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aheadMetrics 2.0 Works Five Times Faster! Get Reports Tailored Specifically to eCommerce Businesses for Free

Big news for aheadMetrics users! Just recently we upgraded our free analytics service to 2.0 version, and now it works 5 times faster! Enter your aheadMetrics account and check it out yourself!

Several months ago we have launched aheadMetrics service allowing merchants to access all-round analytics of their eCommerce stores real-time with sales, customers and products data measurable in any dimensions.

Now it’s a high time to pause for a while and analyze how aheadMetrics startup managed to survive and gain momentum as a powerful easy-to-embrace analytics tracking solution for eCommerce businesses.

We arranged a talk with Artyom Rabzonov, aheadMetrics founder, in which he explained why aheadMetrics is one of its kind analytics service at the moment and why merchants won’t be able to function properly without keeping the most important eCommerce info in one handy place.

aheadMetrics Setup

Artyom: To avoid confusion and misunderstanding, I want to clarify once and for all what aheadMetrics is and how it differs from other analytics services. It has nothing to do with traffic analysis. aheadMetrics gathers statistics inside the store right after a user becomes a paying customer or is very close to it.

As you see, the service is tailored to measure very specific parameters (sales, customers and orders) in contrast to other instruments aimed to track all metrics together – incoming traffic, conversions, abandoned carts, website crashes, etc.

aheadMetrics demo admin

What if we compare aheadMetrics with Google Analytics used by many businessmen and marketers?

Artyom: aheadMetrics does not compete with Google Analytics; in fact, they are totally incomparable as long as they serve different purposes.

Google Analytics is not that good when it comes to eCommerce reports. It tracks conversions, but it takes time and effort to configure the code appropriately and after all there is no guarantee that reports will be 100% reliable (Google has problems with refunding, shipping, order statuses and other sorts of tracking).

All above mentioned info is presented in aheadMetrics, and I emphasize it again – our service is intended to measure changes within the store only and doesn’t display tons of excessive statistics that often poorly illustrate all data related to sales.

A lot of merchants ask you whether aheadMetrics will be paid. What’s the answer?

Artyom: Yes, we’re planning to release a paid version of aheadMetrics, but it shouldn’t scare customers away. Apart from premium features, we’ll continue supporting a free version with a wide range of sales metrics.

You regularly add new functionality to aheadMetrics upon user request. What was the most demanded feature so far?

Artyom: A lot of clients asked us to integrate aheadMetrics into Magento dashboard. And recently we did it! You need to be a user of aheadMetrics and update the Connector to review your aheadMetrics reports on Magento dashboard. See how it looks on the screenshot below.

aheadMetrics on Magento dashboard

Other feature in plans is the Report Constructor that will allow merchants to customize aheadMetrics reports on their own.

How often is aheadMetrics data updated?

Artyom: Data is updated real-time meaning there is no 24-hour lag when a client needs to wait for the actual statistics. If customers want to re-arrange data or send it to their associates, they can save and export their reports in CSV files.

Thanks, Artyom, for talking through aheadMetrics traits! We’ll stay in touch with you and post updates, announcements and hot facts about aheadMetrics as soon as they appear on the horizon.

Meanwhile, I encourage all blog readers who run their stores online to create aheadMetrics account in 3 easy steps and start analyzing sales data right away.

Need help? Contact our support department at [email protected].

Want to submit the feature request? Click here!

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