Periodic Table of aheadWorks Magento Extensions
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These days we all recollect our school years sending our own children to schools or just passing by the well-dressed kids and teens smartly walking to their classes.
Influenced by this nostalgic mood we want you to feel the same inspiration. On this occasion, we assembled all our Magento extensions in the table, largely similar to the Periodic Table of elements.
Table 1. Periodic Table of aheadWorks Magento Extensions
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We made it not only to convey the spirit of this “Back to school” time, but also to provide you with the opportunity to have all our Magento products on hand and find them easily every time you need some additional functionality for your store. You will also have a chance to dive deep into the times, when learning was usual and not so awkward :) , if you take part in our Back to School contest given below.
Table Guide
In the Periodic Table our extensions are grouped by functionality and price.
The vertical columns feature extensions of certain functionality areas and have different colors for your convenience. The names of the columns are given on the top of the table, and highlight the Sales Motivation, User Experience, Admin Tools blocks and so on; totally nine columns.
The table also has three horizontal sections, which contain modules differentiated by prices and value. The first block contains must have extensions beneficial and suitable for almost all Magento stores. It is followed by the Advanced Functionality and Fundamental + sections containing sophisticated extensions with numerous features and facilities.
Free stuff is allocated in a separate unit and consists of ten free Magento extensions.
When you choose an item in this table you can determine its functions, price and open the product page of the extension immediately referring to the detailed information of the product or its demo.
So, please bookmark this table in your browser and refer to it anytime you decide to enhance the functionality of your store. You will certainly find something useful among our extensions.
Back to School Contest
Now you come to the funniest and most beneficial peace of your reading, which is the contest dedicated to the beginning of the new school year. As usually, the terms are simple and the gains are obvious.
You need to compose some words out of the modules’ acronyms contained in the Periodic Table of aheadWorks extensions above. Those of you will win, who use the biggest number of acronyms for their word variants.We do not accept obscene and nonexistent variants.
For example, we made a variant, which consist of three extensions' acronyms: GeoIp Redirect (GR) + On Sale (Os) + Sociable (S) = GROSS. You can submit any words, including nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc.Winners will take one aheadWorks' Magento extension of their choice for free.
The contest will continue for one week and next Thursday we’ll sum up the results and feature our winners. Please, email your variants to [email protected] or leave them in the comments below and let your first school teacher know that nothing is in vain. :)
Back to School congratulations to all of you and good luck.