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Z-Blocks use case: congratulate your customers with national holidays

Z-Blocks demonstrated features:

  • per-store block displaying

  • HTML content

  • specified displaying interval

Z-Blocks allows you to create blocks with beforehead prescribed day and time of their displaying. For instance, you can make a list of holidays once for a year and they will be displayed at the appointed time. It is especially convenient for the owners of several on-line stores oriented on different countries. Congratulate your visitors with their national holidays. They will highly appreciate that you respect their traditions.

To make such a congratulation block follow the steps below:

General information

  1. Click CMS→ Z-Blocks.

  2. Click "Add Block" button.

  3. Type the block title.

  4. Select the store view for block displaying (if you have 2 or more stores).

  5. Set status to "Enabled".

  6. Select the block container place.

  7. Click "Save and Continue Edit" button.

General information


  1. Select the menu "Content" in "Block Information" part.

  2. Click "Add item" button.

  3. Type the title of the item.

  4. Set status to "Enabled".

  5. Type the item content. You can insert plain text as well as HTML and CSS elements or images.

  6. Click "Save and Continue Edit" button.



  1. Select the menu "Schedule" in "Block Information" part.

  2. Select the block day and time displaying.

  3. Click "Save block" button.


Enjoy the results!

Enjoy the results