Layered Navigation for Magento 2
Make catalog navigation simple, fast and stress-free.
- Advanced filter management options
- Smart use of images and swatches for filter customization
- Slider and From-To filters for numeric and price attributes
- Multi- and single-select modes for filters
- Enhance functionality by integrating with Shop by Brand, Product Labels, LangShop, Smile ElasticSuite
- Hyvä-compatible
Current extension version: 2.8.2
Open Source 2.4.6 - 2.4.7;
Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 - 2.4.7

Adobe Commerce


GraphQL Available

LangShop Compatible

Layered Navigation Gallery

Recent research has shown 73% of users leave an online store within two minutes if they don’t find what they want. The explanation for this phenomenon is simple: potential customers just get lost in the abundance of products and, as a result, become impatient. Therefore, powerful catalog navigation is a must-have for online stores selling products with a great variety of attributes.
Help users find what they need easily and speed up the buying process with a professionally organized catalog navigation! Save customers’ time with AJAX loading: show matching products right after filters are applied without reloading a whole page. Find matching products effectively thanks to multi-filter mode, price sliders, filter icons, and more. Enhance user purchasing experience by removing out-of-stock products from the display. On top of that, drive more traffic to catalog pages with SEO improvements.
Provide intuitive product navigation
Save customers’ time and increase the accuracy of the system response to the search queries. Enable expanding or collapsing of filters, add visually-informative images to the names and values of the attributes, opt for either a single- or multi-select filter mode, and decide on hiding unavailable filter values from view. Provide seamless filtering without constant page reloading due to the AJAX option, thus contributing to a stress-free, intuitive user experience with ultimate catalog navigation.
Multi- and single-select modes
Opt for multi - or single-select filtering mode according to your store needs. With multi-select mode customers can choose several values of the same filter, thus comparing items and finding the most suitable one faster.
Filter display modes
Let customers navigate the catalog intuitively by choosing various display options for different filters: checkbox, swatch, button, text field, or others. Visualize the attributes of the filter adding images to them. Decide on the look of the filter attributes: name, swatch, or combination of both.

Slider and From-To filters
Enhance customer satisfaction with the two filter options for numeric and price attributes - Slider and From-To. Moreover, you can decide on continuous or discrete behavior for the Slider option, thus allowing users to find affordable items at ease.

Category filter
Configure the category tree filter to provide convenient navigation throughout categories on any catalog page, turning guest users into buyers.

AJAX reloading
Save customers time with AJAX support that allows displaying products immediately without the whole page reloading. Automatic update of matching items occurs every time a new filter is selected, so the customers can see the filter results in a second.

Manual reloading
Provide customers with an option to reload the page manually with the help of the ‘Show X more’ pop-over. In this case, customers can select multiple values in bulk and see all the relevant options. Whenever users decide on the set of attributes, they can reload the page by simply clicking the button.

Hidden attributes
While the catalog is being filtered, some product attributes get unavailable but still stay visible. If the filter is no longer available for a particular product selection, you can hide it, so it doesn’t distract the customers.

SEO improvements
Make your catalog and category pages more SEO-friendly with URL structure setup; optional no-index for category pages; meta title and description; category and filter variables in meta description; redirect, robot tags, indexing, and more.

Integration with Shop by Brand for Magento 2
Integration with Product Labels
Integration with LangShop
Integration with Smile ElasticSuite
More features
Fast navigation
Tailor filters values and modes according to your specific business needs.
Extra filters
Display ‘New’, ‘On Sale’, ‘In Stock’ filters for even more accurate navigation.
Configurable filters
Configurable filter types for various kinds of attributes.
User-friendly filtering
Each filter ‘remembers’ its state within a customer session.
Let customers find products of a particular brand with filtering by brand attribute.
Horizontal filter bar
Decide whether the vertical or horizontal filter menu is a good fit for your website layout.
No scrolling
Define how many filter values should be unfolded and hide the rest.
Simple filter management
Manage filters in bulk within a separate filters grid.
Customize swatches
Edit native swatches to be more appealing.
Multilingual support
Provide attribute auto-sorting in a multilingual environment.
Filter visibility
Adjust filter visibility setup on a category level.
Filter state
Configure default filter state setup - expanded or collapsed.
2.8.2Released 01.03.2024
* Fixed error on running setup upgrade command -
2.8.1Released 10.01.2024
* Removed plugin error
* Fixed issue with displaying unavailable attributes in filters
* Fixed issue with filtering products by 'NEW' on category pages
* Fixed issue with displaying bundle products after applying a filter by child-products's attribute
* Fixed issue with discrete price slider increments on different categories
* Fixed issue with price filter application
* Fixed issue with Additional Sorting options when 'Sort By' is selected manually -
2.8.0Released 01.12.2023
+ Compatibility with the Smile ElasticSuite module
+ Option to switch the logic from OR to AND within a filter for the Smile ElasticSuite module
+ Refactoring of the filter edit form in the backend
* Fixed issue with re-indexing -
2.7.0Released 02.10.2023
+ Subcategories on the Search Results page
+ Image customization for attribute names within the website scope
* Fixed issue with the 'Submit' button when scrolling through the Manage filters page
* Fixed issue with displaying out-of-stock products at the top of categories -
2.6.0Released 20.07.2023
+ Option to add URLs with certain attributes to the Sitemap
+ Mass Action: Change position of the filters
+ Mobile-friendly design of the price slider
+ API support (PWA ready)
+ GraphQL update
* Fixed issue with price filter when it is applied on Store View with 2 values
* Fixed issue with displaying "Show X Items" Pop-over opposite the applied filter
* Fixed issue with direction of sorting search results
* Fixed issue when selecting a price filter with the highest option -
2.5.0Released 11.04.2023
+ Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6
+ Improved rounding logic for calculating precision per each numeric filter
+ Hide attribute when only a single facet is available
* Fixed issue with rounding decimal filters
* Fixed issue with price filter
* Fixed issue with sorting search results by Relevance when AJAX enabled
* Fixed issue on the Catalog pages for Magento 2.4.6 -
2.4.1Released 07.12.2022
* Fixed issue with displaying the “User ratings” filter on the category page without products
* Fixed issue with the default 'Sort By' parameter when 'Remember Category Pagination' enabled -
2.4.0Released 24.11.2022
+ Product list sorting options (Global Sorting Direction)
+ Bundle product filtering improvement
* Fixed issue with some filters after deleting the store -
2.3.5Released 20.10.2022
* Fixed issue with the Magento Live Search compatibility
* Fixed issue with the sale filter support for bundle products with dynamic price -
2.3.4Released 20.06.2022
* Fixed issue with displaying the Currency Symbols if slider is used for the price
* Fixed issue with displaying Hint near the "Tooltip" field
* Fixed issue with the Numeric attribute slider
* Fixed issue with searching a filter value
* Fixed issue with slider if filter starts from 0
* Fixed issue with filtering Slide with the text field
* Fixed issue with displaying the Meta tags in the console if Ajax is enabled
* Fixed issue with sorting
* Fixed issue with the namespace of the Scroll event
* Fixed issue with changing the Price filter after re-applying on the second storeview with another currency -
2.3.3Released 30.05.2022
* Fixed issue with slider on the category page
* Fixed issue with installation process -
2.3.2Released 18.03.2022
*Fixed issue for Magento Marketplace -
2.3.1Released 02.03.2022
+Fixed MDVA-43395 and MDVA-43443 vulnerabilities
*Fixed issue with the price filter
*Both boundary values of Slider can be expanded after applying filter
*Price range from max to max value can be selected using Slider
*The selected price range is converted incorrectly after switching the currency
*Filter doesn't work if filter options have different values per Store view -
2.3.0Released 13.10.2021
+ Code optimizations of SEO friendly URLs logic
+ Display a filter only in chosen categories
+ Show disabled facets as grey and move them to the bottom of the list
+ Add selected filters to the sidebar
+ Scrolling usage depends on block height -
2.2.0Released 22.09.2021
+ Possibility to add tooltips to filters
+ Search attribute values on a filter level
+ Review Rating filter
+ Web API update
+ GraphQL update
+ Push out-of-stock products to the bottom of a category
* Fixed issue with the price filter when using multiple currencies
* Fixed issue with custom URL rewrites
* Fixed issue with swatches.css in Magento 2.3 -
2.1.7Released 30.04.2021
+ Remember position when navigating back to the Category page
* Fixed issue with saving attributes with swatches
* Exceeded value of PHP max_input_vars occurs while saving an attribute
* Products are filtered without regard to the currency set in the store
* It's impossible to go back to the 1st page with pagination -
2.1.6Released 20.01.2021
* Fixed issue with ESI injection vulnerability
* Category has two meta titles in the page markup -
2.1.5Released 17.11.2020
* "Hide filters with no available values" configuration does not work
* PHP error on wrong filter attributes in URL
* Fixed issues with sorting and pagination
* Price with "-0.01"value is displayed in the "Price" filter
* Empty popup is displayed if hover on Text/Visual Swatch attribute value in the filter
* Selected attribute values are not in the focus on the Category page
* Layered navigation has an incorrect view if selected 1 column layout
* Saved swatch values are not displayed in the swatch management grid
* Empty popup is displayed if hover on Swatch with image or color value in the filter -
2.1.4Released 08.09.2020
+ Compatibility with Magento 2.4
* Fixed issue when configurable products' attributes become unavailable after editing some filters -
2.1.3Released 07.07.2020
* Fixed issue when preselected attribute values are not selected at product page
* Default values aren't displayed on "Edit filter" page
* Incorrect value is displayed in the Category List Style dropdown
* Some filters are not displayed correctly when changing SEO-Friendly URL -
2.1.2Released 23.04.2020
* Fixed issue with slow load time when multiple LN filters are selected
* LN is not displayed if there is an attribute set to 'Filterable (No results)'
* 'Sort' option does not sort numeric values
* Filters don't work correctly with hash in URL
* LN 1.9.3 - Varnish gets disabled for product list when using AJAX
* Fixed issue with decimal filter when actual range from 0 to 1
* SQL error when swatch is added for visual swatch on "Edit Filter" page
* Blank page appears while trying to click the "Compare" button in admin -
2.1.1Released 05.11.2019
* Text swatch attribute values are removed after disabling corresponding LN filter
* Fixed issue when LN numeric filters are not compatible with all native product attributes from sample data
* Declarative schema implementation adjustments -
2.1.0Released 16.10.2019
+ Added slider option for a numeric attribute
* Fixed issue with "Manage filters" grid
* Fixed issue with "Slider Behaviour" option
* Search page is empty when "Use in Search" option enabled
* Fixed issue when Magento deletes LN filters after disabling-enabling of module
* Slider and Inputs don't work if "Use slider = No" in global module settings
* Unable to delete a selected decimal filter from a query
* Range radio-buttons don't work if "Use attribute value instead of ID" option is enabled -
2.0.0+ Module code refactoring
+ Images for Attribute values
+ Images for Attribute names
+ Added alt for the filter title image
+ Ability to edit native swatches within AW LN filter edit form
+ Option for the slider to switch from continuous to discrete mode
+ Hiding popover on outside click
1.9.3Released 12.03.2019
* Meta Description is missing on category pages
* Fixed issue with flat catalog category
* Layered Navigation shows out of stock products upon filtering
* Fixed issue with sorting by position
* Product images are updated only if size is selected
* Category filtering doesn't work correctly with the enabled 'SEO-friendly URL' option -
1.9.2Released 11.01.2019
+ Magento 2.3 compatibility -
1.9.1Released 10.08.2018
* Aheadworks Product Labels compatibility -
1.9.0Released 03.04.2018
+ Aheadworks Advanced Search 1.0 integration -
1.8.0Released 12.03.2018
+ Horizontal filters bar
* Fixed issue when AdBlock affects Layered Navigation blocking processor.js
* "Category" filter doesn't work on Storefront in some cases
* Design improvements -
1.7.1Released 13.02.2018
* Fixed issue with layout for categories
* Swatches are not displayed on search page -
1.7.0Released 29.12.2017
+ Additional categories displaying mode: "Single path" option.
+ Per-filter configuration pages
+ Per-filter option to choose where to display a filter
+ Per-filter "Default filter state" (expanded or collapsed) option
+ Attribute values sorting
+"Show X more" instead of scrollbars
+ An option to clear selected values in a filter in one click
+ "Hide filters with no available values" option
* Price range updating issue
* Price filter SQL optimization
* Incorrect quantity of products displayed
* Custom attributes of 'price' type doesn't comply the setting
*Back button of browser resets the page -
1.6.2Released 19.10.2017
* Identical operator issue
* Refactoring of unit tests to fit latest PHPUnit and magento 2.2.x
* Magento 2.2.0 compatibility adjustments -
1.6.1Released 17.08.2017
* "Clear All" action in the bar Firefox issue
* Error when trying to disable product
* Issue with autoscrolling to top after filtering
* Page parameter is not reset after filtering
* Search page with high number product speed improvements -
1.6.0Released 25.05.2017
+ Option "Hide filters with no available values"
* Price range is not updated
* Filters do not work if the attribute value starts with a number value -
1.5.0+ SEO Friendly
+ An option to see a list of all selected filters in one place
* Problem with Non-Anchored categories
* "Show X Items" pop-over isn't configured per store view
* Automatic scroll up on pagination
* Compatibility with SBB by AW: "Show X Items" pop-over shows incorrect items qty at brand page
* Incorrect SQL when Flat Product index is enabled
* LN is not respecting the core option for not showing products counts after the label
* Incorrect SQL when sorting by Product Name applied
* Incorrect display currency symbol for Swedish locale -
1.4.0Released 20.02.2017
* An ability to see product counts for each layered navigation filter
* Compatibility with AW Shop By Brand -
1.3.1Released 22.12.2016
* Sometimes products are filtered incorrectly when "Enable Ajax" option is enabled
* Categories without products are not displayed in LN
* Can not select multiple price ranges -
1.3.0Released 12.12.2016
+ Price Slider + From-To inputs
* Fix broken static tests
* Price filter is gone when price step option is configured for category -
1.2.1Released 14.10.2016
* Magento 2.1 composer.json compatibility -
1.2.0Released 05.10.2016
+ An option to disable "Show X Items" pop-over -
1.1.0Released 02.09.2016
+ Full AJAX support - no page reloads upon displaying search results
+ Code refactored: optimized code, shorter expressions, outdated approaches removed, full compliance with Magento 2 requirements, extension covered with unit tests, AJAX productivity increased over 5 times
+ Styles rewritten using LESS: navigation block and popover colors may now be adjusted
* Long calculation time
* "404 Not Found" error in console
* Fatal error on Magento 2.1.0 -
1.0.2Released 04.08.2016
* Error running DI compile
* Layered navigation is not shown at Storefront Magento EE -
1.0.1Released 01.03.2024
*Fixed error while saving changes in configuration settings -
1.0.1Released 11.04.2016
* https protocol issue -
1.0.0Initial release 01.03.2016
1.0.1 HyvaReleased 29.04.2024
+ Mobile-friendly design of the price slider
Product Questions
It is always possible to refer to our User Guide for additional information regarding features and configurations: