Case Study: How to Draw Visitor’s Attention to Ads
Categorized as : Ecommerce
Today we’d like to share with you a case study from our good old partner Speroteck. The company joined our partner program over two years ago and specializes in providing custom Magento development and support. It also offers SEO and AdWords management services.
Read on to learn what challenges the developers have faced implementing the Pop-Up+ extension to capture visitors’ attention.
We will continue to publish more cases to this section giving insight into Magento deployment and extensions customization highlighting our partners and demonstrating how they solve merchants’ needs.
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Nature's fabrics Overview
Nature's fabrics is a family operated business. It offers a complete line of earth friendly fabrics to help diaper your little one and clothe yourself in the greatest comfort while decreasing your exposure to many of the toxic chemicals used in the textile industry. The company’s goal is to provide the very best fabric, quickly and affordably.
The client faced the problem: how to capture the attention of visitors on specific information shown in simple banners or other informational ads on which customers usually do not pay attention.
In most cases this information is important and contains sales promotions or changes in Terms and Conditions of the site. The Client asked for our recommendations on how to place such worthwhile information in the way to attract visitors and keep their interest.
The best solution was to create a pop-up window that user must review and close before entering a web site. The Client liked the idea and our developers started to find ways how to implement this functionality. Two ways were found:
- implement this functionality by ourselves
- purchase an appropriate extension.
The second one appeared to be more appropriate and much cheaper. There was no need to 'reinvent the wheel'. Having examined several different options to choose from, we turned our attention to the aheadWorks Pop-up+ extension, which gave us not only required functionality, but also easy configuration mechanism through Magento Admin Panel.
There was no need to 'reinvent the wheel'.
There were a few problems that we were able to address during the extension’s configuration. The first issue was with displaying the list of configured pop-up windows in the admin panel, which was fixed by changing the basic settings in Magento theme.
Furthermore, we had to disable the ability to merge Javascript, which Magento provides by default.
As a result, the client was very happy to get some feedbacks from customers who were pleased with promotions. It was possible thanks to the pop-up window on the site that is displayed with the help of Pop-Up+ extension provided by aheadWorks.