Precisely Define the Audience for Your Rewards
Categorized as : Ecommerce
Customers’ loyalty is the greatest prize in the "online sales" game.
Points & Rewards and Market Segmentation Suite integration provide extremely flexible and powerful functionality for promotional incentives and creation of sustainable relations with your customers. Continue reading to learn how to create rules and assign reward points to any customer segment.
Reward points can turn customers into your adherents and encourage them to purchase from you. The powerful referral program of Points & Rewards allows attracting new shoppers and keep them happy providing with multiple bonuses. Great user facilities, such as advanced notifications and balance tracking in the "My Account" area, make this extension absolutely transparent and handy for customers.
However, sometimes we need to promote our products among certain audiences and the Points and Rewards extension is also helpful in this case. Additional bonuses and reward points are available via flexible point and reward rules. These rules allow you to reward customers who e.g. purchased a certain amount of products or items from the defined category. These rule conditions include product and shopping cart attribute combinations, but this functionality can be even further extended.
Along with product and shopping cart attributes Magento admins can use customers’ attributes for rule conditions. It becomes possible with the Market Segmentation Suite module integration.
The MSS extension segments customers by a wide range of attributes and condition combinations. Using these modules together, you will be able to assign reward points to any customer segments defined by the required attributes and purchasing history.
Segmentation opportunities in this case are almost unlimited and will help you to carry out pin-point promotions. Bellow you will find some illustrative examples of such rules.
Market Segmentation Suite Rules
Example 1. Rule conditions primarily based on order attributes
Example 2. Rule conditions based on customer and product attributes
Example 3. Rule conditions based on order and customer attributes
Example 4. Rule conditions based on customer and order attributes
Mass Balance Update Using MSS Rules
In order to apply the created MSS rules, navigate to Promotions -> Points and Rewards -> Transactions -> Add New. This table allows mass points balance updates, and here you are able to choose customers, who will get additional points.
Choose the required MSS rule in the “Apply MSS rule” drop-down list and filter customers; specify the comment and points amount, and save the transaction. All chosen registered users will get extra points.
Note: You can also use negative values, which will subtract indicated amount from customers’ balances.
Thereafter customers will get the corresponding notifications about the enrollment of new points and will be able to track balance changes in their account areas.
Hot Offer
We offer a 30% discount for the Market Segmentation Suite extension, if it is purchased together with the Points & Rewards module. This offer is also valid with other extensions, bought together with MSS. Refer to the MSS product page (the "Hot Offer" tab) and get the complete list of these modules.
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