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Z-Blocks - now with Market Segmentation Suite integration!

Today we are glad to announce the release of Z-Blocks v.2.2. The primary feature added in the new version and making the extension more flexible is the Market Segmentation Suite extension integration.

This new feature makes blocks 100% customizable – you can specify not only where and when z-blocks will appear, but whom they will be shown to.

A great variety of MSS conditions allows you to execute your marketing and merchandising strategies with pinpoint accuracy. Make the blocks displayed to target audience basing on any criterea you set up: number of products added to cart, total sum of the products bought, customers' information, etc.

Create the proper MSS rule and the block will be displayed:

  • on the Shopping Cart page when customer adds several products to cart


    Chechout Page


  • in the content top of the page on customer’s birthday


    My Account Page


  • on the Category page when customer has already bought a certain product


    Category Page


You can even specify a combination of conditions what makes blocks displaying even more targeted and personalized.

The following bugs have been fixed in the latest version of Z-Blocks as well:

  • Incorrect message in admin section after block deleting

  • Incorrect number of displayed records when several blocks have no content items

Please find more information on the extension page.