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Subscriptions and Recurring Payments – new version and new user guide!

The first one is that User Guide is available to download from the extension page. The guide will make the work with Subscriptions and Recurring Payments much easier. In addition to covering all moments of the extension functioning – module configuration, managing subscriptions, subscribers and subscription products, etc. – you will find out how to manage subscriptions for customer’s part.

Advanced Reports – new report type!

Then Products by Customer report is exactly what you require. This new report type of the Advanced Reports extension allows you to find out that for example, 75% of your customers purchased 1 product, 20% added 2 items to their cart and only 5% bought 3 products at a time. A great help in sales analyzing and promotions preparing, isn’t it?

Who Bought This Also Bought 1.1.1 released

Now Enterprise-based store owners can influence their customers to spend more on products from their store easily by leveraging the ease and power of our Who Bought This Also Bought extension. Use the now popular recommendation software technique made famous by the world’s largest online retailer to boost multiply your sales.