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Welcome AJAX Cart Pro v.3.0 with 7 New Features

AJAX Cart Pro v.3.0 is out

The completely refactored AJAX Cart Pro 3.0 has been released today as promised. This bestseller and must-have extension effectively removes those annoying page reloads that frequently occur when users click “add to cart” and “delete from cart” options. Instead of reloading, items are added instantly with appealing animation effects.


A lot of new features as well as improvements have been implemented in this new version of AJAX Cart Pro. All of them are significant and claiming your attention, so it is hard to select the one to start with. That’s why I’ll begin with the one I like most of all :)



· Customizable confirmation block

Now you can easily modify the pop-up window which appears after adding\removing products to\from cart. Besides the design customization, you can insert widgets, images and variables in the block exactly from the backend.

AJAX Cart Pro

For example, you can display cross-sells block in the confirmation window. In such way, AJAX Cart Pro is not only the Magento extension for improving customers’ loyalty but becomes an additional tool for increasing sales in your store.

Pop-up with Cross-sells Block

Also, you can input any text and use different variables, such as product name and image. Remind your customers which product they remove from the cart – probably, they do it by mistake or miss-click!

Product Name and Image Variables in Pop-up

· Ability to preview the confirmation block after customization

Having modified the pop-up, you can preview it before showing all changes to your store visitors.

Pop-up Preview

· Grouped and bundle products support as well as gift cards in EE

Since 3.0 version, AJAX Cart Pro supports all native Magento product types making this extension an ideal solution for any online business whatever it sells.

Pop-up for Bundle Product

· Ability to specify quantity for products with options in pop-up window

Now your customers don’t have to go to the product page every time they need to select some options and change the number of items - the required information is at your customers' disposal in a handy pop-up window.

Pop-up for Grouped Product

· AJAX Cart Pro uses current layout of the store

This great improvement makes our Magento extension much friendlier with other modules and different store customizations as well as easier for installation.

· Support of all product types in wishlist

No matter whether your customers add products to cart from the category page or wishlist – the AJAX Cart Pro extension makes this process flawless everywhere.

· Shopping cart update and clearance without page reloading

Increase the chance of successful purchase in your store. With AJAX Cart Pro, no page reloading occurs when your customers update products quantity or remove some items from the cart.

Remember - if your support period is active, you can download this revolutionary version of the Magento extension absolutely for free!

You can try the demo version of this module on the AJAX Cart Pro page.