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aheadWorks Releases Layered Navigation Extension. Faster Search, Easier Navigation and AJAX Support

Today, when the current eCommerce competitive environment is so unfriendly and spontaneous we exert every effort attracting customers to our online store and retaining them there. And sometimes they just can’t find the item they need among the huge number of goods. Now this disappointing obstacle is fully removed by Magento Layered Navigation extension from aheadWorks.

This extension meets all advanced standards of Web 2.0 solutions for Magento platform. AJAX-based, it contains powerful features which greatly enhance native Magento layered navigation functionality.

Key Features

Easy installation and configuration (all data will be imported from Magento)

Attributes set available for filtering are added from native Magento Layered navigation during the installation and you do not need to define them again.

AJAX-based features

AJAX-based navigation
AJAX technology allows the extension to filter products fast and without page reloads. Moreover, you can use “go back” or “go forward” buttons in your browser, but, once settled, filtering configuration will be saved for your convenience.

AJAX-based pagination and sorting
Pagination and results sorting are done seamlessly, without any reloads, and do not distract customers from searching the products they need.

Layered navigation UI management

Ability to specify position per filter
This feature allows store owners defining position of each filter in Shop By column. Now you can put the most important attributes on top and define overall filters sequence.


Ability to specify thumbnails for each filter option
Visual perception is the most appropriate way to get new information for most people. This feature allows you to upload attractive thumbnails for the corresponding filter options and make layered navigation process more intuitive and easy. This feature makes store’s interface more user friendly and appealing.


Ability to change option labels and filter titles
With this feature Magento store owners and admins obtain full control over filters and options titles.


Multiple user interface elements for filter options
Displaying options is available using multiple graphical user interface elements including Check boxes, Radio buttons, Range Sliders and “From – To” fields.


On the picture you can see the difference between native Magento column (left) and a column customized by Layered Navigation extension (right). The right one looks much more user-friendly and the most important is that you can make it unique and recognizable. Customers will always identify your store by this element of the interface.

Functional enhancement features 

Range slider for price and other numeric filters
Using range sliders customers are able to determine custom rangers for all numeric attributes and thus create unique filtering configuration which would be suitable to their personal needs.

HTML5-based URL change
Unique attributes and options sets which are defined by customers during their navigation are reflected in unique page URLs and can be bookmarked for further use.

Ability to select multiple values for the same attribute
Customers can choose any combination of attributes they see on their screens for filtering, including multiple values for one attribute. Thus, they only need to imagine the result they want and do not need to think how to achieve it.

Multistore support

These are the principal features of Layered Navigation extension ver. 1.0 by aheadWorks. Almost all mentioned features are customizable and you can easily activate/deactivate them and configure. See the guide below.

Short User Guide

General configuration of the extension allows enabling/disabling AJAX, to set up overlay color and opacity, upload overlay image and determine its width and height. The function of filters synchronization is necessary for showing newly added filters on the frontend.

Filter editing allows enabling or disabling any filter, setting up its title and position, display type, image position and limit row count.

You can also specify filter title and description, and upload an image for the corresponding filter option.

All these customizable parameters provide you with advanced opportunities in your searches of the best configuration for your layered navigation.

Integration and compatibility information

Layered Navigation extension is integrated with:



It is also compatible with Magento Community Edition ver. – and Magento Enterprise Edition –

The main purpose of our extension is to simplify products search for customers and give them more satisfaction from shopping.

We welcome your reviews regarding Layered Navigation extension in our blog. Together we can make it better.

Additional Information
Currently Aheadworks also offers a product filtering extension compatible with Magento 2 stores. The Magento 2 Layered Navigation extension is focused on great user experience and allows customers to get their results as soon as possible. All beneficial features, including attributes multiselect, new filters, items counter, irrelevant attribute exceptions, etc. are aimed at the easiest and most convenient UX. This way, using Layered Navigation for Magento 2 you are able to guide customers to the products they need directly.