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Supported Payment Methods

In addition to credit card (Braintree) payment, the extension also supports the following methods: Adyen Google and Apple Pay, Adyen credit card payments, NMI by Aheadworks, Cash on Delivery, Stripe credit card payments, Bambora APAC by Aheadworks, PayPal via Braintree, from ParadoxLabs, Adobe Payment Services, PayPal Payments Pro and PayPal Payflow Pro, PSI Gate, Mollie.

NOTE: Free trials are not available for those payment methods whose gates do not allow zero payments for usual Magento orders (Stripe, PayPal via Braintree and NMI).


NOTE: If the payment attempt fails for any reason, customers can retry failed payments by logging to their account > My Subscriptions > Subscription’s edit page > Payment Details . Here they will find the “Retry” button, which allows them to instantly make another payment attempt.

Please follow the official Magento 2 guide to learn more on how to enable payment methods in the store.

1. Enable the Cash on Delivery method for customers to pay for the subscription with cash on receipt of the product.

When the Cash On Delivery method is used, the Successful Billing email notifications are not sent.


2. To employ Stripe, install the official module of the gateway, enable the integration add-on and connect Stripe with Advanced Subscription Products. Follow this detailed instruction.

3D Secure is supported for Stripe in M2 Advanced Subscription Products.

There have been reported cases when payment cards request a 3D Secure password, even for recurring payments.


3. Bambora APAC by Aheadworks payment is available via a stand-alone extension or as a bundled option at check-out on purchase the present extension (extra fees apply).


4. NMI by Aheadworks payment is available via a stand-alone extension or as a bundled option at check-out when purchasing the present extension (extra fees apply).


5. To employ Adyen, install the official module of the gateway and enable the integration patch.

Adyen 3D Secure 2 is supported.


6. To employ Adyen Google Pay and Adyen Apple Pay, install the official module of the gateway and the integration patch.

Adyen implementation

Open Adyen backend and follow Developers > API URLs > Additional data settings. For correct work of the Advanced Subscription Products, the following checkboxes must be ticked:

Card field:

  • Card holder
  • Card bin 
  • Card summary 
  • Expiry date
  • Variant

Payment field:

  • Recurring details


7. To employ Braintree, do one of the following:

  • For Magento 2.3.* install Gene module and enable the corresponding integration patch. 
  • For Magento 2.4.* enable the corresponding integration patch and make use of the in-built PayPal Braintree module.


8. from ParadoxLabs

NOTE:  We support only from the ParadoxLabs vendor. To integrate with ParadoxLabs, you need to install a separate module module-sarp2-authnetcim.


9. Free Payment provides free payment processing functionality for Advanced Subscription Products. Admin can create subscription orders with zero total as a free trial.

During the Free Payment method, the store Admin creates a subscription without adding sensitive payment information. Next, the Admin sends a link to the customer, allowing them to insert their card details and activate the subscription. This approach ensures compliance with PSI regulations.

To employ Free Payment, the following operations are expected:

  1. Install Advanced Subscription Products official module
  2. Install the add-on for integration with M2 Advanced Subscription Products *

* Add-ons are included into the installation package of the extension.


10. Advanced Subscription Products is integrated with Adobe Payment Services. To install Adobe Payment Services, you need to:

  • Get the module from Magento Marketplace;
  • Install the module via composer using command:
composer require magento/payment-services
  • Please, make sure you also install and enable module-sarp2-aps, which will provide the integration between Advanced Subscription Products and Adobe Payment Services.

Learn more about Adobe Payment Services.


11. To employ Mollie, install the official module and connect it to your Magento 2 environment.


12. Advanced Subscription Products is integrated with PayPal Payflow Pro and PayPal Payments Pro.

  • To enable this functionality, you need to install the module via composer using command:
composer require aheadworks/module-sarp2-paypal
  • Logged-in customers, guests and administrators all have the ability to purchase a subscription using either PayPal Payments Pro or PayPal Payflow Pro.
  • Only Credit Card is supported (when the payment is selected, it will be required to enter credit card details on the checkout directly).


13. PSI Gate payment method

The integration between the Advanced Subscription Products module and the third-party payment module PSI Gate streamlines subscription management and payments for your convenience. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth integration:

  1. Install and activate the PSIGate (version 1.0.2) payment module compatible with your platform.
  2. Configure PSIGate settings, ensuring compatibility and security measures.
Do not install patches for payment methods you are not using. That is when there is no official module of the gateway installed on the store.


If Cart contains a subscription product, only those payment methods, which are supported by the extension, will be available.

To configure the methods of payment, refer to Stores → Settings → Configuration → Sales → Payment Methods. The official Magento 2 guide will be of help here.

If you would like to integrate another custom payment method, it can be done via additional customization if that payment supports tokenization. 

So if you are interested in custom development, our team will help since we provide additional Customization service:


Want to learn more about Advanced Subscription Products? Read the following articles:

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