Magento Live Germany 2013. aheadWorks Gratitude for the Fantastic Event
Categorized as : Ecommerce

Magento Live Germany 2013 is over and we want to say “Thank you” for that great event to all participants, speakers and organizers. We really enjoyed the visit.
We highly appreciate and are pleased to see that Magento team is increasingly interested in European Market and finds it valuable and perspective.
Magento Live Germany 2013 was very revealing in this sense as we greeted a really large Magneto team headed by famous Roy Rubin, Co-founder & COO.
I won’t be wrong, if I say that all the participants were excited to get first-hand inside information about Magento future plans and goals. Roy Rubin’s report caused a flurry of tweets as everybody understood that these several slides would determine the ways of Magento ecosystem development in the next two or three years.
Let us revise the main keynotes from Roy:
- Mobile shopping increases and changes the pattern of e-commerce;
- Magento is: 200 000+ merchants, 2 500+ enterprise merchants, $26+ Billion MECV in 2013, 5+ million downloads, $1+ Billion service ecosystem capacity, 2 000+ Partners, 6 000+ 3-rd party extensions, 2 000+ certified developers;
- Magento share of Alexa 1 million sites is 26%;
- 50 billion - expected transaction volume on Magento in 2016.
These figures allow evaluating current position of Magento in global e-commerce market and its claims of success in the future.
Magento highlighted some other presentations in their blog. Here are some of them:
- Jimmy Duvall, Magento Enterprise Edition 1.13 & Community Edition 1.8. Magento 2;
- Matthias Setzer, eBay inc. Your Partner for Commerce;
- Danny Essner, The Click Side of SEO;
- Noam Inbar, People-Focused Checkout for Higher Sales;
- Thomas Husson, Making the Most of the Digital & Mobile Disruptions.
We want to particularly draw your attention to these presentations as you will certainly find there something valuable to examine and possibly implement in your daily work.
And of course, we were delighted to meet our old friends at Magento Live Germany 2013: Turnkey, Atwix, Netresearch, Snowdog, Rackspace, PayPal, eBay and many others. Thank you all for the memorable moments of the meeting.
Magento Live Germany 2013 comprised over 300 attendees, 30 speakers, 20 sponsors, 300+ event-related tweets and more. It was no doubt a great event and a vivid impression for all related people.