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3 New Extensions to Import/Export Orders and Improve Your Checkout

Striving to offer only an excellent service for our customers we constantly extend the product line in our store.

Staying strictly within this strategy we'd like to offer you three new extensions in our catalog:


    • Stripe Payment - provides integration with the Stripe payment gateway;


The Import/Export Orders Magento extension

Import/Export Orders

The Import/Export Orders extension from our partners facilitates import/export order data operations and makes those procedures safe and comfortable. Not only are orders exported, but also customer related information regarding both registered and guest customers.

Orders are the critical data of your Magento store, which have to comply with the principles of consistency and accuracy applicable to the fundamental information.

But, sometimes we need to transfer these data outside for, e.g.:

    • Third-party software data updates;


    • Magento to Magento migrations;


    • Magento store updates, including merging, branding, etc.

During this, possible data losses may harm the shopping process and create mistakes crucial for any business.

Having the Import/Export Orders extension at hand you can be confident regarding data integrity and save a lot of efforts each time you transfer your order-related data to other program applications or new Magento installations.

Import Orders


Import  Functionality


    • Import/export orders instantly after the extension installation (no additional configuration is required);


    • Import/export orders containing any type of products (simple, simple with custom options, configurable, grouped, bundled, downloadable, or virtual);


    • Import/export orders of any payment method, including disabled ones;


    • Export all or selected orders only;


    • Export orders in the XLS format for quick previews;


    • Eliminate any order ID conflicts assigning new IDs to orders during the import procedure or keep them old;


    • Generate order invoices and shipments at the end of the import process (optional)


    • Import/export orders from any store view.

IMPORTANT The Import/Export Orders extension does not export invoices or shipments. It just regenerates them.


Import/Export Data

Import/Export Data

This extension is useful for both Magento store owners and third party software developers since it allows them swift and seamless order data transfers.

The Stripe Payment Magento extensionStripe Payment

Additional payment methods in you store are able to extend your international customer audience greatly, since people in different countries prefer different ways to make purchases. 

For example, using the Stripe payment option in your online store you add up to 14 countries to your potential customer audience and open new possibilities for your business.

In addition to new customers, high-quality integrations with reliable payment gateways provide the new level of customer service for your store with the swift and straightforward payment processing.

The Stripe Payment extension from our partners provides you with the opportunity to integrate your Magento online store with the Stripe payment gateway painlessly and beneficially. It also allows you to run preliminary tests before the live implementation and specify conditions enabling Stripe for customers from certain countries and with definite order values.

 Start Accepting Stripe Payments

Before setting up and using this extension Stripe Payment requires you to provide API credentials to connect the module with your Stripe account. After that you can proceed to the configuration:

    • Enable the Stripe payment method;


    • Specify its title visible at the checkout;


    • Allow customers from all or only certain countries to use Stripe;


    • Define minimum and maximum order values to be processed with Stripe;


    • Specify credit card types allowed to be processed: American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and others.


    • Use test or live operating modes of the extension.

Stripe Payment Configuration


Stripe Payment Configuration

This extension also allows Magento merchants to create orders with Stripe payments from the backend, which is especially valuable for orders placed by phone.

The UPS/USPS Address Validation Magento extensionUPS/USPS Address Validation

One more useful extension provided by our partners is the UPS/USPS Address Validation extension. It automatically validates shipping addresses provided by customers and suggests them correct alternatives in the case of typos or other mistakes.

This small still useful Magento extension is able to save you from multiple negative shortcomings caused by mistakes and typos in shipping addresses provided by customers.

Wrong address deliveries initiated by wrong shipping addresses are very harmful for your business as they increase operational costs due to repeated deliveries, and most importantly, steal your clients, as most of customers hate to have their purchases late.

Note: 59% respondents said that they would not repeatedly shop from the retailer, if he failed to deliver on time. Source: Christmas 2012 Online Shopping Survey by Econsultancy.

Main Functionality

The UPS/USPS Address Validation extension automatically validates shipping addresses provided by customers through the UPS and USPS address databases and suggests correct alternatives in cases of misspellings or typos.

Address Validation Pop-Up


Address Validation Pop-Up

Features for Customers

Automatic Address Validation
Each time customers provide shipping addresses during the checkout the UPS/USP Address Validation extension automatically verifies them with the address options contained in UPS and USPS address databases.

Correct Address Suggestions
If an address provided by customers differs from the addresses contained in the bases, the module suggests alternative variants in neat popups. Customers are able to choose the proposed address and continue to checkout.

Unverified Address Use
Magento merchants are able to set one of two possible scenarios for customers. They can insist that customers use only suggested addresses or allow them to make choice independently.

If the “Allow invalid address checkout” functionality is enabled customers are able to use either offered options or leave their own shipping addresses. This feature is needed, when you suppose that UPS or USPS address databases may not contain several new or unusual addresses.


The extension configuration is simple and takes only several minutes to be done properly:

    • Enable the extension and verification method (UPS or USPS);


    • Allow/disallow customers to use unverified addresses;


    • Provide API connection credentials for UPS or USPS account.

IMPORTANT You can only use one address base (UPS or USPS) at a time.



If you need one or several mentioned above extensions in your store, refer to the list below, please:


    • Stripe Payments - product page, documentation, frontend demo, backend demo;


    • UPS/USPS Address Validation - product page, documentation, frontend demo, backend demo.

If you have something to add to this post, share your comments below or contact our support, please.