extended Bundle Product


New Extended Bundle Product

Extended bundle products are created in the same way as other types of Magento products with just several new features, which are located in the dedicated tabs of the Product Information section.

The Extended Bundle Options tab allows you to enable the preview of bundle products and discount you want to apply to the bundle items.

In order to add bundle items you should enter the Extended Bundle Items tab and click the Add New Item button. For each item you should define next options: code, title, description, preview image, price, sort order, quantity, and select the products available for this bundle item.

You can create unlimited number of bundles and add any quantity of products to each bundle item. You can also create as many product combinations as you need.

You have an opportunity to add configurable product types to bundles, and let customers select product options of configurable products during bundle creations.

Except the discounts available for bundle products you can directly specify their prices and track bundle products sales the same way you track other types of products.

Dedicated Price Field


Dedicated Price Field


The Flexible Bundle Product extension is suitable almost for all Magento online stores and is able to greatly improve and fasten the process of selection products for bundles. If you need some more information and want to create a complete picture of the module, visit its page in our store, please.

You can also refer to the demo and download the user guide.

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