Never loose a customer after a sale, stay in contact with people who are most likely to be interested in another purchase. Use follow up emails to get opinion about the products a customer had purchased, request a feedback, offer related items, send attractive discounts and promotions, and anything else you could imagine.
Attract your visitors to special items – the labels can be displayed in catalog view as well as in product. The label image and text are easily customized: you can use a label that comes into the package and upload you own; you can not only write your text on the label but also use the following variables.
Plus some minor bugfixes. If you own a previous version you would definitely wish to upgrade – the upgrade is free! If you don’t have one – get it and make your customers much more happy.
To embed the extension on the site one only needs to insert the block through CMS – visitors online information would appear immediately. Let your shoppers know they are not alone
Explore the May 5, 2009, issue of the Magento World Newsletter. Discover latest trends in Magento 2 extensions that can propel your online store forward