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Advanced Reports – new report type!

Need to know how many products are bought at a time by the majority/minority of your customers? Then Products by Customer report is exactly what you require. This new report type of the Advanced Reports extension allows you to find out that for example, 75% of your customers purchased 1 product, 20% added 2 items to their cart and only 5% bought 3 products at a time. A great help in sales analyzing and promotions preparing, isn’t it?


Besides a new report type implementation, the already existing Sales Report has been redesigned in the latest version of Advanced Reports. Order number and date, zip code, country, manufacturer, cost and some other data is available now in the Sales Report giving you the complete picture of your sales.


The next piece of good news is that the extension works more stable now as the following bugs have been fixed:

    • Reports by month


    • Currency


    • Sales by Product optional products displaying

You can find the complete list of the Advanced Reports features on the extension page.