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Venturing into Magento: customer experience

It’s always a pleasure to aheadWorks to promote our customers’ stores and see how our extensions help your busyness thrive.

This time we reached out to Carlos, eCommerce manager at In this interview, Carlos speaks about high level of professionalism that reveals in the services he provides to customers as well as in professional software they use in their Magento store. So I asked him to expand on the idea.

What: Beauty online store with perfumes, cosmetics, makeup and hair care.
Where: Sevilla, Spain

Q: How long have you been running your store?

A: The store opened in January 2012, but we changed its name in March 2012.

Q: Why did you choose Magento as your current platform?

A: We have pitched on Magento for its flexibility to use only one catalog, admin site and settings in only one platform for different sites. Also we had experience in PHP development and use of open source software.

aheadWorks extensions in use

Q: Did you have to move your store from any other platform to Magento?

A: No, it's the first platform for our site. We have other shopping site at for Spain and want to change it to Magento in future too.

Q: Why did you choose aheadWorks as a Magento extensions provider?

A: For your level of professionalism. We offer professional services to our customers and also want to use professional software for our platform.

Q: Do you use only aheadWorks’ extensions in your store?

A: No, we use other provider's extensions for features not covered by aheadWorks extensions.

Q: Name aheadWorks’ extensions you use?

A: We use:

Q: What’s the most powerful extension/s for you and why?

A: The most powerful extension for us is Follow Up Email because it has improved our conversions and boosted sales. Also Advanced Reports is a must have extension, but for a different reason. We use it to obtain analytics for our customers’ behavior.

Q: Do you have a mobile version of your store?

A: Yes, we have our site with a theme with Responsive Design in mind, so our site fits well in smartphones and tablets devices.

Blog extension in use

Q: Describe your experience in using our extensions.

A: I appreciate aheadWorks good support and easy configuration tasks. We have installed all the extensions in a similar way without errors. We have also modified some of aheadWork extensions. First of all for translation purposes, and also to fit our theme design.

All the Magento specifications have been met by your extensions, using locale files to translations and community and local file structure for core modifications.

We needed support only for the Ultimate SEO Suite extension to get our blog posts in the sitemap of the site. In two days your support team connected to our server and discovered that the problem was with other installed extension. They changed the needed files with our permission.

If we could use only AW extensions, we would have done, but it's the only con about aheadWorks, you cannot cover all our needs.

Q: Extension of your dream. What extension would you like to use in your store that hasn’t been released yet?

A: We would like to have an extension to automatically export all our product list price in a PDF file. There are some extensions to export products to PDF, but we don't know the one to export ALL products with no images, only product name and price.

Q: Any recommendations for people evaluating Magento?

A: Yes, Magento is a fantastic platform! It meets all the required features, but you'll need external extensions for a more professional site, so be careful with your project quote.

Q: Any last words you might have?

A: A remote ‘Support Only Service’ could be an interesting opportunity for those merchants who don’t have enough knowledge of a Magento site technical administration: management, performance, backup, etc. It can be a new service for your company :-)

Q: Thanks so much for your time.

P.S. If you would like to share your store with Magento society, please feel free to contact us.