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New Magento Extension - Market Segmentation Suite!


The cardinal mantra that is a pre-requisite for marketing success is ‘Know thy customer’. Based on this fundamental principle, aheadWorks’ Market Segmentation Suite offers you a powerful and sophisticated targeted selling platform so that you can plan and execute your marketing and merchandising strategies with pinpoint accuracy.

Featuring some of the most powerful functionality of Magento Enterprise’s Rich Merchandising Suite, the Market Segmentation Suite presents an excellent enterprise-grade alternative that community version users will certainly benefit from. If More Sales, Higher Profits, and Greater Customer Loyalty mean anything to you, then you must equip your e-commerce store with the Market Segmentation Suite extension.

All the information and knowledge about customers that you glean from your e-commerce store becomes truly valuable only when this knowledge is applied effectively and contextually to deliver the most targeted content to your audience for maximum impact.

Information -> Intelligence -> Knowledge -> Merchandising & Marketing Power

aheadWorks’ Market Segmentation Suite takes the concept of customer segmentation to a whole new level. Whether you choose to target your customers on a one-to-one (personalized) or one-to-many (customer group) basis, you control with precision who sees what and when based on what you know about them. Use your understanding of a visitor’s propensity to buy to maximize the probability of a purchase.

With the Market Segmentation Suite extension by aheadWorks you can:

Market more effectively and efficiently

Accurately segment your target audience based on criteria you set up and export these segmented lists for marketing using the most appropriate channels and methods for each segment.

Take control with the innumerable rule setting options and flexibility

Set up targeting rules based on multiple conditions encompassing one or many of these broad parameters:

  • Customer personal details including name, address, date of birth

  • Newsletter subscription details

  • Product details including:

    • view and order history

    • shopping cart items

    • wishlist records



To give some simple examples of the possibilities, you could segment and export

  • customers from the US who have spent more than $300 and viewed a product more than 2 times; or


    MSS Rule


  • customer(s) from a specific ZIP code with a shopping cart value less than $100 who have viewed a product X; or


    MSS Rule


  • customers within a certain group from a certain country with certain item(s) in the shoppig cart.


    MSS Rule

Now consider combining several such conditions into a targeting rule, and we hope you get an idea of the possibilities for precision targeting.

Build customer loyalty

Let the customer always perceive the human touch of somebody who knows him intimately, using the precise segmentation to point him to items that are of greatest interest or use to him. Such customer orientation is bound to foster immense loyalty, which will translate into tangible benefits in terms of sales and referrals.

Moreover, with Market Segmentation Suite you also gain easy set up, trusted aheadWorks product quality and support

  • Easy 2-minute installation

  • 100% open source

  • 30 day money back – satisfaction guaranteed

  • Lifetime bug free guarantee

  • Meets Magento programming practices for most versions and customizations compatibility

  • Free upgrades at least in current version branch

  • Our excellent support team is on hand to assist you each business day from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm GMT

You can find screenshots and backend demo of the extension on the Market Segmentation Suite page.