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2015 E-Commerce Trends: What to Expect

Editor’s note: The new academic year has just started and this is a signal for e-Commerce merchants to intensify their preparations for the upcoming holiday season and looming ahead 2015 business year. What should we expect from this year and what are the main tendencies to be ready for? We are providing the assessment of the current situation in the e-Commerce market by Natalia Kliashtoforska, a marketing manager at Cart2Cart.

Each year yields something new and useful in all spheres of our life. The e-Commerce market keenly feels those novelties and modern tendencies as it is directly connected to technologies, which go forward non-stop. Do you remember the previous year trends like localization, personalization, social media integration?

It has not been easy to cope with all the changes, but those merchants who are succeeding now, have surely been working hard to keep pace with the times and satisfy their customers’ needs. However, what are the major expected e-Commerce trends of 2015 and the ways they can affect online business?

E-Commerce Trends

Mobile Age
It is expected that mobile online sales will grow up to 25% of the total number making this tendency hard to be ignored. However, the figures are not the reason to argue, but the hand of help, which shows you the right direction. Therefore, as a number of smartphones and tablets is growing increasingly merchants need to focus on apps creation and implementation to make their stores responsive and convenient for mobile users.

First of all, you have to take care about positive experience via computer, as well as portable devices. So, if your business strategy is not optimized for the mobile age, then you’d better pull up the rear, for sure.

Social Commerce
Have you ever asked yourself the question - what your target audience is and where you can reach it? Nowadays the variety of social networks gives you a possibility to contact your potential customers in a straightforward way all over the world. Moreover, you may perform multiple researches for better understanding of their needs and requirements.

Facebook, Google+, Twitter and other popular resources have become the points, where vendors get a chance to encourage customers. Different notifications about discounts, special offers, and bestsellers can influence their decision to make purchases. So, create events, offer giveaways, run promos, post product videos, and get in touch with your fans easily.

And finally, it is not a secret that a large part of purchases are influenced by recommendations, comments, and information, which are placed in social media. Thus, as social networks become an integral part of marketing strategy, keep an eye out for this trend, which can affect your business significantly.

Big Data and Analytics
Catching customers’ attention is a very promising task, which can bring multiple benefits to thousands of online merchants. The year of 2014 presented an effective tool for it - big data and analytics. How does it work and what are the secrets of reaching success using these opportunities?

Develop the strategy, which is going to be beneficial for users, grab the possibility to get needed information, and collect the necessary data, which can be useful for your e-Commerce goals. Eventually, big data and analytics may become a business lifeline and way for understanding of the customers’ behavior and creating a successful business model.


Is Magento Ready to Put These Strategies into Action?

The mentioned above strategies are not always applicable, if your shopping cart limits possibilities and does not provide an appropriate functionality. But what e-Commerce solution is ready to satisfy web store owners’ demands to carry out easy management and profitable activity?

The most powerful and widely-used platform with 6-year experience, Magento gained a great popularity thanks to its killing set of features and functions. Offering various editions it gives vendors a chance to choose the demands they would like to satisfy. Its most popular Community Edition has never disappointed merchants, who have high hopes for this platform.

Default responsive web design, wide variety of third-party themes, broad availabilities of deep integration into social networks, and enhanced reporting facilities make Magento fully equipped to face today’s market challenges.

Move to Magento: Find the Answer to All Questions

Those merchants who have some discontents regarding their current e-Commerce platforms and wish to move to Magento, which can surely help them to build a successful store, have three possible options for that.

Manual Transfer
You can feel free to perform all databases switching independently, but not everyone has the nerves of steel and bags of time. So, it is a risky and time-consuming procedure even for patient and tech-skilled persons.

Hire a Programmer
Time and competence problems can be solved in the case, if you find someone who will perform the switch for you. However, be ready that it is going to be a pricy pleasure.

Automated Migration
Many merchants prefer a fast and easy process of automated data transfer provided by Cart2Cart service. You don’t need to have any programming skills and can avoid software installation. The service provides the opportunity to test it through the free demo migration, which takes only 10-30 minutes.

Thus, new tendencies make web store owners think about changes, which are vital for being competitive with rivals and, simultaneously, attractive to customers. Optimizing your current e-Commerce solution or moving to another one, which will satisfy your demands completely, is the only way to survive.



Natalia Kliashtoforska is a marketing manager at Cart2Cart, the automated shopping cart migration service, which appears to be an exclusive solution for online businessmen, who are willing to change their platforms with no difficulties and stress.


If you have any questions for Natalia, please share them in comments below.