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Optimal Online Length Values

To be successful online you need certain knowledge of an optimal length of blog posts or social media posts. Today we’ll share some valuable tips you should follow to get the best results from your online texts and textual promotions.

Tweet length

Tweets are not long from any point, and it is even more surprising, when the corresponding experiments claim that it should be even shorter. According to Buddy Media, most engaging tweets are about 100 characters or a bit shorter.
Most engaging tweets are about 100 characters

But too small tweets are less efficient than long ones as 40-70 characters are obviously not enough to convey the idea of your message.

Note: Tweets containing 70-100 characters have a 17% higher engagement than 140 characters tweets.

Facebook post length

Facebook post length explorations are a bit controversial, but also tend to short messages as the best practice for this social network.

Jeff Bullas found that concise 40-characters Facebook posts are the most effective, although they are detected only in 5% of cases. But short posts (1-80 characters), anyway, have a 66% better engagement rate than long (81+ characters) ones.
Most engaging Facebook posts are located betweet 80-140 characters

The same finding was discovered in the BitzLocal investigation, which confirmed that the most engaging posts are located in the 80-140 characters area and longer posts gradually lose their effectiveness.

Google plus post length

60 characters or less are the best for Google+ post headlines. Otherwise, you'll enter the second line of the post and won't have enough space for the text itself. Besides, the headlines under 55 characters are not truncated in snippets, shown in Google search results.

In those cases, when the headline cannot be reduced to 60 characters or less,  the first sentence of the post should be short, but really killing.

LinkedIn post length

According to Compendum, the ideal length of posts for LinkedIn is about 16-25 words for B2b and 21-25 words for B2C. This way, the average optimal length in characters is still 80-125, as an average English word is about 5 letters.

Pinterest picture description length

On Pinterest, the most engaging picture descriptions are between 100-200 characters. And though people use Pinterest to highlight and discover pictures, appealing picture descriptions draw additional attention of the audience.
Most engaging Pinterest picture descriptions are between 100-200 characters

Text headline length

Long headlines are also not good enough. In order to get an effective headline keep it short,  and let readers absorb it at one glance. The most engaging headlines are only about six words or a bit longer. If you cannot keep it so short, then you should know that people tend to read carefully only first and last three words. So start you titles intriguingly and finish them with an inviting call.

Blog post length

Ideal blog post length is a very complicated subject as we can measure it in several different ways and, at the same time, blog posts may serve multiple aims.

If a blog post is aimed to hold users’ attention as long as possible, then we should follow the recommendations derived by Medium in their internal investigations. They say that 7-minute post (or about 1600 words) length is the most engaging, while longer posts attract less people.

But if you tend to create posts for Google search, then 1600 words is not enough. Google prefers long posts (2000 and more) and has a dedicated rank mechanism for them, which ranks them high. According to SerpIQ, average Google Top 10 pages contain more than 2000 words of text per page, free of any HTML, CSSs, or JavaScript code extracts.

Text paragraph length

Linguists do not strictly determine paragraph length, but they still provide some general recommendations on this subject.

The average line length for online texts should be about 40-50 characters, or 8-10 words. This length is the most readable and comprehensible.

A plain online paragraph should contain from four to six sentences, about four lines, or 50 words.

E-mail subject line length

According to MailChimp, e-mail subject length does not influence its open or click rate. In their investigation they explored about 12 billion e-mails and didn't find any correlation between these two parameters.

Title tag length

The length of title tag is completely determined by its main purpose, which is to attract visitors from the Google search page. So, title tag should clearly describe the content of the article and should not be truncated. According to Moz, only 5% of 55-character title tags are truncated by Google, which sounds a pretty reasonable value for that title length, and we may consider it as an optimal choice.

Description tag length

The universal description tag length, passing all most popular search engines, is 155 characters.

Of course we can't expect, that length optimized post will succeed without any valuable content, but we should consider the mentioned above figures, as they are the result of many objective factors.

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