RSS Reader Magento Extension v1.0 Released!
Categorized as : Ecommerce
Place RSS feeds on your store pages just in minutes with this extension. Fully customizable, with its own caching system it will make your store highly integrated with your Wordpress blog or any other system/service that has RSS feeds. BUY RSS READER NOW
Works with numerous feeds even on the same page
Create as much RSS Reader instances as you need.
Full control of the output
You may control every option available on per instance basis, overriding default options set in administration panel. Options list is available here.
Powerfull caching
With caching option enabled, RSS Reader fetches the content from remote host and stores it in its own cache.
For store owners, developers and designers
You may put RSS Reader instances on your pages using Magento CMS pages and blocks. In this case you don't need to edit any files, all can be done through administration panel. Need more flexibility - no problem. Call RSS Reader instances just from Magento layout XML files.
Custom CSS and Template files
RSS Reader uses its own CSS file and custom template. In fact you may create as much output patterns as needed and use them on per instance basis.
Next week we will publish in this blog detailed tutorial on achieving excellent Magento customization results using 2 our extensions: Z-Blocks and RSS Reader.